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===October 18, 2017===
| type = Sortie
| type = Composition
| listnum = B107
| listnum = A75
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 新編「第一戦隊」を編成せよ!
| namejp = 補給線の安全を確保せよ!
| nameen = Organise the new "First Squadron"!
| nameen = Safely Secure the Supply Line!
| req = Deploy the new "First Squadron" to the first fleet with Nagato Kai Ni as the flagship and Mutsu Kai as the second ship!
| req = Organize a vigilant Fleet consisting of a Light Cruiser Class flagship and at least 2 Destroyers or Destroyer Escorts. With the same fleet vigilantly patrol the Naval Base Waters (Costal Oil Refinery Area/Nansei Island Defense Line/ Waters Ajecent to the Naval Base) and safely secure the supply line!
* Form a fleet with [[Nagato|Nagato Kai Ni]] as the flagship along with [[Mutsu|Mutsu Kai]]
*Sortie 1 CL as Flagship + 2DD/DE to 1-3,1-4,an 1-5 and score at least an A rank at the boss node.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 300
| ammo = 880
| ammo = 300
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x1 [[Maritime Resupply]] <br> x1 Irako
| other = Instant Repair Bucket x2 <br> Irako x1
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Composition
| listnum = A76
| reqQuest = B95
| reqQuest2 = C2
| namejp = 新編「第七戦隊」を編成せよ!
| nameen = Organize the new "Seventh Squadron"!
| req = Organization Mission: Deploy the new "Seventh Squadron" to the first fleet with Kumano Kai Ni as the flagship and Suzuya Kai Ni as the second ship, along with Mogami Kai and Mikuma Kai.
* Form a fleet with [[Kumano|Kumano Kai Ni]] as the flagship along with [[Suzuya|Suzuya Kai Ni]] as the second ship, [[Mogami|Mogami Kai]] and [[Mikuma|Mikuma Kai]] in the first fleet.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 700
| other = Instant Repair Bucket x2 <br> Irako x1
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Composition
| listnum = A77
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 精鋭「第四航空戦隊」を再編成せよ!
| nameen = Reorganize the Elite "Fourth Carrier Division"!
| req = Organization Mission: Organize in the First Fleet the two aviation Battleships Ise and Hyuuga as your first and second ships with no less Level 50 in experience and have 1 Light Cruiser and 2 Destroyer to reorganize the Elite "Fourth Carrier Division"!
*Have [[Ise]] amd [[Hyuuga]] as the First and Second Ship in your fleet that are Level 50 higher. In addition, have at least 1 CL and 2 DD in your fleet.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 400
| other = x4 Development Material <br> x1 Skilled Pilot
| notes =  
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Expedition
| type = Composition
| listnum = D25
| listnum = A78
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 海上通商航路の警戒を厳とせよ!
| namejp = 新編「第四水雷戦隊」を編成せよ!
| nameen = Strengthen the Expedition "Supply" Support System!
| nameen = Organize the New 4th Torpedo Squadron!
| req = Strengthen the Expedition "Supply" Support System: Prepare 800 steel and carry out the expedition "Supply Reinforcement Mission". Complete the expedition and provide the following supplies to provide "Supply support" to your expedition fleets.
| req = Organization Mission: Deploy [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as the Flagship of your First fleet along with destroyers being [[Yuudachi]], [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]] and [[Samidare]] along with one other Destroyer to organize the New 4th Torpedo Squadron!
* Complete [[Expedition]] A1 and have 800 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
*Have [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as your flagship along with [[Yuudachi]]. [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]], and [[Samidare]], and one wildcard DD.
| fuel = 200
| fuel = 400
| ammo = 200
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = '''"Provisional Resupply" for Expedition is unlocked x1''' <br> [[Battle Rations]] x2
| other = x4 Instant Repair <br> x1 [[Repair Team]]
| notes =  
| notes =  
| once  = True
| once  = true
| type = Expedition
| type = Composition
| listnum = D26
| listnum = A79
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 近海に侵入する敵潜を制圧せよ!
| namejp = 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」を再編成せよ!
| nameen = Gain Control of the Coastal Waters from the Invading Enemy Submarine Forces!
| nameen =
| req = Enemy Submarine Control Mission: Carry out Anti-Submarine Patrol, Strait Guard Action, and Long Term Anti-Submarine Patrol  multiple times  respectively to gain control the enemy submarine forces entering the costal  waters and strike them out of our territorial waters!
| req = Composition Mission: Reorganize the 22nd Destroyer Division by forming a fleet of 4 powerful destroyers consisting of Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai, and Minazuki Kai.
* Complete [[Expedition]] 4, A2, and A3 2 times each while the quest is activated.
