
6,834 bytes added ,  7 months ago
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==Gameplay Notes==
===Special Mechanics===
* None
===Equipability Exceptions===
* Default [[DD]] equipment compatibility
===Fit Bonuses===
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
===Important Information===
* Required to construct [[Zara]] in [[LSC]].
* Required to [[Craft]] [[120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount]], [[Ro.43 Reconnaissance Seaplane]].
* Helper for the following equipment:
** Improvement & upgrade: [[120mm/50 Twin Gun Mount]]
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 8: Line 31:  
|scenario = Introduction
|scenario = Introduction
|origin = Buongiorno~!Mastrale級駆逐艦、Libeccioです。 Libeでいいよ。提督さん、よろしくね!
|origin = Buongiorno~!マエストラーレ級駆逐艦、リベッチオです。 リベでいいよ。提督さん、よろしくね!
|translation = Good morning~! I'm the Mastrale-class destroyer, Libeccio. You can call me Libe. I'll be in your care, Admiral!
|translation = Good morning~! I'm the Maestrale-class destroyer, Libeccio. You can call me Libe. I'll be in your care, Admiral!
|audio = Libeccio-Intro.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-Intro.ogg
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin = Italia海軍の駆逐艦、Mastrale級三番艦、Libeccioオです。
|origin = イタリア海軍の駆逐艦、マエストラーレ級三番艦、リベッチオです。
|translation = I'm a destroyer from the Italian Navy and 3rd ship of the Mastrale-class, Libeccio.
|translation = I'm a destroyer from the Italian Navy and 3rd ship of the Mastrale-class, Libeccio.
Line 30: Line 53:  
|scenario = Secretary 2
|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = Libeの名前? 南西の風って意味よ。知ってた?
|origin = リベの名前? 南西の風って意味よ。知ってた?
|translation = My name? It means 'a southwest wind'. Do you know about it?<ref>[ Libeccio] is a south-westerly wind that blows in the Mediterranean.</ref>
|translation = My name? It means 'a southwest wind'. Do you know about it?<ref>[ Libeccio] is a south-westerly wind that blows in the Mediterranean.</ref>
|audio = Libeccio-Sec2.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-Sec2.ogg
Line 42: Line 65:  
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|scenario = Secretary Idle
|origin = Romaさんかぁ。はあ~戦艦ってやっぱおっきいなあ。Libeもいっぱい食べて、大きくなろっと。え、あなた、だあれ? キヨ…シモ…さん? えっ…友達に? あ…うん。いいけど…?
|origin = Romaさんかぁ。はあ~戦艦ってやっぱおっきいなあ。リベもいっぱい食べて、大きくなろっと。え、あなた、だあれ? キヨ…シモ…さん? えっ…友達に? あ…うん。いいけど…?
|translation = Roma-san huh. *sigh*~ Battleships are definitely big huh. I'll eat a lot so I can grow big too. Eh, who are you? Kiyo... shimo... -san? Eh... you want to be friends? Ah... Yup. That's fine though...?  
|translation = Roma-san huh. *sigh*~ Battleships are definitely big huh. I'll eat a lot so I can grow big too. Eh, who are you? Kiyo... shimo... -san? Eh... you want to be friends? Ah... Yup. That's fine though...?  
|audio = Libeccio-SecIdle.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-SecIdle.ogg
Line 48: Line 71:  
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
|origin = 提督さん、Ciao~!どうしたの?疲れてるの?しっかたないなー、Libeが肩揉んであげるね?んしょ!んしょ どう、気持ちいい?
|origin = 提督さん、Ciao~!どうしたの?疲れてるの?しっかたないなー、リベが肩揉んであげるね?んしょ!んしょ どう、気持ちいい?
|translation = Hello, Admiral! What's wrong? Are you tired? I got no choice then, let me massage our shoulders alright? There! And there! Did that feel good?
|translation = Hello, Admiral! What's wrong? Are you tired? I got no choice then, let me massage our shoulders alright? There! And there! Did that feel good?
|audio = Libeccio-SecMarried.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-SecMarried.ogg
Line 54: Line 77:  
|scenario = Wedding
|scenario = Wedding
|origin = Ciao~!提督さん、どうしたの?Libeにご用事?え、この箱をくれるの?箱じゃなくって、中身?わぁ~、綺麗!Grazie!
|origin = Ciao~!提督さん、どうしたの?リベにご用事?え、この箱をくれるの?箱じゃなくって、中身?わぁ~、綺麗!Grazie!
|translation =Hello! What's wrong, Admiral? Do you have something for me to do? Eh, you're giving this box to me? Not the box but what's inside? Wow~, it's beautiful! Thank you!
