Added and translated marriage lines.
| 自己紹介=長月だ。駆逐艦と侮るなよ。役に立つはずだ。
| 自己紹介=長月だ。駆逐艦と侮るなよ。役に立つはずだ。
| EN1=Nagatsuki here. Don't make light of me as destroyers. I'm useful.
| EN1=Nagatsuki here. Don't make light of me as destroyers. I'm useful.
| Note1=She speaks informally.
| Note1=She speaks informally.
| Library=睦月型8番艦だ。
| Library=睦月型8番艦だ。
| 撃沈時(反転)=すまないみんな…ここまでのようだ
| 撃沈時(反転)=すまないみんな…ここまでのようだ
| EN23=Sorry everyone... looks like this is as far as I'll go.
| EN23=Sorry everyone... looks like this is as far as I'll go.
| Note23=}}
| Note23=|Wedding = あんまり頼りにされても困る…わけないだろ あんたは別だよ、司令官
|EN26 = Relying on me so much is troubling… but it's not that simple. You're different, Commander.}}