| EN4=I've seen a lot of excellent admirals in my time, but... You're the first one that touches so much...
| EN4=I've seen a lot of excellent admirals in my time, but... You're the first one that touches so much...
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=う~ん、出撃しないなら仮眠したらどうだ?夜は長いぜ
| EN4a=
| EN4a=
| Note4a=
| Note4a=
| EN24=Resupply is the basics of all.
| EN24=Resupply is the basics of all.
| Note24=
| Note24=
| EN10=It really doesn't hurt.
| EN10=It really doesn't hurt.
| Note10=
| Note10=
| EN11=I really wanna fight more, but I gotta go wash up. Sorry!
| EN11=I really wanna fight more, but I gotta go wash up. Sorry!
| Note11=
| Note11=
| EN19=On par with Admiral Tanaka's very own command. That was awesome, Admiral. We can do this!
| EN19=On par with Admiral Tanaka's very own command. That was awesome, Admiral. We can do this!
| Note19=
| Note19=
| EN20=Ouch! Grr!
| EN20=Ouch! Grr!
| Note20=
| Note20=
| EN21=Ugh! Nope, not done yet!
| EN21=Ugh! Nope, not done yet!
| Note21=
| Note21=
| EN22=Ahh! Ah, what an embarrassment... Don't you forget this! We're comin' back for you!
| EN22=Ahh! Ah, what an embarrassment... Don't you forget this! We're comin' back for you!
| Note22=
| Note22=
| Note23=
| Note23=
|Married = あぁ~、やっぱ提督はわかってるなー。いいねー。
|Married = あぁ~、やっぱ提督はわかってるなー。いいねー。
|EN25 = Aa~, of course I get you, Admiral. How lovely~
|EN25 = Aa~, of course I get you, Admiral. How lovely~
|Wedding = どうしたー? 浮かない顔をしてー。提督がそんな感じだと、艦隊全体に影響が出てしまうぞ。まぁ、ここはこの長波が胸を貸そうか。さぁ、想いのたけを吐きだせ。さぁ、大声でっ! えっ? そ、そうなるかっ!? い、いいけど、ねぇ…。
|Wedding = どうしたー? 浮かない顔をしてー。提督がそんな感じだと、艦隊全体に影響が出てしまうぞ。まぁ、ここはこの長波が胸を貸そうか。さぁ、想いのたけを吐きだせ。さぁ、大声でっ! えっ? そ、そうなるかっ!? い、いいけど、ねぇ…。
|EN26 = What is it? With that glum face and all.If you keep acting that way, it'll spread to the entire fleet, you know. Well, I'll lend this Naganami's chest to you here. Now, spit out your problems. Now, in a big voice! Eh? I-it's that!? Well, that's fine too, I guess...|ドック入り(小破以下) = 痛くなんかないけどね
|EN26 = What is it? With that glum face and all.If you keep acting that way, it'll spread to the entire fleet, you know. Well, I'll lend this Naganami's chest to you here. Now, spit out your problems. Now, in a big voice! Eh? I-it's that!? Well, that's fine too, I guess...}}
|ドック入り(中破以上) = ごめんっ!もっと戦いたいんだけどー、ちょっちお風呂
|小破① = いったいなー!もう!
|小破② = くっ!まーだいけるから!
|中破 = ぁあ!な、なんてザマ…お、覚えてろよな!また来るんだからね!}}
| 00JP=0時だ。誰か来たぞ?…あぁ、子日か…まさか、子の正刻って言いたいだけか?
| 00JP=0時だ。誰か来たぞ?…あぁ、子日か…まさか、子の正刻って言いたいだけか?