*Assemble a fleet consisting of Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai, and Minazuki Kai.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 220
| ammo = 1000
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 220
| bauxite = 300
| bauxite = 0
| other = x3 Improvement Materials <br> [[Type 95 Depth Charge]] x1
| other = x2 Instant Repair <br> x2 [[Battle Rations]]
| notes = ''Quarterly Quest''
| notes =
| once  =  
| once  = true
===September 12, 2017===
| type = Composition
| type = Composition
Line 532: Line 561:  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B105
| listnum = B98
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = Bd2
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 海上護衛体制の強化に努めよ!
| namejp = 精強大型航空母艦、抜錨!
| nameen = Reinforce the coastal guard!
| nameen = Reinforced Large Aircraft Carrier, Weigh Anchor!
| req = Form an escort fleet with 3 or more DD or DE, then send them to the Coastal Refinery Zone, the Nansei Islands Defense Line, the Sea Near the Naval Base and the Sea Route Near the Naval base and score victories at those maps.
| req = Deploy [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] or Mod. 2 as your flagship along with the "Task Force" to the Southern Waters North of the Salmon Sea and to the Central Waters at the waters off of the MS Archipelago, within these waters overpower the main enemy fleet and destroy them!
* Form a fleet with 3 or more DD or DE and S rank [[World 1#1-3|1-3]], [[World 1#1-4|1-4]] and [[World 1#1-5|1-5]] then clear [[World 1#1-6|1-6]].
*Sortie [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] or Mod. 2 consisting of 1 CL, 2DD, and 2 Wild Cards to 5-5 and 6-2 and score an S-rank.
| fuel = 400
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 700
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 700
| bauxite = 400
| other = '''Choice Between'''<br> [[F6F-3]]<br> '''or'''<br> x1 Skilled Pilot <br>  '''or''' New Aviation Armament Materials <br> and <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> '''[[TBF]]'''<br> '''or'''<br> [[Night Operation Aviation Personnel]]
| other = Development Material x4 <br> Furniture Fairy x1
| notes =  
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
Line 552: Line 583:  
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B106
| listnum = B99
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = A75
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 = B98
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 新編「第一戦隊」、抜錨せよ!
| namejp = 精強大型航空母艦、抜錨!
| nameen = New "First Squadron", Weigh Anchor!
| nameen =Night Operation Carrier, sortie to the Front Lines!
| req = Sortie with Nagato Kai Ni as the flagship and Mutsu Kai! Send them to the Curry Ocean off Sri Lanka and the Northern Salmon Sea to destroy the main enemy fleets there!
| req = Deploy [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] as your flagship to the offshore area of the KW Atoll, intercept the enemy Carrier Task force and successfully succeed at "Intercepting the Main Enemy Carier Unit"! Night Operation Carrier, Weigh anchor and sortie to the Front Lines!
* Sortie a fleet with Nagato Kai Ni (flagship), Mutsu Kai as the 2nd ship, and 4 additional ships to [[World 4#4-5|4-5]] and [[World 5#5-5|5-5]] and S rank both maps.
*Sortie [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] along with 5 other ships sortie to 6-5 and score an S-rank?()
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 880
| steel = 880
| bauxite = 0
| other = Screw x4 <br> [[New Design Anti-Torpedo Bulge (Large)]]
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B100
| reqQuest = B98
| reqQuest2 = Bw5
| namejp = 増強海上護衛総隊、抜錨せよ!
| nameen =  To all Surface Escort Fleet reinforcements, sally forth!
| req = Sortie Mission: Organize a Fleet consisting of 1 Light Cruiser, 2 Destroyers or Escorts, an Aviation Cruiser or Light Aircraft Carrier in your first fleet. Deploy them to each area of the Nansei Island Waters and destroy the enemy main fleet in each operation successfully!
* Orgainze a fleet with 1 CL, 2DD or DE, 1 CAV or CVL, and 2 wildcards and sortie them through 2-2,2-3,2-4, and 2-5 and score an A rank on each boss node.
| fuel = 700
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 1000
| bauxite = 0
| other = '''Choice Between''' <br> '''[[TBF]] <br> '''or''' New Aviation Armament Materials<br> '''or''' [[Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands]]  <br> and <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> x1 Reinforcement Expansion <br> '''or''' <br> x1 Skilled Pilot <br>  '''or''' New Aviation Armament Materials <br>
| other = <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| notes =  
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = PVP
| type = Sortie
| listnum = C13
| listnum = B101
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = A76
| reqQuest2 = C2
| namejp = 新編「第七戦隊」、出撃せよ!
| nameen = New "Seventh Squadron", Sortie!
| req = Sortie Mission: Sortie the New Seventh Squadron to the Curry Ocean area off Ri Lanka "Abyssal Eastern Ocean Fleet Reduction Operation" and the MS Island Operation "Defense of the MS Archipelago", engage the enemy main fleet and destroy them!
