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|これが噂の、秋刀魚漁支援…艦隊…。えっと、私もまず装備から、かな…? 光り物は必須よね、たぶん… あとは…
|これが噂の、秋刀魚漁支援…艦隊…。えっと、私もまず装備から、かな…? 光り物は必須よね、たぶん… あとは…
|There's been a rumor that the support for the Saury fishing will be...this fleet.  Umm, what equipment should I get first, I wonder...?  Something bright will be required, and then... after that....
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|You said that we'll be supporting the saury fishing didn't you?  Roger that sir.  I'll be heading out for fishing too.
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|秋刀魚漁のお手伝い? 如月にできるかしら……。睦月ちゃん、張り切ってるのね。うふふっ、可愛いわ。
|秋刀魚漁のお手伝い? 如月にできるかしら……。睦月ちゃん、張り切ってるのね。うふふっ、可愛いわ。
|Help out with Saury fishing?  I wonder if Kisaragi can go too... Mutsuki-chan is so revved up isn't she?  Ufufu, it's so cute.
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|秋刀魚~! 秋刀魚は任せておくぴょん! うーちゃんの奥義、ダブル探照灯で挑むぴょん! 意味? 意味は特にないぴょん。ファッションぴょ~ん♪
|秋刀魚~! 秋刀魚は任せておくぴょん! うーちゃんの奥義、ダブル探照灯で挑むぴょん! 意味? 意味は特にないぴょん。ファッションぴょ~ん♪
|Saury~! Leave the saury to me pyon!  It's Ucchan's secret double searchlight challenge pyon!  What does that mean? There's no particular meaning pyon.  It's just a fashion choice pyon!
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|はぅ~、これが噂に聞く、鎮守府秋刀魚祭り? どんだけの艦隊が、秋刀魚漁に出てるっていうんだろう。なんか凄すぎ……。うひひ。
|はぅ~、これが噂に聞く、鎮守府秋刀魚祭り? どんだけの艦隊が、秋刀魚漁に出てるっていうんだろう。なんか凄すぎ……。うひひ。
|Ha~ Listen to this rumor, the Naval Base Saury Festival?  What's up with this fleet, didn't they just go out Saury fishing. This is bad...Uhihi
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|Commander, we'll be gathering saury?  Oh~ I like Saury.  Eh? It's not that? It's just a support mission.  Is that so. Well if it's not too much trouble Shikinami though she would like to fry some of them on a stick.
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|Saury fishing!?  I'll go, I'll go! To put it bluntly, because I can!  Searchlight too...alright.  Now it's fine!
|秋刀魚漁!? ……仕方ない、私がつきあってあげるわ。もう見てらんないったら! ……大丈夫! 私が出るからには大漁よ!
|秋刀魚漁!? ……仕方ない、私がつきあってあげるわ。もう見てらんないったら! ……大丈夫! 私が出るからには大漁よ!
|Saury!?  It can't be helped, I'll come along too.  Jeez, quit staring!  It's fine!  If I go we'll get a big catch!
|Kai Ni
|Kai Ni
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|Ah, Saury fishing you said?  Roger!  The 15th Destroyer Division will sortie in support of Saury Fishing!  Kuroshio-san, light the way.  Let's go!
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|秋刀魚漁支援艦隊かぁー。勇壮なような、全然そうでないような……。あれは夕張さんかぁ、すごいなぁー! ある種気合のガン積みだなぁー♪ ラフ切っとこ。
|秋刀魚漁支援艦隊かぁー。勇壮なような、全然そうでないような……。あれは夕張さんかぁ、すごいなぁー! ある種気合のガン積みだなぁー♪ ラフ切っとこ。
|Saury fishing support fleet huh.  How heroic of us...that's not the case at all... Ah, that's Yuubar-san.  Awesome!  The way she yells as she loads her gun- Rough cut.
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|Ufufu...leave the support of the fisherman to me.  That sort of thing is my specialty.  Come on, Akigumo-san.  Don't just draw pictures, do you job too.
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|Yuugumo-san, we're supporting and assisting the fisherman?  Leave it to me! That's Makigumo's specialty!  I'll do my best!  Hey, Hey, Ho!
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|Saury fishing, seriously!?  Eh!? The fleet is heading out in support? Seriously!?  Naw, it can't be helped, can't be helped!  It's the time for us to do it so I guess I gotta?  Takanami! Go get us the perfect searchlight! 