|translation =Hello! What's wrong, Admiral? Do you have something for me to do? Eh, you're giving this box to me? Not the box but what's inside? Wow~, it's beautiful! Thank you!
|audio = Libeccio-Wedding.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-Wedding.ogg
Line 61: Line 84:  
|scenario = Player's Score
|scenario = Player's Score
|origin = 提督さん、情報みたいの?ちょっと待って。ええと、えっとー…
|origin = 提督さん、情報みたいの?ちょっと待って。ええと、えっとー…
|translation = You want to see the intelligence, Admiral? Wait a minute. Uhh, ummm...
|translation = You want to see the information, Admiral? Wait a minute. Uhh, ummm...
|audio =  
|audio = Libeccio-PlayerScore.ogg
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
|origin = さぁ!Italia駆逐艦の魅力、教えてあげるね!Libeccioオ、出撃です!
|origin = さぁ!Italia駆逐艦の魅力、教えてあげるね!リベッチオ、出撃です!
|translation = Now! Let me demonstrate the appeal of an Italian destroyer! Libeccio, sortieing!
|translation = Now! Let me demonstrate the appeal of an Italian destroyer! Libeccio, sortieing!
|audio = Libeccio-JoinFleet.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-JoinFleet.ogg
Line 120: Line 143:  
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = Ciao~!皆、準備はいい?Libeの艦隊、抜錨です!
|origin = Ciao~!皆、準備はいい?リベの艦隊、抜錨です!
|translation = Hello~! Are you ready, everyone? Set sail my fleet!
|translation = Hello~! Are you ready, everyone? Set sail my fleet!
|audio = Libeccio-Sortie.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-Sortie.ogg
Line 126: Line 149:  
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 敵艦、発見!Libe艦隊、攻撃態勢に移行です。準備準備ー♪
|origin = 敵艦、発見!リベ艦隊、攻撃態勢に移行です。準備準備ー♪
|translation = Enemy ships spotted! Ribe Fleet, prepare for combat. Get ready~♪
|translation = Enemy ships spotted! Ribe Fleet, prepare for combat. Get ready~♪
|audio = Libeccio-BattleStart.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-BattleStart.ogg
Line 138: Line 161:  
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|scenario = Night Battle Attack
|origin = Libeを中心に単従陣になって。本気で行くよー!
|origin = リベを中心に単従陣になって。本気で行くよー!
|translation = Form up line ahead on me. Let's get serious!
|translation = Form up line ahead on me. Let's get serious!
|audio = Libeccio-NightAttack.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-NightAttack.ogg
Line 150: Line 173:  
|scenario = MVP
|scenario = MVP
|origin = やったー!!Libeが一番だって?うひひ~♪提督さん、褒めてよー!うんうん!褒めてー!!
|origin = やったー!!リベが一番だって?うひひ~♪提督さん、褒めてよー!うんうん!褒めてー!!
|translation = Alright~!! I'm number one you say? Uhihi~♪ Praise me, Admiral! Yup yup! Praise me~!!
|translation = Alright~!! I'm number one you say? Uhihi~♪ Praise me, Admiral! Yup yup! Praise me~!!
|audio = Libeccio-MVP.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-MVP.ogg
Line 174: Line 197:  
|scenario = Sunk
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = Libe、ちゃんと…助けたかったなぁ…守りたかったなぁ……おやすみ…なさい…
|origin = リベ、ちゃんと…助けたかったなぁ…守りたかったなぁ……おやすみ…なさい…
|translation = I wanted to... help out... and protect everyone properly... Good... night...
|translation = I wanted to... help out... and protect everyone properly... Good... night...
|audio = Libeccio-Sinking.ogg
|audio = Libeccio-Sinking.ogg
|} <references/>
   Line 186: Line 208:  
|scenario = 00:00  
|scenario = 00:00  
|origin = Ciao~、提督さん。今日はLibeが時刻を教えてあげるよ。大丈夫、任せて!
|origin = Ciao~、提督さん。今日はリベが時刻を教えてあげるよ。大丈夫、任せて!
|translation = Hello, Admiral. I'll be telling the time today. It'll be fine, leave it to me!
|translation = Hello, Admiral. I'll be telling the time today. It'll be fine, leave it to me!
|audio = LibeccioKai-0000.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-0000.ogg
Line 192: Line 214:  
|scenario = 01:00  
|scenario = 01:00  
|origin = 提督さん!マルヒト、マル…マル!どお?Libe、完璧でしょ?えっへん!
|origin = 提督さん!マルヒト、マル…マル!どお?リベ、完璧でしょ?えっへん!
