| 秘書放置時=ん?なに?別に時間を持て余しているわけではないぞ。ああそうだ、忙しいな。
| 秘書放置時=ん?なに?別に時間を持て余しているわけではないぞ。ああそうだ、忙しいな。
| EN4a=Hm? What? It's not like I cannot manage my time. That's right, I'm busy.
| EN4a=Hm? What? It's not like I cannot manage my time. That's right, I'm busy.
| Note4a=New idle line. Could be phrased better, could use a bit of correction.
| Note4a=(New idle line. Could be phrased better, could use a bit of correction.)
| 戦績表示時=司令部から連絡だ
| 戦績表示時=司令部から連絡だ
| EN5=Headquarters have sent a message.
| EN5=Headquarters have sent a message.