* Sortie a fleet with [[Kumano|Kumano Kai Ni (or Kai Ni Kou)]] as the flagship along with [[Suzuya|Suzuya Kai Ni (or Kai Ni Kou)]] as the second ship, [[Mogami|Mogami Kai]],[[Mikuma|Mikuma Kai]] and two wild cards, score an S rank on 4-5 and 6-2 at the boss node.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 1000
| bauxite = 500
| other = Improvement Material x4<br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Type 0 Fighter Model 63 (Fighter-bomber)]]
| notes = CVL versions of [[Suzuya]] and [[Kumano]] can be used here if necessary.
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B102
| reqQuest = A77
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 輸送部隊の練度向上に務めよ!
| namejp = 精鋭「第四航空戦隊」、抜錨せよ!
| nameen = Work on improving the experience of your Transport Unit
| nameen = Elite "Fourth Carrier Division", Weigh Anchor!
| req = Exercise Mission: Work on improving the experience of your Transport Unit! Win 4 Battles during Exercise  in a day!
| req = Elite "Fourth Carrier Division" Sortie Mission: Deploy the Elite Main Aviation Battleship Force known as the "Fourth Carrier Division" and weigh Anchor! Proceed to conduct Combat Patrol off Okinoshima and the Northern AL Ocean Area, capture the main enemy forces and eliminate them!
* Win 4 PVP session in a Day
* Take [[Ise]] and [[Hyuuga]] as your flagship and Second ship and have 1 CL, 2DD, and one wild card to 2-5 and 3-5 and score an A  rank at each boss node.
| fuel = 300
| fuel = 500
| ammo = 300
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 500
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x2 Improvement Materials <br> '''Choice Between'''<br> Furniture Fairy <br> '''or''' [[Daihatsu]] <br>
| other = x4 Improvement Materials <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> Skilled Pilot x1
| notes =
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Factory
| type = Sortie
| listnum = F61
| listnum = B103
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = A78
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 夜戦型艦上戦闘機の開発
| namejp = 旗艦「由良」、抜錨!
| nameen = Development of the Carrier-Based Night Fighter
| nameen = Flagship Yura, Weigh Anchor!
| req = Equip a Maxed Modified and Maxed Expertise [[F6F-3]] in the first slot of your secretary ship, scrap x2 [[Type 13 Air RADAR]]s, x2 [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]s and prepare 30 Development Materials, 6 Improvement Materials, 5000 bauxite and 1 New Aviation Armament Materials.
| req = Sortie Mission: Deploy your first fleet consisting of [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as your flagship along with 2 of the following ships consisting of [[Yuudachi]]. [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]],  [[Samidare]], and/or [[Akizuki]] to the Eastern Orel Sea and the Forefront of the Southern Seas to engage the main enemy forces and destroy them!
| fuel = 0
*Have [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as your flagship along with 2 other ships begin either [[Yuudachi]]. [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]], [[Samidare]] and/or [[Akizuki]] in your fleet along with 3 other wildcards and send them to 2-3 and 5-1 and score an S rank at the boss nodes.
| ammo = 100
| fuel = 400
| ammo = 400
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 400
| other = [[F6F-3N]]
| other = x1 Skilled Pilot<br> '''Choice Between''' <br>[[Daihatsu-class Landing Craft]] x1 <br> '''or''' <br> [[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1
| notes = All above mentioned items that are prepared will be consumed upon the completion of this quest and the [[F6F-3]] will be turned into a [[F6F-3N]].
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Factory
| type = Sortie
| listnum = F62
| listnum = B104
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 夜間作戦型艦上攻撃機の開発
| namejp = 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」出撃せよ!
| nameen = Development of carrier-based night bombers
| nameen = Elite 22nd Division, Sortie!
| req = Equip a [[TBF]] in the first slot of your secretary ship, scrap x2 [[Type 13 Air RADAR]]s, x2 [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]s and prepare 40 Development Materials, 10 Improvement Materials, 5000 ammo, 8000 bauxite,  1 Skilled Pilot and 1  New Aviation Armament Materials.
| req = Sortie mission: Sortie a powerful torpedo squadron that's including the reorganised elite DesDiv 22 to Kis Island in the northern sea, then have it complete the Kis Island evacuation mission flawlessly.
| fuel = 100
*Sortie a torpedo Squadron consisting of 1 CL, 1DD, Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai, and Minazuki Kai to 3-2 and score an S-rank(?).
| ammo = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 700
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 100
| other = [[TBM-3D]]
| other = Irako x2 <br>'''Choice Between'''<br> [[Daihatsu-class Landing Craft]] x1 <br> '''or''' <br> [[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| notes = All above mentioned items that are prepared will be consumed upon the completion of this quest and the [[TBF]] will be turned into a [[TBM-3D]].