|translation = Admiral! 010...0! How was that? I was perfect right? Ehehe~!
|translation = Admiral! 010...0! How was that? I was perfect right? Ehehe~!
|audio = LibeccioKai-0100.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-0100.ogg
Line 198: Line 220:  
|scenario = 02:00  
|scenario = 02:00  
|origin = 提督さーん、行っくよー!マルフターマルマル!ふふん♪Libe、慣れてきたよ。
|origin = 提督さーん、行っくよー!マルフターマルマル!ふふん♪リベ、慣れてきたよ。
|translation = Here I go, Admiral~! 0200! Fufun♪ I've gotten the hang of this.
|translation = Here I go, Admiral~! 0200! Fufun♪ I've gotten the hang of this.
|audio = LibeccioKai-0200.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-0200.ogg
Line 204: Line 226:  
|scenario = 03:00  
|scenario = 03:00  
|origin = 提督さん、マルサンーマルマル!ふー…Libe、もう時報完璧じゃない? 褒めてもいいよ? ほらほらー♪
|origin = 提督さん、マルサンーマルマル!ふー…リベ、もう時報完璧じゃない? 褒めてもいいよ? ほらほらー♪
|translation = 0300, Admiral! Whew... Aren't my hourly announcements perfect? You can praise me you know? Come on, come on~♪
|translation = 0300, Admiral! Whew... Aren't my hourly announcements perfect? You can praise me you know? Come on, come on~♪
|audio = LibeccioKai-0300.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-0300.ogg
Line 210: Line 232:  
|scenario = 04:00  
|scenario = 04:00  
|origin = 提督さん、マルヨンーマルマル!もうすぐ朝かー。ふぅ…Libe、ちょっと疲れてきちゃったぁ。やるけど!
|origin = 提督さん、マルヨンーマルマル!もうすぐ朝かー。ふぅ…リベ、ちょっと疲れてきちゃったぁ。やるけど!
|translation = 0400, Admiral! It's almost morning huh. Whew... I'm a bit tired now. But I can still do this!
|translation = 0400, Admiral! It's almost morning huh. Whew... I'm a bit tired now. But I can still do this!
|audio = LibeccioKai-0400.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-0400.ogg
Line 228: Line 250:  
|scenario = 07:00  
|scenario = 07:00  
|origin = 提督さん、マルナナーマルマル。Libe、ちょっとお腹が空いちゃった。あ、提督さんが朝作ってくれるの?Grazie!
|origin = 提督さん、マルナナーマルマル。リベ、ちょっとお腹が空いちゃった。あ、提督さんが朝作ってくれるの?Grazie!
|translation = 0700, Admiral. I'm a bit hungry. Ah, are you making something this morning, Admiral? Thank you!
|translation = 0700, Admiral. I'm a bit hungry. Ah, are you making something this morning, Admiral? Thank you!
|audio = LibeccioKai-0700.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-0700.ogg
Line 252: Line 274:  
|scenario = 11:00  
|scenario = 11:00  
|origin = 提督さん、ヒトヒトーマルマル!空襲?うん、怖いけど、怖くないよ。Libeは、どっちかって言うと、潜水艦が嫌。嫌なものは嫌っ!
|origin = 提督さん、ヒトヒトーマルマル!空襲?うん、怖いけど、怖くないよ。リベは、どっちかって言うと、潜水艦が嫌。嫌なものは嫌っ!
|translation = 1100, Admiral! Air raids? Yeah, I'm scared of them but not that scared. If I had to say so, it's submarines that are unpleasant. I hate unpleasant things.<ref>She was sunk by a submarine.</ref>
|translation = 1100, Admiral! Air raids? Yeah, I'm scared of them but not that scared. If I had to say so, it's submarines that are unpleasant. I hate unpleasant things.<ref>She was sunk by a submarine.</ref>
|audio = LibeccioKai-1100.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-1100.ogg
Line 300: Line 322:  
|scenario = 19:00  
|scenario = 19:00  
|origin = むぐむぐ。提督さん、ヒトキュー…マルマル。ふん、夜もマミーヤで、むぐむぐ…Libe、嬉しいなぁ♪むぐむぐ、明日も明後日もマミーヤでいいよ♪
|origin = むぐむぐ。提督さん、ヒトキュー…マルマル。ふん、夜もマミーヤで、むぐむぐ…リベ、嬉しいなぁ♪むぐむぐ、明日も明後日もマミーヤでいいよ♪
|translation = *nom nom* 19...00, Admiral. Whew, it's Mamiya's tonight too. *nom nom*... I'm happy~♪ *nom nom* I'm fine with having Mamiya's everyday♪
|translation = *nom nom* 19...00, Admiral. Whew, it's Mamiya's tonight too. *nom nom*... I'm happy~♪ *nom nom* I'm fine with having Mamiya's everyday♪
|audio = LibeccioKai-1900.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-1900.ogg
Line 312: Line 334:  
|scenario = 21:00  
|scenario = 21:00  
|origin = 提督さーん、フタヒト―マルマル―。なんかLibe、もう眠くなってきたぁ。提督さん、眠くないの?そう?大人なんだねぇ。
|origin = 提督さーん、フタヒト―マルマル―。なんかリベ、もう眠くなってきたぁ。提督さん、眠くないの?そう?大人なんだねぇ。
|translation = 20...00..., Admiral. I've gotten a bit sleepy. Aren't you sleepy, Admiral? Really? How mature~
|translation = 20...00..., Admiral. I've gotten a bit sleepy. Aren't you sleepy, Admiral? Really? How mature~
|audio = LibeccioKai-2100.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-2100.ogg
Line 324: Line 346:  
|scenario = 23:00  
|scenario = 23:00  
|origin = 提督さーん、フタサン―マルマル―。今日も一日疲れたね―? 明日もLibeと頑張ろ!
