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|司令官、秋です! この季節、私なんかわくわくしちゃう! 司令官は、秋、どうですか?
|Commander, it's autumn! Somehow, I'm really excited about this season! How do you feel about autumn commander?
|Commander, autumn is the season of delicious food. I shall go and skilfully make some delicious food now. Ufufu~.
|やったぁー! 夏を乗り切ったにゃしぃ! これでしばらくは安心にゃ! よぉーし、秋は頑張るにゃ! 提督、期待してて。
|Hooray~! I got through summer-nyashi! I can be relieved for now-nya! Alright, I'll do my best during autumn-nya! Commander, keep your expectations high.
|秋っていいわよね。睦月ちゃんもなんだか嬉しそう。司令官には、どんな秋かしら。 食欲の秋? それとも……うふふふっ。
|Autumn is good right. Mutsuki-chan is somehow looks so happy. What does autumn mean to you admiral? Autumn appetite? Or perhaps... Ufufufu~
|I'm not... good at dealing with... autumn. I'm not... angry. I'm not angry... but...
|弥生、元気がないぴょん……。そういう時は、うーちゃんの一発芸をみるっぴょん! せーの、ぷっぷくぷー! ……あれ? なんで怒ってるぴょん?
|Yayoi, doesn't look too good... This is just the right time for me to try out my gags-pyon! One, two, Pupukupu~! ...Oh? Why are you angry-pyon?
|Ah, autumn is here huh. Commander, I'm calm! The me right now, will overcome this! Just watch.
|The season is now autumn, Commander what does autumn mean to you? ...Satcchin is autumn appetite, Fumi-chan is autumn reading, Naganaga is autumn sports. What about you Commander? Perhaps... autumn love?
|秋は~、焼き芋とかもおいしいよね~♪ でも~、食べ過ぎは危険~。ふぇぇぇ……。
|Autumn's roasted sweet potato and stuff is delicious~♪ But, eating too much is dangerous~ Fueeee...
|Aah... what. It's already time, to dangle the fishing rod over my anticipated sea ...Let's do this.
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|It's autumn~. A fruitful autumn~. There's a lot of delicious stuff around~. I just want to eat and sleep~
|It's autumn~. A fruitful autumn~. There's a lot of delicious stuff around~. I just want to eat and sleep~
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|Special-type destroyer, 1st ship of the Fubuki-class, Fubuki! I'm setting off Commander! Just watch me!
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|Haa~, autumn huh. My motivation has dropped somehow. Master, can you give me a shoulder massage?  
|Haa~, autumn huh. My motivation has dropped somehow. Master, can you give me a shoulder massage?  
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|Autumn roast sweet potatoes are delicious right. Admiral, why don't we gather some dead leaves in the courtyard and roast some sweet potatoes?
|During autumn, it's a bit difficult to go to the toilet in the middle of the night... On... only during this season! Harrumph~!
|Autumn... Yukata... No, I'm not jealous, that's not it. But... I like looking.
|さあ、秋はお祭りよ! 司令官、雷、もっともーっと応援してあげるね! わっしょい!
|Now, it's time for the autumn festival! Commander, Inazuma, please keep cheering me on alright! Hip hip hooray!
|Commander-san, Inazuma I tried wearing a yukata. Hawawa... Thank you-nanodesu. Desu~!
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|Hmm, it's autumn now. It's getting a little bit cold, right? But short sleeves are still fine!
|Hmm, it's autumn now. It's getting a little bit cold, right? But short sleeves are still fine!
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|Autumn is, a little lonely right... Ah... Yes, I'm fine thanks.
|ふんふーん♪ 秋は秋で嫌いじゃないのよねえ。春雨とか、どうしてるかなー。
|Funfu~n♪ I don't hate autumn. I wonder how Harusame feels.
|Somehow autumn makes me feel hungry. Is the food not ready yet~ Food~♪ Food~♪
|{{audio|file=Umikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|秋はお芋が美味しいですよね。提督、少しお芋蒸かしましょうか? お茶もお入れしますね。おまちください
|Autumn sweet potatoes are delicious. Admiral, shall we steam some sweet potatoes? I'll go prepare some tea. Please wait a moment.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Kawakaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|Right. We've got past summer. Autumn is great. It makes me feel at ease and there's lots of delicious food to eat.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|Commander, summer is over and autumn has come. I'm totally fine. The Asashio-class destroyers will do our best during autumn too. You don't have to worry at all.
