→Last update
#** 「七面鳥のご馳走」 Dinner of turkey '''- (3000 coins + Furniture Fairy)'''
#** 「七面鳥のご馳走」 Dinner of turkey '''- (3000 coins + Furniture Fairy)'''
#** 「早く出しすぎた炬燵」 Prematurely evacuated Kotatsu (''The pot is there now!'') '''- (3500 coins + Furniture Fairy)'''
#** 「早く出しすぎた炬燵」 Prematurely evacuated Kotatsu (''The pot is there now!'') '''- (3500 coins + Furniture Fairy)'''
#** 「やかんストーブ」 Stove with kettle '''- (2000 coins Furniture Fairy)'''
#** 「やかんストーブ」 Stove with kettle '''- (2000 coins + Furniture Fairy)'''
#** 「Z旗の暖炉」 Fireplace with Z flag '''- (22000 coins)'''
#** 「Z旗の暖炉」 Fireplace with Z flag '''- (22000 coins)'''
# '''New Quest'''
# '''New Quest'''