
Update Log: 2014/12/01
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Here are listed updates from Kancolle game maintenance.
Here are listed updates from Kancolle game maintenance.
Latest Maintenance: '''14th November, 2014'''
Latest Maintenance: '''1st December, 2014'''
Next Maintenance: '''1st December, 2014'''
Next Maintenance: TBA
==Future updates==
==Future updates==
==Last update==
'''1st December, 2014'''
'''1st December, 2014'''
* End of [[Fall 2014 Event]]
# '''New Kai Ni'''
* New winter furniture
#* [[Furutaka]] now has Kai Ni. Level needed is 65, and no blueprint needed. ('''Level 65''',{{Ammo}}470{{Steel}}380)
* [[Furutaka]] Kai-2
# '''Jukebox Update'''
* New voices for [[Zuihou]]
#* New song 「連合艦隊の出撃」(the song from autumn event) can be requested and set as base BGM.
==Last update==
#* New song 「冬の抜錨」 can be requested. And some of the new furniture comes with this song as their BGM.
'''14th November, 2014'''
#* The requesting cost for 「明石の工廠」「秋月の空」 has been changed to 1000 coins.
# '''[[Events|Event]]'''
# '''New Furniture'''
#* [[Fall 2014 Event]]
#* 白い冬の壁紙 (White Winter Wallpaper) (New!) (Coin needed: 1200)
# '''[[Ship Class|New Ships]]'''
#* 高級和風壁紙 (High-grade Japanese style wallpaper) (Renewed)
#* [[Prinz Eugen]], Admiral Hipper-class Heavy Cruiser ('''Kai Level 45''', {{Ammo}}600 {{Steel}}700)
#* 和のシンプル壁紙 (Japanese style simple wall paper) (Renewed)
#* [[Asagumo]], Asashio-class Destroyer ('''Kai Level 35''', {{Ammo}}140 {{Steel}}110)
#* 冬のモダンアート壁紙 (Winter's Modern Art Wallpaper) (Different color) (New!) (Coin needed: 750)
#* [[Nowaki]], Kagerou-class Destroyer ('''Kai Level 35''', {{Ammo}}140 {{Steel}}110)
#* 青カーテン&窓 (Window with blue curtain) (Renewed)
#* [[Akizuki]], Akizuki-class Destroyer ('''Kai Level 40''', {{Ammo}}270 {{Steel}}170)
#* 晩秋の高級和窓 (Late autumn high-grade Japanese style window) (Renewed)
# '''New Remodels'''
#* 白いカーテンの小窓 (White small curtain window) (New!) (Coin needed: 330)
#* [[Ushio|Ushio Kai2]] ('''Level 60''', {{Ammo}}30 {{Steel}}170)
#* 艦娘による冬の窓 (Winter window decorated by kanmusus) (Renewed)
# '''[[Enemy Vessel|New Enemy Vessels]]'''
#* 障子デラックス (Deluxe shoji) (Renewed)
#* [[Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class]] (重巡ネ級)
#* 白と青のツリー (White and blue tree) (New!) (With BGM) (Coin needed: 5000,also a Furiture Fairy is needed.)
#* [[Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class|Heavy Cruiser Ne-Class '''Elite''']] (重巡ネ級 elite)
#* 鎮守府のツリー (Christmas tree in Chinju-hu) (Renewed)
#* [[Destroyer Princess]] (駆逐棲姫) - 2 types
#* 駆逐艦娘のツリー (DD kanmusus' Chrisrmas tree) (Renewed) (Furiture Fairy is needed)
#* [[Aircraft Carrier Water Demon]] (空母水鬼) - 2 types
#* 七面鳥のご馳走 (Dinner of turkey) (Renewed) (Furiture Fairy is needed)
# '''[[Equipment|New Equipment]]'''
#* 早く出しすぎた炬燵 (Prematurely evacuated Kotatsu) (The pot is there now!)
#* New Equipment Type: {{AntiAircraftFireDirector}} '''Anti-Aircraft Fire Director''' (高射装置)
#* 冬の飾り付け (Winter's Decoration) (New!) (Coin needed: 1200)
#** Can be equipped on all except: 海防艦, 超弩級戦艦, 潜水艦, 潜水空母, 補給艦 (Coastal defence boats, super dreadnoughts, submarines, submarine carriers, supply ships)
#* 雪原の床 (Snow field's bed) (New!) (Special Furniture) (Coin needed: 3300,also a Furiture Fairy is needed.)
#* [[Type 91 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director]]
#* やかんストーブ(Stove with kettle) (Renewed) (Furiture Fairy is needed)
#* [[Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director]]
#* Z旗の暖炉 (Fireplace with Z flag) (Renewed)
#* [[10cm Twin High-angle Mount + Anti-Aircraft Fire Director]]
#* ジュークボックス改 (Jukebox Kai) (New!) (Special furniture) (It does the same thing, but its on the right)
#* [[SKC34 20.3cm Twin Cannon]]
# '''New Quest'''
#* [[FuMO25 Radar]]
#* 「第六戦隊」南西海域へ出撃せよ!(The Sixth Cruiser Division sorties to 南西諸島海域(World 2))
#* 海上護衛強化月間 (Escort missions enhancement month)
#* 「空母機動部隊」西へ!(CV Kidō Butai goes west!)
#* There's "trigger quest" that needed to be completed in order to accept those quests.
# '''About Akashi'''
#* Akashi is no longer in 1-5 and 2-5's drop list.
#* However, if you do NOT have any Akashi, then you can still get her from 2-5's drop.
# '''Voice and other Updates'''
# '''Voice and other Updates'''
#* [[Akebono|Akebono Kai]] voice
#* [[Furutaka]], and her Kai Ni voice
#* [[Hatsuharu|Hatsuharu Kai/Kai2]] voice
#* [[Zuihou]] voice
#* [[Nenohi|Nenohi Kai]] voice
#* [[Hamakaze]] voice
#* Home Port Expansion maximum 220 ships / 980 equipment
#* [[Harusame]] now has new CGs for her common phase and medium damaged phase.
'''Quick Update 20th November, 2014''' (No server maintain.)
#* Prinz Eugen and Junyou's gallery description text fixed.
# '''New Remodels'''
#* 41cm Twin Mount can be modded in Akashi's Factory (But some help is needed from certain Kanmusu).
#* [[Yamashiro|​Yamashiro Kai 2]] ('''Level 80''', {{Ammo}}2400 {{Steel}}3500)
# '''Other update'''
#* [[Searchlight]] now can be equipped by slow battleships.
==Official Twitter==
==Official Twitter==
Anonymous user