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|It just keeps raining~ At times like these, hot milk is delicious.  Really.  Would you like to try it?
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|はぁ~……どうも雨の日が続くと、テンションが下がっちゃう……。あ、もう! こんな時撮らないでよ、青葉! 撮り返すぞ!
|はぁ~……どうも雨の日が続くと、テンションが下がっちゃう……。あ、もう! こんな時撮らないでよ、青葉! 撮り返すぞ!
|Haa~ Thanks to rainy days like these going on and on my tension levels have been dropping.  Ah, Jeez!  This isn't the time for photos Aoba!  Give me those shots!
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| is the rainy season.  On days like this I feel as though I'd like to partake of a sandwich.
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|最近ちょっとジメジメした日が続くなぁ。カッー! っと、気持ちよく晴れると良いな。な?
|最近ちょっとジメジメした日が続くなぁ。カッー! っと、気持ちよく晴れると良いな。な?
|Lately these days have been getting wetter and wetter, man.  GAH! A nice sunny day would feel so good right now.  Right?
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|Admiral, hold still for a minute, okay?  There!  With your hat this way you look a little cooler!
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|'s getting so damp.  This rainy season...sooorta bugs me....
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|最近、雨が多いですね……。まさに梅雨!と言って差し上げますわ! ……ゴ、ゴメンナサイ……。
|最近、雨が多いですね……。まさに梅雨!と言って差し上げますわ! ……ゴ、ゴメンナサイ……。
|Lately, there's been so much rain.  I say to you, It's the rainy season! S-sorry....
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|ツーユー、でしょ? この季節の名前。色々な季節に名前がついていて、ニッポンは面白いところね。 いや、嫌いじゃないんだけど♪
|ツーユー、でしょ? この季節の名前。色々な季節に名前がついていて、ニッポンは面白いところね。 いや、嫌いじゃないんだけど♪
|It's called Tsuuyuu? That's the name of this season?  You have so many different names for the seasons, Nippon is such an interesting place.  No, I don't mind it at all.
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|Lately this rain goes on and on.  Zara-nee-sama told me this is called Tsuuyuu, isn't it?  Pola will make a Teruteru Bozu too.
