* 2 CA/CAV or 2 CVL or 3 carriers guarantees node C
* 2 CA/CAV or 2 CVL or 3 carriers guarantees node C
* 2 CVL guarantees node E
* 2 CVL guarantees node E
|tips = * Consider sparkling to increase evasion and accuracy. If you are low on resources, DO sparkling.
* Suggested Effective LOS is 110 although there appears to be an aspect of randomness. (Unclear whether more LOS will help)
|tips = * Compositions should include 2 CA/V or 2 CVL or 3CV/L for branching through the Node C (submarine nodes do not consume ammo so you will not face damage penalty at boss).
* Node H only has one round of shelling if you do not bring a battleship, but other nodes may be more difficult without one.
* 2CVL will always go the northern route towards AC Princess and the other previously mentioned will be 50/50 towards night battle node instead.
*If you have strong BB, you should use double line instead of line ahead on nodes A and H. You'll kill almost the same and your main worry is to dodge anyway. When you have weaker ships, maybe you want to kill the mobs with line ahead, since they will do more total% damage to you, but your main worry will be to dodge the flagships, so consider double line too. Still, you'll be send back home more often than you want.
* Consider sparkling to increase evasion and accuracy. If you are low on resources, DO sparkling.
* Node H only has one round of shelling if you do not bring a battleship, but it can lack firepower at boss node. Using Boss support expedition can help in this situation.
*If you have strong BB, double line is the recommended formation for node A. Line ahead is generally better if you are using 2 CLT (highest torpedo hit rate and damage).
* North route example compositions:
* North route example compositions: