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|司令官、皆とスイカ割り楽しいね! え、ボクに挑戦するの? ふふ、可愛いね♪
|Commander, splitting watermelons with everyone is so fun! Eh, you want to challenge me? Fufu, that's cute♪
|ふぇー、スイカ割りー? するするー、したーい♪ 私、得意なのー。いーい? えいっ♪ わぁっ!?
|Fue~, watermelon splitting? Let's get to it~♪ It's my speciality. Hrm~? Eii~♪ Waah!?
|よし! かなり元気が出てきたぞ。ああ、夏真っ盛りは得意だ、任せておいてくれ。
|Right! I feel great right now. Ah, I love summer in full swing, leave everything to me.
|Fuu, feels like I'll be able to get through summer this year too. Commander, I'm grateful. Yes!
|Uuugh~ it's so hot. I can't, I really can't. No ramune, no ice lollies... I can't!
|Ah, watermelons huh. That sounds good. I won't lose to anyone... in watermelon splitting swordsmanship.
|もー、砂浜のお城作りは遊びじゃないわ! 立派な諸島防衛の築城演習なのよ。
|Humph~, building sandcastles on the beach isn't fun and games! It's fortification practice for the coastal defense of islands.
|Ikazuchi-chan, don't mess with Akatsuki-chan and her sandcastles. Ah, no fighting-nanodesu~!
|暁、そんな壁じゃ波にすぐやられちゃうわよ? そんなんじゃダメよ! あ、ほら。
|Akatsuki, those walls will be brought down by the waves in no time you know? That won't work at all! Ah, hey.
|Akatsuki, the breakwater isn't high enough. Ah... just remake it. I'll help.
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|司令官、夏です! 冷えたラムネでも酒保から持ってまいりましょうか? いつでもお命じ下さい!!
|Commander, it's summer! Would you like a chilled ramune from the canteen? Just give me the order!!
|司令官、アゲアゲの夏がやってまいりました! 第8駆逐隊もかき氷食べて、アゲアゲです! ガッツーンっ!?
|Commander, the lively summer is here! Have some shaved ice from the 8th Destroyer Squadron, it'll pump you up! Cheers~!
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|Jeez, it’s really summer now.  So hot…Shimakaze, you always look like you’re so cool…must be nice.
|萩、なになに? え、水着で、浜辺へ? いいよ、俺はそういうのは…司令も、行くんだ?
|Hagi..What is it, what is it? Eh, to the beach in swimsuits? Sounds good, count me in…commander, wanna come too?
|嵐、浜辺に行かない、司令と。夏だし、水着でどう…かな? ぇえ、興味なし~!?
|Arashi, doesn't want to go to the beach with Commander. It's summer so... what do you think about swimsuits? Eh, you're not interested!?
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|{{Audio|file=Samidare Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Samidare Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Summer's here, summer!  Why don't we go down to the sea?  Ah, I guess we do do that every day.''
|''Summer's here, summer!  Why don't we go down to the sea?  Ah, I guess we do do that every day.''
|''2015 Summer Line''
|''2015 Summer Line''
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|''Summer really is hot, after all.  Admiral, are you good with the heat?  I see, you're really something.  I'll follow your example!''
|''Summer really is hot, after all.  Admiral, are you good with the heat?  I see, you're really something.  I'll follow your example!''
|rowspan="3"|''2015 Summer Line''
|{{Audio|file=Shigure Mid Summer2015 (2).ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shigure Mid Summer2015 (2).ogg}}
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|''Yeah, I'm a little embarassed too..''
|''Yeah, I'm a little embarassed too..''
|''2015 Summer Line''
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|{{lang|ja|ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!<br/>気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい <br/>これはこれで動き易いっぽい。ぽーい♪}}
|{{lang|ja|ちょっと暑すぎっぽい~。艤装も服も脱いで、ひと泳ぎするしかないっぽい!<br/>気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい <br/>これはこれで動き易いっぽい。ぽーい♪}}
|''It's a bit too hot-poi~  At times like this, you've gotta ditch equipment and uniform and go swimming-poi! <br/>I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi! <br/>This makes it easier to move-poi!''
|''It's a bit too hot-poi~  At times like this, you've gotta ditch equipment and uniform and go swimming-poi! <br/>I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi! <br/>This makes it easier to move-poi!''
|''2015 Summer Line''
|rowspan="3"|''2015 Summer Line''
|{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Mid Summer2015 (2).ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Mid Summer2015 (2).ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい }}
|{{lang|ja|気のせいか装甲が薄いっぽーい。ぽーい }}
|''I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi!''
|''I don't know but I feel like my armor is thin-poi!''
|''2015 Summer Line''
|{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Mid Summer2015 (3).ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Yuudachi Mid Summer2015 (3).ogg}}
|''This makes it easier to move-poi!''
|''This makes it easier to move-poi!''
|''2015 Summer Line''
|夏本番だー! くぅ~、あっついねー!! いやいや、これは水着じゃないとやってらんないでしょ? お、提督も脱いでいいよ。
|Summer is here~! Hngh~ it's hot~!! Tsk tsk, it would be a waste to not wear a swimsuit now ya know? Oh, you strip too Admiral.
|Admiral, it's summer. The sun is really shining hard down on us. Ah, I'm fine. At least once I've applied sunscreen. Tehehe♪
|夏だー、やったー! 照月、スイカ割りしたい! スイカ割り! 目隠ししてー、ていっ! お、この手応え…って、え? 提督?!
|It’s summer, all right!  Teruzuki wants to go split some watermelons!  Watermelon Splitting!  Blindfold set, here I go!  Oh, that voice…that  Admiral?!
|This season, I can’t say that I dislike it.  Some of the ships seem like they have an armor deficiency issue though.  I’m worried about them.
|Nooo~ Akigumo-san. Please stop, hrumph... please stop staring. I'm begging you ok?
|秋雲ー、なんでビーチにそんなもの持ち込んでるの? も~、こんなところでラフ起こすのやめてよ~! も~…あ、夕雲姉さんはだめ!
|Akigumo, why did you bring something like that to the beach? Really, don't draw your sketches here~! Really... ah, don't draw Yuugumo nee-san!
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|''Ugh, it's hot during the summer... Admiral! Since it's summer, I kind of want to go with summer like equipment.
|''Ugh, it's hot during the summer... Admiral! Since it's summer, I kind of want to go with summer like equipment.
|''2015 Summer Line''
|''2015 Summer Line''
===Training Cruiser===
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
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|Ooh~! The height of summer! All the ship girls are out in swimsuits~! It's great~ it's brilliant! Eh, Gasa? What? Ah, me too? No, I'm fineee~
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|愛宕、何その格好?! 夏だからってちゃんとしないと。ほら、提督だってちゃんと司令官らしく…らしく……あー、あの、提督?
|愛宕、何その格好?! 夏だからってちゃんとしないと。ほら、提督だってちゃんと司令官らしく…らしく……あー、あの、提督?
|Atago, what's with those clothes?! Even though it's summer you still have to be proper. See, even the Admiral is being properly commanding... properly... Ah, umm... Admiral?
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|やっぱり夏は暑いわね~。これだけ暑いと、執務中は薄着でも良いわよね? う、うぁ~ん! 楽ぅ~♪
|やっぱり夏は暑いわね~。これだけ暑いと、執務中は薄着でも良いわよね? う、うぁ~ん! 楽ぅ~♪
|Summer is definitely hot huh~. Since it's so hot, it should be fine to wear lighter clothes at work right? Uuu, woah~! Feels good~♪
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|三隈はどうしたんだよ? なんで機嫌悪いのさ? あ、そうだ!ラムネ飲みに行かない? おごるよ。
|三隈はどうしたんだよ? なんで機嫌悪いのさ? あ、そうだ!ラムネ飲みに行かない? おごるよ。
|What's wrong Mikuma? Why are you feeling down? Ah, that's it! Want to get some raumne? My treat.
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|結局、お揃の水着、買えなかった…え、提督、ビーチバレーですか? くまりんこは…私は、いいです……
|結局、お揃の水着、買えなかった…え、提督、ビーチバレーですか? くまりんこは…私は、いいです……
|In the end, we couldn't buy matching swimsuits... Eh, Admiral, beach vollebayll? I... I'm fine...
|{{Audio|file=Kumano Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kumano Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{lang|jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}}
|{{lang|jp|夏!ですわ~!! 今年もリゾートに行きたいですわ~ ん…トラック島? それは、リゾートですの?}}
|''It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort?''
|''It's the summer! It'd be most pleasant if we could stay at a resort~ Hm... Truk island? Is that a resort?''
|Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.<br>''2015 Summer Line''
|Kumano was based in the Truk islands for a considerable amount of time.<br>''2015 Summer Line''
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|提督、そんなに見ないで下さい。赤と白で少し派手だったかしら…そ、そうですか? なら、良かったです。提督、ご一緒に♪
|提督、そんなに見ないで下さい。赤と白で少し派手だったかしら…そ、そうですか? なら、良かったです。提督、ご一緒に♪
|Admiral, please don't stare. I feel the red and white is a bit flashy... Is, is that so? That's good then. Admiral, come with me♪
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|That's right, for the sake of ship girls and the admiral at the beach, let's open a beach tea house. Mamiya-san, Irako-san.
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|夏ですね。提督、一緒にかき氷はどーお? 私…いちごミルク! 提督は? 何味がお好き?
|夏ですね。提督、一緒にかき氷はどーお? 私…いちごミルク! 提督は? 何味がお好き?
|It's summer. Admiral, want to have some shaved ice together? I'll have... strawberry milk! Admiral? What flavour do you like?
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|Summer in this country, huh… Um, I'm curious about the martial art known as 'Watermelon Splitting'. I'd like to try it one day.
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|海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?!
|海の中からこんにちわ! 夏でち!! ゴーヤたちの夏休みはいつでち? 提督! …なぜ居ない?!
|Greetings from under the sea It's summer-dechi!!  Is it time for Goya and her pals’ Summer Break dechi?  Admiral!  Where did he go?!
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|夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|夏です。Acht acht! 8月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|It’s summer now.  Acht, Act! It’s already the 8th month and still we haven’t gone for a swim.  Oh right, Hacchan gets to go swimming every day.  Admiral would you like to go swimming too this summer?
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|猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。
|猛暑日が続きますね。提督、お体は大丈夫ですか? そうですか。お元気そう…ですね。
|A really hot day has started. Admiral, how are you holding up? Is that so. You sure are energetic…aren’t you?
|Summer is here again this year. Every year my stomach aches a little when this season comes. Uhihi... I wonder why...?
|She got hit by 3 torpedoes in amidships on 1944/08/19.
janitor, prechecked