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|Autumn huh... After autumn, it'll be winter. Operation Rei-gou. I was the flagship for that. Why? I remember it well. Why...
|Autumn huh... After autumn, it'll be winter. Operation Rei-gou. I was the flagship for that. Why? I remember it well. Why...
|[[Wikipedia:ja:礼号作戦|Operation Rei-gou]] was the naval support for the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Mindoro|Battle of Mindoro]]<br>''Fall 2015 line''
|[[Wikipedia:ja:礼号作戦|Operation Rei-gou]] was the naval support for the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Mindoro|Battle of Mindoro]]<br>''Fall 2015 line''
|Autumn is here. This was the season Taiyou was commissioned. It would be nice if I could see her again. Definitely.
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|Likely referring to the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Empress Augusta Bay|Battle of Empress Augusta Bay]] where she got sunk at night<br>''Fall 2015 line''
|Likely referring to the [[Wikipedia:Battle of Empress Augusta Bay|Battle of Empress Augusta Bay]] where she got sunk at night<br>''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Maikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|Nowacchi, Nowacchi, it's autumn. Sweet potatoes in autumn are delicious. Ah, but be careful not to gain weight!
|Even though there are still leftovers, it might be cheaper to spend a bit more. Eh, roast sweet potatoes? Ah, I'm not interested in that... totally not...
|Nowacchi = [[Nowaki]]<br>''Fall 2015 line''
| rowspan="2" |[[Urakaze]]
| rowspan="2" |[[Urakaze]]
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|提督、ウチ祭りの射的は得意なんやぁ。どれがほしいけぇ? ウチが取っちゃるけぇ、まかしときぃ (改)
|提督、ウチ祭りの射的は得意なんやぁ。どれがほしいけぇ? ウチが取っちゃるけぇ、まかしときぃ (改)
|Admiral, I'm really good at festival shooting galleries. Which prize do you want? Leave it to me, I'll get it for you. (Kai)
|Admiral, I'm really good at festival shooting galleries. Which prize do you want? Leave it to me, I'll get it for you. (Kai)
|''Fall 2015 line''
|Autumn huh. This season is here again. Right, that's fine. I'll show you my power from increased experience. Saury or anything else, I'll grill it all!
| rowspan="2" |[[Hamakaze]]
|{{audio|file=Hamakaze Early Autumn2015 (1).ogg}}
|Admiral, an autumn festival... at the naval base? ...Ye, yes and a yukata!? ...I understand. Please wait a while.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Hamakaze Early Autumn2015 (2).ogg}}
|Admiral, the autumn festival is... *nom nom nom nom* very delicious. I'm having a lot of fun.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
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|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
| rowspan="2" |[[Hamakaze]]
|{{audio|file=Hamakaze Early Autumn2015 (1).ogg}}
|Alriiiiight! I got through summer's nights! I'm totally fine now! Shigure, Sendai-san, I won!
|夏もあっという間に過ぎて、もう秋…。 司令、私いま、秋の健康料理研究してるんです。
|Summer has finally given way to autumn... Commander, I'd like to study healthy autumn foods.
|{{audio|file=Maikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|Nowacchi, Nowacchi, it's autumn. Sweet potatoes in autumn are delicious. Ah, but be careful not to gain weight!
|Nowacchi = [[Nowaki]]<br>''Fall 2015 line''
|秋になっちゃったねぇー。まあいっかぁ、夏と冬の間は短いんだ、ここで油断は禁物! でもまあ秋って油断しちゃうんだよなぁー♪ お芋食お。
|Autumn is here huh. Oh well, the time between summer and winter is short, I can't be slacking now! But autumn really puts you in a slacking mood~♪ I want to eat sweet potatoes.
|Autumn huh. During this season, I really don't want to go to the south. Kazagumo-san and Isokaze-san, the two of you are always energetic.
|It's autumn now~ The season of delicious roast sweet potato. Akigumo, what's with that pile of waste paper? You want to burn it? Then, let's go roast some sweet potatoes! I'll go collect some dead leaves!
|{{audio|file=Kazagumo Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|It's getting a little chilly now. Autumn huh. Sweet potatoes. I want to eat some baked sweet potatoes. Hey, Akigumo~
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Hamakaze Early Autumn2015 (2).ogg}}
|rowspan="2" |[[Naganami]]
|Admiral, the autumn festival is... *nom nom nom nom* very delicious. I'm having a lot of fun.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|So autumn is here... Got to face autumn now... Right Shimakaze? Oh, you're really energetic... must be nice to be young, wait... I'm young too...
|'s such a hot season isn't it?  Is there something in the sky?  It's always enemy!  Oh no it's just a Zuiun.  That's a nice sounding name isn't it, Zuiun.
|It's autumn huh, autumn of reading. I really like this season. Admiral, what are you reading now? Is that a photo album?
|It's kinda... cold... Ha... Hachoo!