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Factory
| type = Sortie
| listnum = F63
| listnum = B105
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 夜戦型艦上戦闘機の性能強化
| namejp = 精強大型航空母艦、抜錨!
| nameen = Improve the Performance of the Carrier-Based Night Fighter
| nameen = Reinforced Large Aircraft Carrier, Weigh Anchor!
| req = Equip a Maxed Modified and Maxed Expertise [[F6F-5]] in the first slot of your secretary ship, scrap x2 [[Type 13 Air RADAR]]s, x2 [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]s and prepare 40 Development Materials, 8 Improvement Materials, 8000 bauxite and 1  New Aviation Armament Materials.
| req = Deploy [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] or Mod. 2 as your flagship along with the "Task Force" to the Southern Waters North of the Salmon Sea and to the Central Waters at the waters off of the MS Archipelago, within these waters overpower the main enemy fleet and destroy them!
*Sortie [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] or Mod. 2 consisting of 1 CL, 2DD, and 2 Wild Cards to 5-5 and 6-2 and score an S-rank.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 100
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 700
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 700
| other = [[F6F-5N]]
| other = '''Choice Between'''<br> [[F6F-3]]<br> '''or'''<br> x1 Skilled Pilot <br>  '''or''' New Aviation Armament Materials <br> and <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> '''[[TBF]]'''<br> '''or'''<br> [[Night Operation Aviation Personnel]]
| notes = All above mentioned items that are prepared will be consumed upon the completion of this quest and the [[F6F-5]] will be turned into a [[F6F-5N]].
| notes =
| once  = true
| once  = true
===July 31th, 2017===
| type = Composition
| type = Sortie
| listnum = A79
| listnum = B106
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」を再編成せよ!
| namejp = 精強大型航空母艦、抜錨!
| nameen =
| nameen =Night Operation Carrier, sortie to the Front Lines!
| req = Composition Mission: Reorganize the 22nd Destroyer Division by forming a fleet of 4 powerful destroyers consisting of Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai, and Minazuki Kai.
| req = Deploy [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] as your flagship to the offshore area of the KW Atoll, intercept the enemy Carrier Task force and successfully succeed at "Intercepting the Main Enemy Carier Unit"! Night Operation Carrier, Weigh anchor and sortie to the Front Lines!
*Assemble a fleet consisting of Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai, and Minazuki Kai.
*Sortie [[Saratoga|Saratoga Mk.II]] along with 5 other ships sortie to 6-5 and score an S-rank?()
| fuel = 220
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 220
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 1000
| other = x2 Instant Repair <br> x2 [[Battle Rations]]
| other = '''Choice Between''' <br> '''[[TBF]] <br> '''or''' New Aviation Armament Materials<br> '''or''' [[Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands]]  <br> and <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> x1 Reinforcement Expansion <br> '''or''' <br> x1 Skilled Pilot <br>  '''or''' New Aviation Armament Materials <br>
| notes =
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B104
| listnum = B107
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 精鋭「第二二駆逐隊」出撃せよ!
| namejp = 補給線の安全を確保せよ!
| nameen = Elite 22nd Division, Sortie!
| nameen = Safely Secure the Supply Line!
| req = Sortie mission: Sortie a powerful torpedo squadron that's including the reorganised elite DesDiv 22 to Kis Island in the northern sea, then have it complete the Kis Island evacuation mission flawlessly.
| req = Organize a vigilant Fleet consisting of a Light Cruiser Class flagship and at least 2 Destroyers or Destroyer Escorts. With the same fleet vigilantly patrol the Naval Base Waters (Costal Oil Refinery Area/Nansei Island Defense Line/ Waters Ajecent to the Naval Base) and safely secure the supply line!
*Sortie a torpedo Squadron consisting of 1 CL, 1DD, Fumizuki Kai Ni, Satsuki Kai Ni, Nagatsuki Kai, and Minazuki Kai to 3-2 and score an S-rank(?).
*Sortie 1 CL as Flagship + 2DD/DE to 1-3,1-4,an 1-5 and score at least an A rank at the boss node.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 300
| ammo = 700
| ammo = 300
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 100
| bauxite = 0
| other = Irako x2 <br>'''Choice Between'''<br> [[Daihatsu-class Landing Craft]] x1 <br> '''or''' <br> [[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1 <br>'''or'''<br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1  
| other = x1 [[Maritime Resupply]] <br> x1 Irako
| notes =  
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = true
Line 679: Line 742:  
===July 14th, 2017===
Line 716: Line 778:  
| notes = Quarterly Quest
| notes = Quarterly Quest
| once  =  
| once  =  
| type = PVP
| listnum = C13
| reqQuest =
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 輸送部隊の練度向上に務めよ!
| nameen = Work on improving the experience of your Transport Unit
| req = Exercise Mission:  Work on improving the experience of your Transport Unit! Win 4 Battles during Exercise  in a day!
* Win 4 PVP session in a Day
| fuel = 300
| ammo = 300
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x2 Improvement Materials <br> '''Choice Between'''<br> Furniture Fairy <br> '''or''' [[Daihatsu]] <br>
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D22
| reqQuest = D2
| namejp = 輸送船団護衛を強化せよ!
| nameen = Reinforce the transport escort fleet!
| req = Do your duty as an escort fleet and repeat the "Maritime Escort Mission"!
