
23 bytes added ,  7 years ago
Line 267: Line 267:  
| origin      =よし!今日はこの長門が秘書艦を務めよう。何、大舟に乗ったつもりで、私に任せておけ。
| origin      =よし!今日はこの長門が秘書艦を務めよう。何、大舟に乗ったつもりで、私に任せておけ。
| translation =Alright!  Today Nagato will be the secretary ship.  What?  Climb aboard this great ship and leave it to me okay?
| translation =Alright!  Today Nagato will be the secretary ship.  What?  Climb aboard this great ship and leave it to me okay?
| audio      = NagatoKai0000.mp3
| audio      = NagatoKai-0000.mp3
Line 273: Line 273:  
| origin      =マルヒトマルマルだ。ふっ、異常なし...だな。
| origin      =マルヒトマルマルだ。ふっ、異常なし...だな。
| translation =It’s one hundred hours now.  Hmm, nothing’s seems.
| translation =It’s one hundred hours now.  Hmm, nothing’s seems.
| audio      = NagatoKai0100.mp3
| audio      = NagatoKai-0100.mp3
Line 279: Line 279:  
| origin      =マルフタマルマルだ。どうした、提督。少し疲れたか?私か?私は問題なしだ。
| origin      =マルフタマルマルだ。どうした、提督。少し疲れたか?私か?私は問題なしだ。
| translation =It’s two hundred hours.  What is it Admiral?  Are you a bit tired?  Me?  I’m perfectly okay.
| translation =It’s two hundred hours.  What is it Admiral?  Are you a bit tired?  Me?  I’m perfectly okay.
| audio      = NagatoKai0200.mp3
| audio      = NagatoKai-0200.mp3
Line 285: Line 285:  
| origin      =マルサンマルマルだ。夜はまだ長いな。何、お茶?悪いな、提督。ありがたい。頂こう。
| origin      =マルサンマルマルだ。夜はまだ長いな。何、お茶?悪いな、提督。ありがたい。頂こう。
| translation =It’s three hundred hours.  Nights are pretty long aren’t they?  What’s that, some tea?  Not bad, Admiral, thanks.  Down the hatch.
| translation =It’s three hundred hours.  Nights are pretty long aren’t they?  What’s that, some tea?  Not bad, Admiral, thanks.  Down the hatch.
| audio      =NagatoKai0300.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-0300.mp3
Line 291: Line 291:  
| origin      =マルヨンマルマル。次のお茶はこの長門が淹れよう。大丈夫、任せておけ。お茶くらい...ふっ、ええと...お茶っ葉は...
| origin      =マルヨンマルマル。次のお茶はこの長門が淹れよう。大丈夫、任せておけ。お茶くらい...ふっ、ええと...お茶っ葉は...
| translation =It’s four hundred hours.  Nagato will take care of the next batch of tea.  It’ll be fine, leave it to me OK?  Tea is like…hmm….um…where are the tea leaves....
| translation =It’s four hundred hours.  Nagato will take care of the next batch of tea.  It’ll be fine, leave it to me OK?  Tea is like…hmm….um…where are the tea leaves....
| audio      =NagatoKai0400.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-0400.mp3
Line 297: Line 297:  
| origin      =マルゴウマルマルだ。もうすぐ夜が明けるな。ン、フンンン...夜明けは気持ちのいいものだ。
| origin      =マルゴウマルマルだ。もうすぐ夜が明けるな。ン、フンンン...夜明けは気持ちのいいものだ。
| translation =It’s five hundred hours now.  It won’t be too much longer now….mmmm….dawn feels so pleasant.
| translation =It’s five hundred hours now.  It won’t be too much longer now….mmmm….dawn feels so pleasant.
| audio      =NagatoKai0500.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-0500.mp3
Line 309: Line 309:  
| origin      =マルナナマルマルだ。さ、朝飯を掻っ込んで、配置に就こう。ぶっかけ飯でいいな、頂きます!
| origin      =マルナナマルマルだ。さ、朝飯を掻っ込んで、配置に就こう。ぶっかけ飯でいいな、頂きます!
| translation =It's seven hundred hours. Let's get breakfast out of the way everyone line up.  Some bukkake rice sounds good, let's dig in!
| translation =It's seven hundred hours. Let's get breakfast out of the way everyone line up.  Some bukkake rice sounds good, let's dig in!
| audio      =NagatoKai0700.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-0700.mp3
Line 315: Line 315:  
| origin      =マルハチマルマル。よし、腹ごなしは朝の演習だな。第一戦隊!集結せよ!砲戦演習を開始する!
| origin      =マルハチマルマル。よし、腹ごなしは朝の演習だな。第一戦隊!集結せよ!砲戦演習を開始する!
| translation =It's eight hundred hours.  We'll do some morning exercise to help with digestion.  First Fleet! All together! Begin artillery exercises.
| translation =It's eight hundred hours.  We'll do some morning exercise to help with digestion.  First Fleet! All together! Begin artillery exercises.
| audio      =NagatoKai0800.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-0800.mp3
Line 321: Line 321:  
| origin      =マルキュウマルマルだ。うむ、朝は体を動かすのが気持ちがいいな。はははは!提督もどうだ?お?
