| EN4=Want to race? i will not lose.
| EN4=Want to race? i will not lose.
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=んぁ?・・・ん、今、連装砲ちゃんとお話したの。ふぅ・・・だって退屈なんだもん!
| EN4a=
| EN4a=
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| EN9=So slow!
| EN9=So slow!
| Note9=
| Note9=
| 補給時=もっともっと速くなってもいいの?
| 補給時=補給遅い!!
| EN24=Is it all right for me to get even faster?
| EN24=The resupply is slow !!
| Note24=
| Note24=
| ドック入り=タービン周りも整備したーい!
| ドック入り=タービン周りも整備したーい!
| EN16=Shimakaze, engaging in shelling.
| EN16=Shimakaze, engaging in shelling.
There's nobody that can keep up with me, you know!
Go get 'em ~ quint sanso gyorai !
| Note16=
| Note16=
| 夜戦開始時=だからー島風からは逃げられないって
| 夜戦開始時=だからー島風からは逃げられないって
| Note22=
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=速いだけじゃ…だめなのね…
| 撃沈時(反転)=速いだけじゃ…だめなのね…
| EN23=I guess the fast isn't all....
| EN23=I guess fast isn't all....
| Note23=Shimakaze's speed (40+ knots) prove not enough against 350+ knots attack aircraft|Married = えっ?提督、走り疲れたの?おっそーい!…でも、頑張ったね!
| Note23=Shimakaze's speed (40+ knots) prove not enough against 350+ knots attack aircraft|Married = えっ?提督、走り疲れたの?おっそーい!…でも、頑張ったね!
|EN25 = Eh? Admiral, you're tired from running? How slo~w!... But, do your best!
|EN25 = Eh? Admiral, you're tired from running? How slo~w!... But, do your best!
|Wedding = 提督、私の走り見てくれた?ね、早いでしょ?早いでしょ?フフフン
|Wedding = 提督、私の走り見てくれた?ね、早いでしょ?早いでしょ?フフフン
|EN26 = Admiral, wanna look at my running? Heh, it's fast, yeah? Yeah? *smug*}}
|EN26 = Admiral, wanna look at my running? Heh, it's fast, yeah? Yeah? *smug*}}