* Complete [[Expedition#World 1|Expedition 5]] 4 times
| fuel = 1000
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 300
| other = Medium Coin Box x2
| notes = ''Monthly quest''
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D23
| reqQuest = D22
| reqQuest2 = F54
| namejp = 海上護衛総隊、遠征開始!
| nameen = To all Surface Escort Fleets, commence the expeditions!
| req = Expedition Mission: Conduct Expedition Missions "Anti-Submarine Patrol Mission", "Maritime Escort Mission", "Tanker Escort Mission" and successfully complete them using light cruisers, Destroyers and Escorts!
* Organize a fleet consisting of CL, DD and DE and complete Expedition 4,5, and 9 while request is activated.
| fuel = 700
| ammo = 700
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Development Material x2 <br> Instant Repair x2
| notes =
| once  = true
Line 736: Line 854:  
| type = Factory
| type = Expedition
| listnum = F59
| listnum = D25
| reqQuest = F57
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 民生産業への協力を継続せよ!
| namejp = 海上通商航路の警戒を厳とせよ!
| nameen = Continue Cooperation of the Consumer Industry
| nameen = Strengthen the Expedition "Supply" Support System!
| req = Arsenal Mission: Continue Releasing Munition Materials, with the help of the Cooperation of the Consumer Industry. Scrap 10 '''Anti Air Guns''' and prepare 15,000 steel!
| req = Strengthen the Expedition "Supply" Support System: Prepare 800 steel and carry out the expedition "Supply Reinforcement Mission". Complete the expedition and provide the following supplies to provide "Supply support" to your expedition fleets.
* Resources will be consumed upon completion of quest
* Complete [[Expedition]] A1 and have 800 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
*Reward choices will be selected between a Medal or Furniture Fairy.
| fuel = 200
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 200
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 300
| bauxite = 0
| other = [[Battle Rations]] x2<br>'''Choice Between''' <br>Furniture Fairy x1 <br> or <br> Medal x1 <br>
| other = '''"Provisional Resupply" for Expedition is unlocked x1''' <br> [[Battle Rations]] x2
| notes = 15000 steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| notes =  
| once  = true
| once  = True
| type = Factory
| type = Expedition
| listnum = F60
| listnum = D26
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| reqQuest3 =  
| namejp = 新型戦闘糧食の試作
| namejp = 近海に侵入する敵潜を制圧せよ!
| nameen = Prototype of New Combat Ration
| nameen = Gain Control of the Coastal Waters from the Invading Enemy Submarine Forces!
| req = Cooking Mission: Create a new Battle Ration that you can easily eat and still taste delicious as it sits in your stomach. Prepare 2 [[Battle Rations]], 800 fuel and 150 Bauxite! And Begin Cooking!
| req = Enemy Submarine Control Mission: Carry out Anti-Submarine Patrol, Strait Guard Action, and Long Term Anti-Submarine Patrol  multiple times  respectively to gain control the enemy submarine forces entering the costal  waters and strike them out of our territorial waters!  
*Resources and 2 [[Battle Rations]] will be consumed upon completion of quests.
* Complete [[Expedition]] 4, A2, and A3 2 times each while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 100
| ammo = 1000
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 300
| other = [[Battle Ration (Special Onigiri)]]
| other = x3 Improvement Materials <br> [[Type 95 Depth Charge]] x1
| notes = 2 [[Battle Rations]], 800 fuel and 150 bauxite will be consumed upon complettion
| notes = ''Quarterly Quest''
| once  = true
| once  =  
===June 23th, 2017===
| type = Composition
| type = Factory
| listnum = A77
| listnum = F53
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = F7
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 = F11
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 新型砲墳兵装、戦力化開始!
| namejp = 精鋭「第四航空戦隊」を再編成せよ!
| nameen = Begin Strengthening the New Type Gun Armament!
| nameen = Reorganize the Elite "Fourth Carrier Division"!
| req = Arsenal Mission: Begin the Development of the New Type Gun Armament for conversion. Proceed to scrap 10 "Secondary Guns" and prepare 6000 steel.
| req = Organization Mission: Organize in the First Fleet the two aviation Battleships Ise and Hyuuga as your first and second ships with no less Level 50 in experience and have 1 Light Cruiser and 2 Destroyer to reorganize the Elite "Fourth Carrier Division"!
* Resources will be consumed upon completion of quest.
*Have [[Ise]] amd [[Hyuuga]] as the First and Second Ship in your fleet that are Level 50 higher. In addition, have at least 1 CL and 2 DD in your fleet.
