
1,231 bytes added ,  9 years ago
Mogami Kai audio
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| 自己紹介=提督、また会ったね、最上だよ。僕の飛行甲板どう?似合ってる?
| 自己紹介=提督、また会ったね、最上だよ。僕の飛行甲板どう?似合ってる?
| EN1=We meet again, Admiral. It's Mogami. How's my flight deck? Does it suit me?
| EN1=We meet again, Admiral. It's Mogami. How's my flight deck? Does it suit me?
| Clip1 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_1.ogg}}
| Note1=
| Note1=
| Library=最上型重巡洋艦1番艦。最上の後部主砲を全て取り払って、代わりに水上機を運用する航空甲板を設置した、航空巡洋艦だよ。水上機母艦並の航空力と火力、どうよ!
| Library=最上型重巡洋艦1番艦。最上の後部主砲を全て取り払って、代わりに水上機を運用する航空甲板を設置した、航空巡洋艦だよ。水上機母艦並の航空力と火力、どうよ!
| EN0=1st of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers. By taking off my stern cannons, and replacing them with a aviation deck, the Aviation Cruiser was developed! Equal fire and air power, howzat!
| EN0=1st of the Mogami-class heavy cruisers. By taking off my stern cannons, and replacing them with a aviation deck, the Aviation Cruiser was developed! Equal fire and air power, howzat!
| Clip0 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_25.ogg}}
| Note0=
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=航空甲板が気になるのかい?
| 秘書クリック会話①=航空甲板が気になるのかい?
| EN2=You interested in my flight deck?
| EN2=You interested in my flight deck?
| Clip2 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_3.ogg}}
| Note2=
| Note2=
| 秘書クリック会話②=提督、ボクに何か用?
| 秘書クリック会話②=提督、ボクに何か用?
| EN3=Admiral, have you got something for me to do?
| EN3=Admiral, have you got something for me to do?
| Clip3 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_2.ogg}}
| Note3=
| Note3=
| 秘書クリック会話③=いやぁ、まぁ、空母とは違うんだけどね。結構うまく使えば面白いと思うんだよね
| 秘書クリック会話③=いやぁ、まぁ、空母とは違うんだけどね。結構うまく使えば面白いと思うんだよね
| EN4=Yeaaah, well, I am different from the regular carriers. If you use me well, I think it'll be interesting, you know?
| EN4=Yeaaah, well, I am different from the regular carriers. If you use me well, I think it'll be interesting, you know?
| Clip4 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_4.ogg}}
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=
| 秘書放置時=
Line 206: Line 211:  
| 戦績表示時=提督にお知らせみたいだよ
| 戦績表示時=提督にお知らせみたいだよ
| EN5=Looks like there's a notice for the Admiral
| EN5=Looks like there's a notice for the Admiral
| Clip5 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_8.ogg}}
| Note5=
| Note5=
| 編成選択時=航空巡洋艦 最上、出撃するよ
| 編成選択時=航空巡洋艦 最上、出撃するよ
| EN6=Aviation cruiser Mogami, launching!
| EN6=Aviation cruiser Mogami, launching!
| Clip6 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_13.ogg}}
| Note6=
| Note6=
| 装備時①=うふっボクをますます強くしてくれるの?
| 装備時①=うふっボクをますます強くしてくれるの?
| EN7=Ooh, you're gonna make me even stronger?
| EN7=Ooh, you're gonna make me even stronger?
| Clip7 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_9.ogg}}
| Note7=
| Note7=
| 装備時②=これをこうして使うのか・・・へー
| 装備時②=これをこうして使うのか・・・へー
| EN8=So you use it like this... huh~
| EN8=So you use it like this... huh~
| Clip8 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_10.ogg}}
| Note8=
| Note8=
| 装備時③=衝突禁止!
| 装備時③=衝突禁止!
| EN9=Collisions are a no-no!
| EN9=Collisions are a no-no!
| Clip9 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_26.ogg}}
| Note9=
| Note9=
| 補給時=うふっボクをますます強くしてくれるの?
| 補給時=うふっボクをますます強くしてくれるの?
| EN24=Ooh, you're gonna make me even stronger?
| EN24=Ooh, you're gonna make me even stronger?
| Clip24 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_27.ogg}}
| Note24=
| Note24=
| EN10=Going in for repairs.  Why do I keep running into friends...? This sucks...
| EN10=Going in for repairs.  Why do I keep running into friends...? This sucks...
| Clip10 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_11.ogg}}
| Note10=
| Note10=
| EN11=Aaah... my long-awaited flight deck came to nothing, damnit...
| EN11=Aaah... my long-awaited flight deck came to nothing, damnit...
| Clip11 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_12.ogg}}
| Note11=
| Note11=
| 建造時=新しい仲間がきたよ
| 建造時=新しい仲間がきたよ
| EN12=A new friend has come!
| EN12=A new friend has come!
| Clip12 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_5.ogg}}
| Note12=
| Note12=
| 艦隊帰投時=作戦が終わった艦隊が戻って来たね
| 艦隊帰投時=作戦が終わった艦隊が戻って来たね
| EN13=The operation is over, the fleet has come back
| EN13=The operation is over, the fleet has come back
| Clip13 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_7.ogg}}
| Note13=
| Note13=
| 出撃時=出るの?そう来なくっちゃ
| 出撃時=出るの?そう来なくっちゃ
| EN14=Heading out? Now you're talking!
