
→‎Voices: Light cruisers + arbitrary edits. Except Yuubari, because I don't know what's up with that summer equipment.
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There's a lot of lines that rely on the fact that 海 ''(umi)'' means both "ocean/sea" and "beach", so that lines like "let's go to the sea" and "let's go to the beach" are indistinguishable.
There's a lot of lines that rely on the fact that 海 ''(umi)'' means both "ocean/sea" and "beach", so that lines like "let's go to the sea" and "let's go to the beach" are indistinguishable.
This work quite as well in English, so just keep it in mind when reading translations.
This doesn't work quite as well in English, so just keep it in mind when reading translations.
Line 34: Line 34:  
|{{Audio|file=Akebono Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Akebono Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|夏本番か! 潮、アンタ少しダイエットした方がいいわ。あたし? あたしは別に……}}
|{{lang|ja|夏本番か! 潮、アンタ少しダイエットした方がいいわ。あたし? あたしは別に……}}
|''It's the height of summer!  Ushio, have you thought about going on a diet?  Me?  I'm fine, really...''
|''It's the height of summer!  Ushio... have you thought about going on a diet at all?  Me?  I'm fine, really.''
|The kusoest.
|The kusoest.
Line 52: Line 52:  
|{{Audio|file=Hatsukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Hatsukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''It's finally midsummer, huh.  What?  Go swimming?  Ah, sure! Ah, why don't we invite Shiranui, too?  Oh, is that... so.''
|''It's finally midsummer, huh.  What?  Go swimming?  Sure. Ah, why don't we invite Shiranui, too?  Oh, is that... so.''
Line 58: Line 58:  
|{{Audio|file=Kagerou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kagerou Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|ほーらっ、十八駆、海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た? 不知火、あんたもよ}}
|{{lang|ja|ほーらっ、十八駆、海に行くわよ。ちゃんと服の下に水着着た? 不知火、あんたもよ}}
|''Come on, 18th, to the beach!  'Everyone have your swimsuits on under your clothes?  Shiranui, you too!
|''Come on, 18th, to the beach!  'Everyone have your swimsuits on under your clothes?  Shiranui, you too!''
Line 64: Line 64:  
|{{Audio|file=Kisaragi Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kisaragi Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Hey, why don't we go to the beach?  Ah, no need for clothes and equipment, right?  Hey, how do I look in my swimsuit?"
|''Hey, why don't we go to the beach?  Ah, we can take off our clothes and equipment, right?  Hey, how do I look in my swimsuit?''
Line 70: Line 70:  
|{{Audio|file=Kuroshio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kuroshio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|司令は~ん。一緒に、海行かへん? いんや、遠征とかやなくって、砂浜や}}
|{{lang|ja|司令は~ん。一緒に、海行かへん? いんや、遠征とかやなくって、砂浜や}}
|''Commander, won'cha come down to the sea with me?  No, not another expedition, the beach!''
|''Commander, won'cha come down to the sea with me?  No, not another expedition, to the beach!''
Line 82: Line 82:  
|{{Audio|file=Murasame Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Murasame Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Hai hai~ it's summer, summer!  Admiral, do you want to come down to the sea - no, not for a sortie!''
|''Hai hai~ it's summer, summer!  Admiral, let's go down to the sea - no, not for a sortie!''
Line 94: Line 94:  
|{{Audio|file=Oboro Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Oboro Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|提督? 夏真っ盛りですね! 朧、この季節大好きなんです! カニさんも嬉しそう! ほら!}}
|{{lang|ja|提督? 夏真っ盛りですね! 朧、この季節大好きなんです! カニさんも嬉しそう! ほら!}}
|''Admiral?  The height of summer's here!  Oboro, really loves this season!  And the crabs are living it up too - look!''
|''Admiral?  The height of summer's come!  Oboro, really loves this season!  And the crabs are living it up too - look!''
Line 130: Line 130:  
|{{Audio|file=Shiranui Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Shiranui Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''No, see here, we're always on the sea anyway... just because it's summer doesn't mean we need to wear swimsuits...''
|''No, see here, we're always on the sea anyway... just because it's summer doesn't mean we need to wear swimsuits.''
|Response to Kagerou's line.
|Response to Kagerou's line.
Line 142: Line 142:  
|{{Audio|file=Suzukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Suzukaze Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Finally, finally, summer's the best!  In the end, I really love the summer best!  Feels great!''
|''Finally, finally, summer's the best!  In the end, I really love summer the most!  Feels great!''
Line 160: Line 160:  
|{{Audio|file=Ushio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Ushio Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Ah, I guess I might have put on some weight after all... Akebono-chan, I'll do my best to lose a bit of weight.?``
|''Ah, I guess I might have put on some weight after all... Akebono-chan, I'll do my best to lose some weight.''
|Response to Akebono's line.
|Response to Akebono's line.
Line 200: Line 200:  
|{{Audio|file=Kiso Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kiso Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|夏か。この季節、悪くはない。お前も海に行くか? なぁ?}}
|{{lang|jp|夏か。この季節、悪くはない。お前も海に行くか? なぁ?}}
|''Summer, huh.  This season isn't bad either.  You coming to the shore, too?''
Line 206: Line 206:  
|{{Audio|file=Kuma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Kuma Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Summer's here~!  Let's go swimming-kuma.  I'll show you my river-swimmming technique-kuma!  I can even catch salmon-kuma.  Ah.  That last one was a joke.''
Line 212: Line 212:  
|{{Audio|file=Tama Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Tama Mid Summer.ogg}}
|''Summer-nya... it's kind of hot, nya.  When it's this hot I just want to roll over and sleep, nyaaaaaa...''
Line 218: Line 218:  
|{{Audio|file=Tenryuu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Tenryuu Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|jp|よっしゃーーー!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だ! ボールを使った特訓をするぜ!ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ!}}
|{{lang|jp|よっしゃーーー!夏だぜ!全員水着で浜辺に集合だ! ボールを使った特訓をするぜ!ネットの高さは駆逐に合わせてやれ!}}
|''Alriiiight, it's summer!  Everyone to the beach in your swimsuits!  Let's get a ball and do some special training!  Set up the height of the net to the destroyers!!''
Line 224: Line 224:  
|{{Audio|file=Yura Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{Audio|file=Yura Mid Summer.ogg}}
|{{lang|ja|提督さん、夏ですね、ねっ。 ……あ、夕立ちゃん。水着かわいい……由良も来年こそ}}
|{{lang|ja|提督さん、夏ですね、ねっ。 ……あ、夕立ちゃん。水着かわいい……由良も来年こそ}}
|''Admiral, summer's come, hasn't it?  Ah, Yuudachi-chan, your swimsuit's really cute... Yura, next year, will also...''