* Scrap 10 Secondary Guns and have 6000 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 400
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 400
| bauxite = 0
| other = x4 Development Material <br> x1 Skilled Pilot
| other = Furniture Box (Medium) x2 <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1  
| notes =  
| notes = 6000 Steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Composition
| type = Factory
| listnum = A78
| listnum = F54
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest = F53
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 新型艤装の開発研究
| namejp = 新編「第四水雷戦隊」を編成せよ!
| nameen = Development Research of New Rigging Types
| nameen = Organize the New 4th Torpedo Squadron!
| req = Arsenal Mission: Begin Development Research of New Type Rigging Types. Scrap 10 Medium Sized guns and prepare 12000 steel.
| req = Organization Mission: Deploy [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as the Flagship of your First fleet along with destroyers being [[Yuudachi]], [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]] and [[Samidare]] along with one other Destroyer to organize the New 4th Torpedo Squadron!
* The prepared resources will be consumed upon completion of this quest. You'll be able to choose between a medal and a New Artillery Armament Material.
*Have [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as your flagship along with [[Yuudachi]]. [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]], and [[Samidare]], and one wildcard DD.
* Scrap 10 Medium Sized Guns and have 12000 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 400
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 500
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x4 Instant Repair <br> x1 [[Repair Team]]
| other = Development Material x2<br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| notes =  
| notes = 12000 Steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| type = Factory
| listnum = B102
| listnum = F55
| reqQuest = A77
| reqQuest = D23
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 新型艤装の継続研究
| namejp = 精鋭「第四航空戦隊」、抜錨せよ!
| nameen = Continued Research of New Rigging Types
| nameen = Elite "Fourth Carrier Division", Weigh Anchor!
| req = Arsenal Mission: Continue developing new rigging types. Scrap 10 pieces of "Large-caliber main gun" equipment and prepare 18.000 steel!
| req = Elite "Fourth Carrier Division" Sortie Mission: Deploy the Elite Main Aviation Battleship Force known as the "Fourth Carrier Division" and weigh Anchor! Proceed to conduct Combat Patrol off Okinoshima and the Northern AL Ocean Area, capture the main enemy forces and eliminate them!
* The prepared resources will be consumed upon completion of this quest. You'll be able to choose between a medal and a New Artillery Armament Material.
* Take [[Ise]] and [[Hyuuga]] as your flagship and Second ship and have 1 CL, 2DD, and one wild card to 2-5 and 3-5 and score an A  rank at each boss node.
* Scrap 10 Large Sized Guns and have 18000 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 500
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 600
| steel = 500
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = x4 Improvement Materials <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> Skilled Pilot x1  
| other = Development Material x3 <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| notes =  
| notes = 18000 Steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.<br>''Quarterly Quest''
| once  = true
| once  =  
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B103
| reqQuest = A78
| reqQuest2 =
| reqQuest3 =
| namejp = 旗艦「由良」、抜錨!
| nameen = Flagship Yura, Weigh Anchor!
| req = Sortie Mission: Deploy your first fleet consisting of [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as your flagship along with 2 of the following ships consisting of [[Yuudachi]]. [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]],  [[Samidare]], and/or [[Akizuki]] to the Eastern Orel Sea and the Forefront of the Southern Seas to engage the main enemy forces and destroy them!
*Have [[Yura|Yura Kai Ni]] as your flagship along with 2 other ships begin either [[Yuudachi]]. [[Murasame]], [[Harusame]], [[Samidare]] and/or [[Akizuki]] in your fleet along with 3 other wildcards and send them to 2-3 and 5-1 and score an S rank at the boss nodes.
| fuel = 400
| ammo = 400
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 400
| other = x1 Skilled Pilot<br> '''Choice Between''' <br>[[Daihatsu-class Landing Craft]] x1 <br> '''or''' <br> [[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1
| notes =
| once  = true
Line 904: Line 1,002:  
| once  = true
| once  = true
===June 6th, 2017===
| type = Composition
| type = Factory
| listnum = A76
| listnum = F59
| reqQuest = B95
| reqQuest = F57
| reqQuest2 = C2
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 新編「第七戦隊」を編成せよ!
| reqQuest3 =
| nameen = Organize the new "Seventh Squadron"!
| namejp = 民生産業への協力を継続せよ!
| req = Organization Mission: Deploy the new "Seventh Squadron" to the first fleet with Kumano Kai Ni as the flagship and Suzuya Kai Ni as the second ship, along with Mogami Kai and Mikuma Kai.
| nameen = Continue Cooperation of the Consumer Industry
* Form a fleet with [[Kumano|Kumano Kai Ni]] as the flagship along with [[Suzuya|Suzuya Kai Ni]] as the second ship, [[Mogami|Mogami Kai]] and [[Mikuma|Mikuma Kai]] in the first fleet.
| req = Arsenal Mission: Continue Releasing Munition Materials, with the help of the Cooperation of the Consumer Industry. Scrap 10 '''Anti Air Guns''' and prepare 15,000 steel!