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|あの鳴いてるの、なぁに? 秋の虫? あぁ、鈴虫って言うんだ。いい音色ね。え? 鈴虫って、スイカ食べるの、本当?
|あの鳴いてるの、なぁに? 秋の虫? あぁ、鈴虫って言うんだ。いい音色ね。え? 鈴虫って、スイカ食べるの、本当?
|What is that sound? Autumn insects? Ah, it's crickets. That's a nice sound. Eh? These crickets really eat watermelons?
|What is that sound? Autumn insects? Ah, it's crickets. That's a nice sound. Eh? These crickets really eat watermelons?
|''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Kazagumo Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|It's getting a little chilly now. Autumn huh. Sweet potatoes. I want to eat some baked sweet potatoes. Hey, Akigumo~
|''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Umikaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|秋はお芋が美味しいですよね。提督、少しお芋蒸かしましょうか? お茶もお入れしますね。おまちください
|Autumn sweet potatoes are delicious. Admiral, shall we steam some sweet potatoes? I'll go prepare some tea. Please wait a moment.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|{{audio|file=Kawakaze Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|Right. We've got past summer. Autumn is great. It makes me feel at ease and there's lots of delicious food to eat.
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
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|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|Admiral-san, it's Autumn isn't it?  Would you mind going with Yura to the Naval Base's Fall Festival this year?
|Admiral-san, it's Autumn isn't it?  Would you mind going with Yura to the Naval Base's Fall Festival this year?
|Admiral-san, that carrier bag is very nice.  It's really lovely.  Yura wishes she had one too....
|Admiral-san, that carrier bag is very nice.  It's really lovely.  Yura wishes she had one too....
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|提督さん、秋って良いですよね。私が進水したのも秋なんですよ? うふふ♪
|提督さん、秋って良いですよね。私が進水したのも秋なんですよ? うふふ♪
|Admiral-san, it's a pleasant autumn now isn't it?  I was launched in autumn too wasn't it?  Ufufu
|Admiral-san, it's a pleasant autumn now isn't it?  I was launched in autumn too wasn't it?  Ufufu
|This presence of autumn, it really is autumn now. Should I write poetry... Hey Tatsuta, you're laughing too much!
|食欲の秋、読書の秋。天龍ちゃんは、芸術の秋なのねー。見せて? うふふ、アハハッ、アハハハハハッ!
|Autumn appetite, autumn reading. Tenryuu-chan has autumn artistry~. Can I see? Ufufu, Ahaha~, ahahahahaha~!
|はぁ、秋か。色々美味しい物が増えて、阿賀野ピーンチっ! え、食べなきゃいいって? そんなわけには行かないのです!
|Haa, Autumn huh. The number of delicious things is increasing. I'm in a pinch! Eh, I don't have to eat it all? That's not even an option!
|阿賀野姉、食欲の秋満喫しすぎると、制服着れなくなっちゃうから! え、そうしたら浴衣着るから良いって? ダメだからー!!
|Agano-nee, you're enjoying autumn appetite too much, you won't be able to fit in your uniform! Eh, you'll wear a yukata instead? That's no good!!
|Autumn huh. The food during this season is certainly delicious. But, Agano-nee is enjoying this a bit too much!
|ぴゃっ! ちょっと涼しくなってきて、酒匂は嬉しい♪ 司令は何してるの? え、漁場警備と支援の準備? なにそれ?
|Pyaa~! It's getting cooler, I'm happy♪ What are you doing commander? Eh, security and support for the fishing grounds? What's that?
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|{{audio|file=Suzuya Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|{{audio|file=Suzuya Early Autumn2015.ogg}}
|秋かぁ。この季節は、ちょっちなんか落ち込むなぁ。ねぇ、熊野? ん、熊野? 聞いてる?
|秋かぁ。この季節は、ちょっちなんか落ち込むなぁ。ねぇ、熊野? ん、熊野? 聞いてる?
|Autumn huh. This season makes me feel a little down. Hey, Kumano? Hmm, Kumano? Are you listening?
|Autumn huh. This season makes me feel a little down. Hey, Kumano? Hmm, Kumano? Are you listening?
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|お、あのサンドイッチ? うん、あれは我ながら良くできたなって。いっひひー♪ 熊野と一緒に作ったからねー。また作ろっかなー?
|Ah, this sandwich? Yup, that was made nicely by me. Ihihi~♪ I made it with Kumano. Wonder if I should make more~?