| EN14=Heading out? Now you're talking!
| Clip14 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_14.ogg}}
| Note14=
| Note14=
| 戦闘開始時=いっけー
| 戦闘開始時=いっけー
| EN15=Go~!
| EN15=Go~!
| Clip15 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_15.ogg}}
| Note15=
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=五月雨をあつめて早し・・・って芭蕉だっけ?
| 航空戦開始時=五月雨をあつめて早し・・・って芭蕉だっけ?
| EN15a=Gathering the rains of the wet season swiftl.... Basho, right?
| EN15a=Gathering the rains of the wet season swiftl.... Basho, right?
| Note15a=From Matsuo Basho's Haiku. "Samidare wo atsumete hayashi mogamigawa"
| Note15a=From Matsuo Basho's Haiku. "Samidare wo atsumete hayashi mogamigawa"
| Clip15a = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_17.ogg}}
The Haiku was written in memorial of Basho's time travelling the Mogami River.
The Haiku was written in memorial of Basho's time travelling the Mogami River.
| 攻撃時=いっけー
| 攻撃時=いっけー
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Too weak!
Too weak!
| Clip16 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_16.ogg}}
| Note16=(甘い lit. naive, but that doesn't TL too well for warships...)
| Note16=(甘い lit. naive, but that doesn't TL too well for warships...)
| 夜戦開始時=よーし、ボクも突撃するぞー!
| 夜戦開始時=よーし、ボクも突撃するぞー!
| EN17=Alriight, I'm gonna charge too!
| EN17=Alriight, I'm gonna charge too!
| Clip17 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_18.ogg}}
| Note17=
| Note17=
| 夜戦攻撃時=五月雨を、あつめて早し…って芭蕉だっけ?
| 夜戦攻撃時=五月雨を、あつめて早し…って芭蕉だっけ?
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| MVP時=これが航空巡洋艦の実力さ。ヘリ搭載護衛艦の先駆けのような僕だからね
| MVP時=これが航空巡洋艦の実力さ。ヘリ搭載護衛艦の先駆けのような僕だからね
| EN19=This is my true power, dude. 'cause I'm something like the pioneer of the helicopter destroyers, you know?
| EN19=This is my true power, dude. 'cause I'm something like the pioneer of the helicopter destroyers, you know?
| Clip19 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_23.ogg}}
| Note19=Helicopter destroyers, are primary carriers of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (Haruna class, Shirane class, Hyuuga class, Izumo class).
| Note19=Helicopter destroyers, are primary carriers of Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (Haruna class, Shirane class, Hyuuga class, Izumo class).
| EN20=Crap! I'm on fire?!
| EN20=Crap! I'm on fire?!
| Clip20 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_20.ogg}}
| Note20=
| Note20=
| EN21=Wha!?
| EN21=Wha!?
| Clip21 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_21.ogg}}
| Note21=
| Note21=
| EN22=Damnit! A direct hit... that's no joke...
| EN22=Damnit! A direct hit... that's no joke...
| Note22=
| Note22=
| 撃沈時(反転)=うぅ…あの世で三隈に、詫び入れるかなぁ…
| 撃沈時(反転)=うぅ…あの世で三隈に、詫び入れるかなぁ…
| Clip22 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_22.ogg}}
| EN23=Ugh...I wonder if I can apologize to Mikuma in the other world...
| EN23=Ugh...I wonder if I can apologize to Mikuma in the other world...
| Note23=|Married = ボクがすぐぶつかっちゃうのは、提督ばかり見てるからさ!なんてね!
| Note23=|Married = ボクがすぐぶつかっちゃうのは、提督ばかり見てるからさ!なんてね!
|EN25 = I'm always crashing because I've only got eyes for you, Admiral! Just kidding!
|EN25 = I'm always crashing because I've only got eyes for you, Admiral! Just kidding!
| Clip25 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_28.ogg}}
|Wedding = 提督、どうしたんだい?そんなに見つめてさ。ボクの航空甲板になにかおかしなもの載ってる?
|Wedding = 提督、どうしたんだい?そんなに見つめてさ。ボクの航空甲板になにかおかしなもの載ってる?
|EN26 = Admiral, wassup? What's with that look? Is there something up with my flight deck?|ドック入り(小破以下) = 修理に入るよ。…しっかし、どうして味方同士でぶつかるかな…ったくもぉ…
|EN26 = Admiral, wassup? What's with that look? Is there something up with my flight deck?|ドック入り(小破以下) = 修理に入るよ。…しっかし、どうして味方同士でぶつかるかな…ったくもぉ…
| Clip26 = {{Audio|file=Kcethdbrvnuznc_24.ogg}}
|ドック入り(中破以上) = あ~あ…せっかくの航空甲板が台無しだよ、もぉ…
|ドック入り(中破以上) = あ~あ…せっかくの航空甲板が台無しだよ、もぉ…
|小破① = しまったっ!火災発生!?
|小破① = しまったっ!火災発生!?
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