* Resources will be consumed upon completion of quest
*Reward choices will be selected between a Medal or Furniture Fairy.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 700
| bauxite = 300
| other = Instant Repair Bucket x2 <br> Irako x1
| other = [[Battle Rations]] x2<br>'''Choice Between''' <br>Furniture Fairy x1 <br> or <br> Medal x1 <br>
| notes =  
| notes = 15000 steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| type = Factory
| listnum = B100
| listnum = F60
| reqQuest = B98
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = Bw5
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 増強海上護衛総隊、抜錨せよ!
| reqQuest3 =
| nameen = To all Surface Escort Fleet reinforcements, sally forth!
| namejp = 新型戦闘糧食の試作
| req = Sortie Mission: Organize a Fleet consisting of 1 Light Cruiser, 2 Destroyers or Escorts, an Aviation Cruiser or Light Aircraft Carrier in your first fleet. Deploy them to each area of the Nansei Island Waters and destroy the enemy main fleet in each operation successfully!
| nameen = Prototype of New Combat Ration
* Orgainze a fleet with 1 CL, 2DD or DE, 1 CAV or CVL, and 2 wildcards and sortie them through 2-2,2-3,2-4, and 2-5 and score an A rank on each boss node.
| req = Cooking Mission: Create a new Battle Ration that you can easily eat and still taste delicious as it sits in your stomach. Prepare 2 [[Battle Rations]], 800 fuel and 150 Bauxite! And Begin Cooking!
| fuel = 700
*Resources and 2 [[Battle Rations]] will be consumed upon completion of quests.
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B101
| reqQuest = A76
| reqQuest2 = C2
| namejp = 新編「第七戦隊」、出撃せよ!
| nameen = New "Seventh Squadron", Sortie!
| req = Sortie Mission: Sortie the New Seventh Squadron to the Curry Ocean area off Ri Lanka "Abyssal Eastern Ocean Fleet Reduction Operation" and the MS Island Operation "Defense of the MS Archipelago", engage the enemy main fleet and destroy them!
* Sortie a fleet with [[Kumano|Kumano Kai Ni (or Kai Ni Kou)]] as the flagship along with [[Suzuya|Suzuya Kai Ni (or Kai Ni Kou)]] as the second ship, [[Mogami|Mogami Kai]],[[Mikuma|Mikuma Kai]] and two wild cards, score an S rank on 4-5 and 6-2 at the boss node.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 100
| steel = 1000
| bauxite = 500
| other = Improvement Material x4<br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1 <br> '''or'''<br> [[Type 0 Fighter Model 63 (Fighter-bomber)]]
| notes = CVL versions of [[Suzuya]] and [[Kumano]] can be used here if necessary.
| once  = true
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D23
| reqQuest = D22
| reqQuest2 = F54
| namejp = 海上護衛総隊、遠征開始!
| nameen = To all Surface Escort Fleets, commence the expeditions!
| req = Expedition Mission: Conduct Expedition Missions "Anti-Submarine Patrol Mission", "Maritime Escort Mission", "Tanker Escort Mission" and successfully complete them using light cruisers, Destroyers and Escorts!
* Organize a fleet consisting of CL, DD and DE and complete Expedition 4,5, and 9 while request is activated.
| fuel = 700
| ammo = 700
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Development Material x2 <br> Instant Repair x2
| other = [[Battle Ration (Special Onigiri)]]
| notes =  
| notes = 2 [[Battle Rations]], 800 fuel and 150 bauxite will be consumed upon complettion
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F53
| listnum = F61
| reqQuest = F7
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 = F11
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 新型砲墳兵装、戦力化開始!
| reqQuest3 =
| nameen = Begin Strengthening the New Type Gun Armament!
| namejp = 夜戦型艦上戦闘機の開発
| req = Arsenal Mission: Begin the Development of the New Type Gun Armament for conversion. Proceed to scrap 10 "Secondary Guns" and prepare 6000 steel.
| nameen = Development of the Carrier-Based Night Fighter
* Resources will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| req = Equip a Maxed Modified and Maxed Expertise [[F6F-3]] in the first slot of your secretary ship, scrap x2 [[Type 13 Air RADAR]]s, x2 [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]s and prepare 30 Development Materials, 6 Improvement Materials, 5000 bauxite and 1  New Aviation Armament Materials.
* Scrap 10 Secondary Guns and have 6000 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 400
| ammo = 100
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Furniture Box (Medium) x2 <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| other = [[F6F-3N]]
| notes = 6000 Steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| notes = All above mentioned items that are prepared will be consumed upon the completion of this quest and the [[F6F-3]] will be turned into a [[F6F-3N]].
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F54
| listnum = F62
| reqQuest = F53
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 新型艤装の開発研究
| reqQuest3 =
| nameen = Development Research of New Rigging Types
| namejp = 夜間作戦型艦上攻撃機の開発
| req = Arsenal Mission: Begin Development Research of New Type Rigging Types. Scrap 10 Medium Sized guns and prepare 12000 steel.
| nameen = Development of carrier-based night bombers
* The prepared resources will be consumed upon completion of this quest. You'll be able to choose between a medal and a New Artillery Armament Material.
| req = Equip a [[TBF]] in the first slot of your secretary ship, scrap x2 [[Type 13 Air RADAR]]s, x2 [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]s and prepare 40 Development Materials, 10 Improvement Materials, 5000 ammo, 8000 bauxite,  1 Skilled Pilot and New Aviation Armament Materials.
