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|司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!!
|司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!!
|Commander, it's summer! Would you like a chilled ramune from the PX? Just give me the order!!
|Commander, it's summer! Would you like a chilled ramune from the canteen? Just give me the order!!
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|司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!?
|司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!?
|Commander, the lively summer is here! Have some shaved ice from the 8th Destroyer Squadron, it'll pump you up! Cheers~!
|Commander, the lively summer is here! Have some shaved ice from the 8th Destroyer Squadron, it'll pump you up! Cheers~!
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|Summer is all here now huh. It's hot... Shimakaze, you're always so cooling... it's good.
|Jeez, it’s really summer now. So hot…Shimakaze, you always look like you’re so cool…must be nice.
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|萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ?
|萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ?
|What's up Hagi? Eh, to the beach in swimsuits? Sure, for me that is... is the commander, coming too?
|Hagi..What is it, what is it? Eh, to the beach in swimsuits? Sounds good, count me in…commander, wanna come too?
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|{{Audio|file=Samidare Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Samidare Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Summer's here, summer!  Why don't we go down to the sea?  Ah, I guess we do do that every day.''
|''Summer's here, summer!  Why don't we go down to the sea?  Ah, I guess we do do that every day.''
|''2015 Summer Line''
|''2015 Summer Line''
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|Admiral, it's summer. The sunshine is really strong. Ah, I'm fine. At least once I've applied sunscreen. Tehehe♪
|Admiral, it's summer. The sun is really shining hard down on us. Ah, I'm fine. At least once I've applied sunscreen. Tehehe♪
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|夏だー、やったー! 照月、スイカ割りしたい! スイカ割り! 目隠ししてー、ていっ! お、この手応え…って、え? 提督?!
|夏だー、やったー! 照月、スイカ割りしたい! スイカ割り! 目隠ししてー、ていっ! お、この手応え…って、え? 提督?!
|It's summer~ yahoo~! I want to split watermelons! Watermelon splitting! Put on the blindfold~, hup~! Oh, this feedback... Eh? Admiral?!
|It’s summer, all right! Teruzuki wants to go split some watermelons! Watermelon Splitting! Blindfold set, here I go! Oh, that voice…that Admiral?!
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|I don't, dislike this season. Some sections of the ship not having enough supplies, and problems with the armour. It worries me.  
|This season, I can’t say that I dislike it. Some of the ships seem like they have an armor deficiency issue though. I’m worried about them.
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|{{Audio|file=Kumano Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kumano Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{lang|jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}}
|{{lang|jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}}
|''It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort?''
|''It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort?''
|Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.<br>''2015 Summer Line''
|Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.<br>''2015 Summer Line''
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|So this is this country's summer... Um, I'm curious about the martial art known as 'Watermelon Splitting'. I'd like to try it one day.
|Summer in this country, huh… Um, I'm curious about the martial art known as 'Watermelon Splitting'. I'd like to try it one day.
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|海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?!
|海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?!
|Hello from under the sea! It's summer-dechi!! When will our summer vacation start? Admiral! ...Why is he missing?!
|Greetings from under the sea It's summer-dechi!!  Is it time for Goya and her pals’ Summer Break dechi?  Admiral!  Where did he go?!
|Greetings from under the seaIt’s summer dechi!! Is it time for Goya and her pals’ Summer Break dechi?  Admiral!  Where did he go?!
|夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|It's summer. Hot hot! Looks like I definitely won't be swimming in August. Ah, I already swim everyday. You want to swim in summer Admiral?
|It’s summer now.  Acht, Act! It’s already the 8th month and still we haven’t gone for a swim.  Oh right, Hacchan gets to go swimming every day.  Admiral would you like to go swimming too this summer?
|t’s summer now.  Acht, Act! It’s already the 8th month and still we haven’t gone for a swim.  Oh right, Hacchan gets to go swimming every day.  Admiral would you like to go swimming too this summer?
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|猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。
|猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。
|A really hot day has started. Admiral, how are you holding up? Is that so. You're certainly... lively.
|A really hot day has started. Admiral, how are you holding up? Is that so. You sure are energetic…aren’t you?
|This heat wave keeps going on.  Admiral, would it be alright to take a vacation?  I see.  You sure are energetic…aren’t you?
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