
Big update to all the things.
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Date for the Spring 2015 Event is set for April 28th, 2015. The Event will be based upon the Operation 11.
The Spring 2015 Event ''Announcement! Operation 11'' [発令!第十一号作戦] is (tentatively) set to start on April 28th, 2015. The event will be based upon the planned Operation 11.
===Source info===
Original translations sourced to [ Himeuta Forums]
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|JP = 来月四月下旬以降に、「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域を開催予定です。同春イベ海域では、新海外艦を含む複数の「新艦娘」が実装される予定です。ぜひお楽しみに!
|EN = In late April, the 「KanColle」 Spring 2015 event will be held. In the spring event, a new foreign and several new kanmusu will be added. Stay tuned!
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|JP = 今月四月下旬以降に、「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域を開催すべく、現在準備を進めています。同春イベ期間限定海域では、「イタリア生まれの艦娘」を含む複数の新艦娘を実装する予定です。お楽しみに!
|EN = In late April, the 「KanColle」 Spring 2015 event will be held. Several new kanmusu including a 「Kanmusu that was born in Italy」 will be added. Stay tuned!
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|JP = 次回の「艦これ」全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、来週【4/10(金曜日)】実施予定です。また、今月下旬から、春イベント2015:期間限定海域を展開予定です。同春イベでは、地中海での活躍を目指した主力艦級のイタリア艦娘も登場予定です。お楽しみに!
|EN = In the Spring event, An Italian main force battleship that served in the Mediterranean Sea will be added.
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|JP = 次回の「艦これ」全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、【4/10(金曜日)】に実施予定です。また、今月下旬開始に向けて春イベント2015:期間限定海域を現在準備中です!春イベでは、歴戦の提督方は高難易度作戦(甲作戦/乙作戦)も冬イベ同様に選択可能となる予定です。
|EN = The next patch will be on the 10th of April. At the end of April, the spring event will start, and experienced admirals can select its difficulty just like the winter event.
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|JP = 今月下旬から開始予定の「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域では、地中海での活躍を目指した強力なイタリア艦娘を始め、複数の【新艦娘】が登場予定です。お楽しみに!
|EN = In the spring event, multiple new ships, including a strong Italian ship that was successful in the Mediterranean sea, will be added.
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|JP = 今月下旬から開始予定の「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域では、地中海での活躍を目指したイタリア艦娘を始め、複数の【新艦娘】が登場予定です。来たるべき春イベに高難易度作戦での作戦参加を検討中の提督の皆さんは、戦備の充実と練度向上に努めて頂けますと幸いです。
|EN = Late this month, the 「KanColle」 Spring 2015 event will start! Multiple new ships, including a strong Italian ship that was successful in the Mediterranean sea, will be added. Admirals that plan to take on the hard difficulty, please stock up resources and train up your units beforehand.
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|JP = 70数年前の今日、インド洋作戦を展開中の南雲機動部隊が英東洋艦隊と交戦、空母ハーミーズなどを撃破しました。今月下旬より展開予定の「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域では、イタリア艦娘も登場する予定です。お楽しみに!
|EN = Around 70 years ago on this date, the carrier Nagumo had a conflict with Eastern British forces in the Indian Ocean, and the Carrier ''Hermes'' was defeated there. Late this month, the Spring 2015 event will start and an Italian ship will be added, stay tuned!
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|JP = 「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域は、四月最終週に実装/展開予定です。同作戦期間は、約20日間前後の予定です。大型主力艦級のイタリア艦娘を始め、複数の多彩な新艦娘が登場予定です。現在実装準備中の「艦これ」春イベも、どうぞお楽しみに!
|EN = 「KanColle」 Spring 2015 event: a limited area is planned to start on the last week of Apr. The event will last for around 20 days. A number of colorful new kanmusu including the main force Italian Ship will be added. Please look forward to the event!
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|JP = 春の季節には、ソロモンで圧倒的な活躍な魅せた重巡の改二改装の実装を予定しています。また、ある駆逐艦の改二改装、さらに次の春イベントでは戦艦級の海外艦の新艦娘なども予定しています。お楽しみに!
|JP = 今月四月最終週より、「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域【発令!第十一号作戦】を展開予定です。同作戦期間は、約20日間前後の予定です。本作戦を成功させることで、大型主力艦級のイタリア艦娘などの新艦娘と邂逅可能です。現在準備中の「艦これ」春イベも、どうぞお楽しみに!
|EN = On spring, we're planning to implement a second remodel for a heavy cruiser who showed an overwhelming success in the Solomons. Additionally, there will be another Destroyer to get a second remodel. Furthermore, in the next Spring Event, it is planned to implement a new foreign battleship. Have fun!
|EN = The last week of April will be start of the event 【Announcement! Operation 11】. The event will last for 20 days. Clearing the event will award an Italian main force battleship and allow you to find other new ships. Please look forward to the event!
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|JP = 今月四月最終週より、「艦これ」春イベント2015:期間限定海域【発令!第十一号作戦】を展開予定です。作戦期間は約20日間前後、同作戦を成功させることでイタリア艦娘などの新艦娘と邂逅可能となります。作戦攻略には、航空母艦を基幹戦力とした空母機動部隊の充実も大切です!
|EN = The last week of April will be start of the event 【Announcement! Operation 11】. The event will last for 20 days. Clearing the event will award an Italian main force battleship and allow you to find other new ships.
As for strategy, preparing a fleet carrier- and escort-centric fleet is very important!
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|JP = 「艦これ」春イベント:期間限定海域【発令!第十一号作戦】は、全ての準備が整えば、来週【4/28(火曜日)】より実装/開催予定です。※諸事情により開催日が変更される場合もあります。ご了承頂けますと幸いです。
|EN = The Spring Event 【Announcement! Operation 11】 will be starting on 28th Apr. ※This is a tentative date, you will be notified when changes were made, please stay tuned.
==Patch Notes==
==Patch Notes==
#'''[[Ship Class|New Ships]]'''
#'''[[Ship Class|New Ships]]'''
#* '''Don't miss it!'''
#* An Italian BB from the "main force" will be one of the drops from completing the event.
#* There will be several other new ships also dropped.
#'''[[Enemy Vessel|New Enemy Vessels]]'''
#'''[[Enemy Vessel|New Enemy Vessels]]'''
#* '''Don't miss it!'''  
#* '''Don't miss it!'''  
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===Special Mechanics===
===Special Mechanics===
# The difficulty system from the [[Winter 2014 Event]] will be present.
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==See Also==
==See Also==
* [ WWIIDB article on the Battle Of Midway,]] Discussing the idea of south Pacific advances into the Indian Ocean.
*Black, Jeremy (2009). [ "Midway and the Indian Ocean"]. Naval War College Review 62 (4), discussing how the idea of a Japanese advance into the Indian Ocean would affect overall pressure upon Great Britain (Along with other potential Axis and Allied movements).
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===Player Live Streams===
===Player Live Streams===
* [[User:Totaku|Totaku]]'s [ Livestream]
* [[User:Remi_Scarlet|Remi]]'s [ Twitch]; will only be broadcasting the latter half of the event due to finals (and likely snuggling with Amatsukaze and Taihou).