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|秋は好き。だって、ザラが就役した季節だし、この少し落ち着いた感じが好き。ねっ、ポーラ? って呑んでるしぃ! ダメだからっ!
|秋は好き。だって、ザラが就役した季節だし、この少し落ち着いた感じが好き。ねっ、ポーラ? って呑んでるしぃ! ダメだからっ!
|I like Autumn. After all, it's the season that I was commissioned; it just gives me a comforting feeling. Right Pola? Wha, she's drinking! I said no!
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|へぇ~瑞穂さん、この白ワインはなぁに? ニホン=シュ? 独特な味と香り~、でも美味しいわぁ。 お友達になりましょ? えっへへへ。
|へぇ~瑞穂さん、この白ワインはなぁに? ニホン=シュ? 独特な味と香り~、でも美味しいわぁ。 お友達になりましょ? えっへへへ。
|Ehe~ Mizuho-san, what's this white wine? Japanese sake? It's got a peculiar taste and smell~, but it's delicious. Oh you want to be friends? Ehehehe~
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|It's autumn ane-sama. I'll always be by your side. I'll never let you go.
|It's autumn ane-sama. I'll always be by your side. I'll never let you go.
|2015 Line
|2015 Line
|This time the battle seems like it'll be quite big.  We'll fight with all our power.  Are you prepared?  Fire you up.  Wait a bit okay?
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|Autumn in Japan.  This atmosphere is so pleasant.  I love it. And this food is so delicous.
|Autumn in Japan.  This atmosphere is so pleasant.  I love it. And this food is so delicous.
|Admiral, it's autumn. Autumn is the season of delicious food. I've also got a 'New Full Course' thought up.
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|Autumn huh. That's right, autumn is the season of endings. But it's also the season of beginnings. That's definitely it. That's what I think. It's not like me?
|Autumn huh. That's right, autumn is the season of endings. But it's also the season of beginnings. That's definitely it. That's what I think. It's not like me?
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
|翔鶴さん、瑞鶴さん、いつもありがとう。私、お芋を焼いてみたの。どう、ご一緒に? 食物繊維は体にいいのよ?
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|よっしゃあ! 夏を完全に乗り切ったでぇ。これでうちは無敵や。無敵の大航空母艦様やで! 矢でも魚雷でも持ってこーい! あははは……は……はぁ。
|よっしゃあ! 夏を完全に乗り切ったでぇ。これでうちは無敵や。無敵の大航空母艦様やで! 矢でも魚雷でも持ってこーい! あははは……は……はぁ。
|Alright~! I've managed to get through summer. I must be invincible. I'm the invincible great aircraft carrier-sama! Arrows or torpedoes, just bring it! Ahahaha...ha...haaa~
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|Admiral, it's autumn. Fried eggs are nice and all, but baked sweet potatoes are good too? Shall I go make some baked sweet potatoes?
|Admiral, it's autumn. Fried eggs are nice and all, but baked sweet potatoes are good too? Shall I go make some baked sweet potatoes?
|''Fall 2015 line''
|''Fall 2015 line''
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center;"
!style="width:6%;"|Ship Name
|ゴーヤ~。食べ物の秋だからって、そんなに食べてると、提督指定の機能美溢れる水着、着れなくなっちゃうぞ? いいの?
|Goya~. Even though you like the autumn of food, if you eat that much, the swimsuit that the admiral gave me won't fit anymore you know? Is that fine?
|It's autumn. Autumn of reading. I like the autumn of reading. Just stretch out flat this autumn. I want a new book. Admiral, will you buy me one?
|During autumn I want to shoot a lot of torpedoes. At a carrier, or a carrier, or a carrier... battleships are fine too!
|Referring to the time she sunk a CV and a DD and damaged a BB with a single torpedo salvo at Guadalcanal.
|あ~、夏が終わちゃった~。秋かぁ。この季節はねー、う~ん…あ、扶桑さん? え、突入訓練ですか? あ、う~ん、えっとぉ…。
|Ah~, summer is over~. Autumn huh. This season is.. Yeah... Ah, Fusou-san? Eh, going on training? Ah, yeah, ummm....
|秋でち! 食べ物が美味しい季節でち。でも、あんまり食べると…提督指定の水着がきつくなるから注意でち。
|It's autumn-dechi! It's the season of delicious food-dechi. But if I eat too much... I better be careful that the swimsuit Admiral gave me doesn't get too tight.
|秋ですね。……隊長、それは? 枯れ葉を集めて……あっ、焼き芋ですね! まるゆ、了解です。さつま芋、モグラ輸送で持ってきますね。
|Autumn huh... Captain, what is that? Collecting dead leaves... Ah, you're making roasted sweet potatoes! Roger that. I'll bring some through the mole transport.