| origin      =マルキュウマルマルだ。うむ、朝は体を動かすのが気持ちがいいな。はははは!提督もどうだ?お?
| translation =It's nine hundred hours.  Yeah, it feels good to move the body around in the morning.  Hahahaha!  How about you Admiral?  Oh?
| translation =It's nine hundred hours.  Yeah, it feels good to move the body around in the morning.  Hahahaha!  How about you Admiral?  Oh?
| audio      =NagatoKai0900.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-0900.mp3
Line 327: Line 327:  
| origin      =ヒトマルマルマ...おお、陸奥。何?問題なし...だ。これは?あ、昼飯よか。ん、ありがたい。
| origin      =ヒトマルマルマ...おお、陸奥。何?問題なし...だ。これは?あ、昼飯よか。ん、ありがたい。
| translation =It's ten hundred hours.  Oh, Mutsu.  Yes?  Everythings fine...uh huh.  What's this?  Oh, for lunch?  Mmm, thanks.
| translation =It's ten hundred hours.  Oh, Mutsu.  Yes?  Everythings fine...uh huh.  What's this?  Oh, for lunch?  Mmm, thanks.
| audio      =NagatoKai1000.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1000.mp3
Line 333: Line 333:  
| origin      =ヒトヒトマルマルだ。もうすぐ昼飯の時間か。陸奥の作ってくれた握り飯を食おう。うん!
| origin      =ヒトヒトマルマルだ。もうすぐ昼飯の時間か。陸奥の作ってくれた握り飯を食おう。うん!
| translation =It's eleven hundred hours.  It's nearly time for lunch.  Let's have some of the rice balls that Mutsu made for us.  Yup!
| translation =It's eleven hundred hours.  It's nearly time for lunch.  Let's have some of the rice balls that Mutsu made for us.  Yup!
| audio      =NagatoKai1100.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1100.mp3
Line 339: Line 339:  
| origin      =ヒトフタマルマル。昼だな。ん、昼飯だ。海で食う握り飯は、うまいな。格別だ!お茶もあるぞ!
| origin      =ヒトフタマルマル。昼だな。ん、昼飯だ。海で食う握り飯は、うまいな。格別だ!お茶もあるぞ!
| translation =It's twelve hundred hours.  It's midday.  Time for lunch.  Rice balls taste great by the sea.  Amazing!  Let's have some tea!
| translation =It's twelve hundred hours.  It's midday.  Time for lunch.  Rice balls taste great by the sea.  Amazing!  Let's have some tea!
| audio      =NagatoKai1200.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1200.mp3
Line 345: Line 345:  
| origin      =ヒトサンマルマルだ。よし、午後も頑張って行こう!大和たちとガッチリ演習をやるか。な!
| origin      =ヒトサンマルマルだ。よし、午後も頑張って行こう!大和たちとガッチリ演習をやるか。な!
| translation =It's thirteen hundred hours.  Alright, let's do our best this afternoon too.  Let's join up with Yamato and everyone for fleet exercises.  Right?
| translation =It's thirteen hundred hours.  Alright, let's do our best this afternoon too.  Let's join up with Yamato and everyone for fleet exercises.  Right?
| audio      =NagatoKai1300.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1300.mp3
Line 351: Line 351:  
| origin      =ヒトヨンマルマル。大和、武蔵、行くぞ!艦隊演習だ。全力で行こう。手加減なしだ!
| origin      =ヒトヨンマルマル。大和、武蔵、行くぞ!艦隊演習だ。全力で行こう。手加減なしだ!
| translation =It's fourteen hundred hours.  Yamato, Musashi, let's go! It's time for fleet exercises! Let's go full steam ahead! I forsee no problem.   
| translation =It's fourteen hundred hours.  Yamato, Musashi, let's go! It's time for fleet exercises! Let's go full steam ahead! I forsee no problem.   
| audio      =NagatoKai1400.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1400.mp3
Line 357: Line 357:  
| origin      =ヒトゴウマルマル。何、八八艦隊?あ、そうだ。その為に建造されたんだ。まあ、昔の話さ。ふふふ...
| origin      =ヒトゴウマルマル。何、八八艦隊?あ、そうだ。その為に建造されたんだ。まあ、昔の話さ。ふふふ...
| translation =It's fifteen hundred hours. What, the 88th Fleet?  Ah of course.  It was built for that reason.  Well, it's an old story.  Fufufu.  
| translation =It's fifteen hundred hours. What, the 88th Fleet?  Ah of course.  It was built for that reason.  Well, it's an old story.  Fufufu.  
| audio      =NagatoKai1500.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1500.mp3
Line 363: Line 363:  
| origin      =ヒトロクマルマルだ。ん、そうだな。食料確保も大事なことだ。何、クジラは?ほお...ふん...なるほどな。
| origin      =ヒトロクマルマルだ。ん、そうだな。食料確保も大事なことだ。何、クジラは?ほお...ふん...なるほどな。
| translation =It's sixteen hundred hours. Hmm, that's right. Having reserves of provision is important too. What, it's whale?  Oh...hmm..I see.