* Scrap 10 Medium Sized Guns and have 12000 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 100
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 0
| ammo = 500
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Development Material x2<br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| other = [[TBM-3D]]
| notes = 12000 Steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.
| notes = All above mentioned items that are prepared will be consumed upon the completion of this quest and the [[TBF]] will be turned into a [[TBM-3D]].
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Factory
| type = Factory
| listnum = F55
| listnum = F63
| reqQuest = D23
| reqQuest2 =
| namejp = 新型艤装の継続研究
| nameen = Continued Research of New Rigging Types
| req = Arsenal Mission: Continue developing new rigging types. Scrap 10 pieces of "Large-caliber main gun" equipment and prepare 18.000 steel!
* The prepared resources will be consumed upon completion of this quest. You'll be able to choose between a medal and a New Artillery Armament Material.
* Scrap 10 Large Sized Guns and have 18000 steel in your inventory while the quest is activated.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 600
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Development Material x3 <br> '''Choice Between''' <br> Medal x1 <br> '''or''' <br> New Type Artillery Armament Materials x1
| notes = 18000 Steel will be consumed upon completion of quest.<br>''Quarterly Quest''
| once  =
===May 22nd, 2017===
| type = Composition
| listnum = A75
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| reqQuest2 =  
| namejp = 新編「第一戦隊」を編成せよ!
| reqQuest3 =
| nameen = Organise the new "First Squadron"!
| namejp = 夜戦型艦上戦闘機の性能強化
| req = Deploy the new "First Squadron" to the first fleet with Nagato Kai Ni as the flagship and Mutsu Kai as the second ship!
| nameen = Improve the Performance of the Carrier-Based Night Fighter
* Form a fleet with [[Nagato|Nagato Kai Ni]] as the flagship along with [[Mutsu|Mutsu Kai]]
| req = Equip a Maxed Modified and Maxed Expertise [[F6F-5]] in the first slot of your secretary ship, scrap x2 [[Type 13 Air RADAR]]s, x2 [[Type 22 Surface RADAR]]s and prepare 40 Development Materials, 8 Improvement Materials, 8000 bauxite and 1  New Aviation Armament Materials.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 880
| ammo = 100
| steel = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 0
| bauxite = 0
| other = Instant Repair Bucket x2 <br> Irako x1
| other = [[F6F-5N]]
| notes =  
| notes = All above mentioned items that are prepared will be consumed upon the completion of this quest and the [[F6F-5]] will be turned into a [[F6F-5N]].
| once  = true
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B98
| reqQuest = Bd2
| reqQuest2 =
| namejp = 海上護衛体制の強化に努めよ!
| nameen = Reinforce the coastal guard!
| req = Form an escort fleet with 3 or more DD or DE, then send them to the Coastal Refinery Zone, the Nansei Islands Defense Line, the Sea Near the Naval Base and the Sea Route Near the Naval base and score victories at those maps.
* Form a fleet with 3 or more DD or DE and S rank [[World 1#1-3|1-3]], [[World 1#1-4|1-4]] and [[World 1#1-5|1-5]] then clear [[World 1#1-6|1-6]].
| fuel = 400
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 400
| other = Development Material x4 <br> Furniture Fairy x1
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Sortie
| listnum = B99
| reqQuest = A75
| reqQuest2 = B98
| namejp = 新編「第一戦隊」、抜錨せよ!
| nameen = New "First Squadron", Weigh Anchor!
| req = Sortie with Nagato Kai Ni as the flagship and Mutsu Kai! Send them to the Curry Ocean off Sri Lanka and the Northern Salmon Sea to destroy the main enemy fleets there!
* Sortie a fleet with Nagato Kai Ni (flagship), Mutsu Kai as the 2nd ship, and 4 additional ships to [[World 4#4-5|4-5]] and [[World 5#5-5|5-5]] and S rank both maps.
| fuel = 0
| ammo = 880
| steel = 880
| bauxite = 0
| other = Screw x4 <br> [[New Design Anti-Torpedo Bulge (Large)]]
| notes =
| once  = true
| type = Expedition
| listnum = D22
| reqQuest = D2
| namejp = 輸送船団護衛を強化せよ!
| nameen = Reinforce the transport escort fleet!
| req = Do your duty as an escort fleet and repeat the "Maritime Escort Mission"!
* Complete [[Expedition#World 1|Expedition 5]] 4 times
| fuel = 1000
| ammo = 0
| steel = 0
| bauxite = 300
| other = Medium Coin Box x2
| notes = ''Monthly quest''