| translation =It's sixteen hundred hours. Hmm, that's right. Having reserves of provision is important too. What, it's whale?  Oh...hmm..I see.
| audio      =NagatoKai1600.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1600.mp3
Line 369: Line 369:  
| origin      =ヒトナナマルマル。夕陽が落ちる...な。何だろうな、提督。美しいが、少し...悲しいな...
| origin      =ヒトナナマルマル。夕陽が落ちる...な。何だろうな、提督。美しいが、少し...悲しいな...
| translation =It's seventeen hundred hours.  The sun is setting....hey.  Why do you think it is, Admiral that I find it so beautiful...but a bit sad as well...
| translation =It's seventeen hundred hours.  The sun is setting....hey.  Why do you think it is, Admiral that I find it so beautiful...but a bit sad as well...
| audio      =NagatoKai1700.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1700.mp3
Line 375: Line 375:  
| origin      =ヒトハチマルマルだ。夕飯の時間だな。任せてお...何、提督が?ほ...そうか。よし、待っていよう。
| origin      =ヒトハチマルマルだ。夕飯の時間だな。任せてお...何、提督が?ほ...そうか。よし、待っていよう。
| translation =It's eighteen hundred hours.  It's time for dinner, isn't it.  Leave it to...what, you'll do it Admiral?  Oh...I is that so?  Okay, I'll be waiting for it.
| translation =It's eighteen hundred hours.  It's time for dinner, isn't it.  Leave it to...what, you'll do it Admiral?  Oh...I is that so?  Okay, I'll be waiting for it.
| audio      =NagatoKai1800.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1800.mp3
Line 381: Line 381:  
| origin      =ヒトキュウマルマル。んっんん、いい匂いだな。本格的だな。いいのか。ん、よし!頂こう!
| origin      =ヒトキュウマルマル。んっんん、いい匂いだな。本格的だな。いいのか。ん、よし!頂こう!
| translation =It's nineteen hundred hours.  Mmmm, that smells great. It's seriously great.  Is it fine to have some?  Hmm, Ok!  I'll dig in!  
| translation =It's nineteen hundred hours.  Mmmm, that smells great. It's seriously great.  Is it fine to have some?  Hmm, Ok!  I'll dig in!  
| audio      =NagatoKai1900.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-1900.mp3
Line 387: Line 387:  
| origin      =フタマルマルマルだ。うん、美味い!提督の作る飯は大和とも張り合えるではないか。大した物だ。
| origin      =フタマルマルマルだ。うん、美味い!提督の作る飯は大和とも張り合えるではないか。大した物だ。
| translation =It's twenty hundred hours. Yes, delicious!  The even Yamato's cooked rice cant compare to the Admiral's. It's the real deal.  
| translation =It's twenty hundred hours. Yes, delicious!  The even Yamato's cooked rice cant compare to the Admiral's. It's the real deal.  
| audio      =NagatoKai2000.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-2000.mp3
Line 393: Line 393:  
| origin      =フタヒトマルマ...騒がしいな。三水戦か?ふん、元気なのはいいが、奴には私から少し言っておこう。
| origin      =フタヒトマルマ...騒がしいな。三水戦か?ふん、元気なのはいいが、奴には私から少し言っておこう。
| translation =It's twenty-one hundred-it's pretty noisy out there.  Is it the 3rd Torpedo Squadron?  Hmm, it's fine to be lively, but I think I'll have a word with them.
| translation =It's twenty-one hundred-it's pretty noisy out there.  Is it the 3rd Torpedo Squadron?  Hmm, it's fine to be lively, but I think I'll have a word with them.
| audio      =NagatoKai2100.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-2100.mp3
Line 399: Line 399:  
| origin      =フタフタ...おお、ウォースパイト。どうした?おお、ケーキの差し入れか。ありがたい。受け取ろう。
| origin      =フタフタ...おお、ウォースパイト。どうした?おお、ケーキの差し入れか。ありがたい。受け取ろう。
| translation =It's twenty-two....oh, Warspite.  How are you?  Oh, you brought me a cake?  Thank you. I'm glad to accept it.
| translation =It's twenty-two....oh, Warspite.  How are you?  Oh, you brought me a cake?  Thank you. I'm glad to accept it.
| audio      =NagatoKai2200.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-2200.mp3
Line 405: Line 405:  
| origin      =フタサンマルマルだ。提督、今日はお疲れだった。しばし体を休めて、明日の戦いを臨んでくれ。お疲れ。
| origin      =フタサンマルマルだ。提督、今日はお疲れだった。しばし体を休めて、明日の戦いを臨んでくれ。お疲れ。
| translation =It's twenty-three hundred hours.  Admiral, good work today.  Let's take a little break, we'll have to fight tomorrow as well.  Good work.
| translation =It's twenty-three hundred hours.  Admiral, good work today.  Let's take a little break, we'll have to fight tomorrow as well.  Good work.
| audio      =NagatoKai2300.mp3
| audio      =NagatoKai-2300.mp3