|origin = 提督さーん、フタサン―マルマル―。今日も一日疲れたね―? 明日もリベと頑張ろ!
|translation = 23...00..., Admiral. Everyday is tiring huh? I'll do my best tomorrow too!
|translation = 23...00..., Admiral. Everyday is tiring huh? I'll do my best tomorrow too!
|audio = LibeccioKai-2300.ogg
|audio = LibeccioKai-2300.ogg
|} <references/>
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Autumn_2015_Seasonal_Update|Early Autumn 2015]]
|origin = あの鳴いてるの、なぁに?秋の虫?あぁ、鈴虫って言うんだ。いい音色ね。え?鈴虫って、スイカ食べるの、本当?
|translation = What’s that sound? Autumn insects? Ah, so they’re called crickets. They have a nice sound. Eh? They really eat watermelons?
|audio = Libeccio_Early_Autumn2015.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = Buon Natale!提督さん、panettone一緒に食べよう!
|translation = Merry Christmas! Let’s eat some panettone together, Admiral!<ref>A type of bread loaf usually prepared during Christmas in Italy and surrounding countries.</ref>
|audio = Libeccio_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = なんで皆バタバタ忙しそうなの?し・わ・す?なんのイベント?え?何この布?雑巾?リベ、掃除イベント嫌い!
|translation = Why is everyone so busy? The twelfth month? What kind of event is that? Eh? What’s this cloth for? A dust cloth? I don’t like this cleaning event!
|audio = Libeccio_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 提督さん、新年ね。今年もリベがしっかり面倒を見てあげるから。大丈夫よ、ね!
|translation = It’s the new year! I’ll take care of all the troublesome things this year. I’ll be fine!
|audio = Libeccio_New_Year_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2016|Setsubun 2016]]
|origin = セッツブーン? えぇ?ほんと? ほんとにそんな名前の日本の儀式なの? これを投げる? Bismarckに? じゃぁ、えい♪ えい♪
|translation = Setsubun? Eh? Really? Was there really a Japanese ceremony called that? I need to throw these? At Bismarck? Well, ei♪ ei♪
|audio = Libeccio_Setsubun_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = 提督さん~うふふ~これあげようか?ほしい?ほしいくない?どうっち?リベのチョコラトほしい?じゃ~あげる!はい!
|translation = Admiral~ Ufufu~ will you take this? Yes? No? Which is it? You want my chocolates? Then, I’ll let you have them! Here!
|audio = Libeccio_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Hinamatsuri_2016|Spring 2016]]
|origin = 少し暖かくなできた。日本の春でやつね~うんうん。あれがサクラが?えぇ、違うの?梅?梅干の梅?へえ...
|translation = It’s gotten a bit warmer. So it’s spring in Japan. I see, I see. Are those sakuras? Eh, they’re not? Plums? The plums you make sour plums with? I see….
|audio = Lebiccio_Spring_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
|origin = Ciao、提督さん!えぇ、なに?Libeにチョコのお返しくれるの?わーい!Grazie!日本の提督さんは親切ね―。わーい♪
|translation = Hello, Admiral! Eh, what’s this? A return gift for me? Yaaaay! Thank you! Japanese admirals are so nice. Yaaaay♪
|audio = Libeccio_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = Libe、三周年お祝いしてあげる! 提督さん、おめでとう! うふふっ♪
|translation = I’ll join in the 3rd Anniversary celebrations! Congratulations, Admiral! Ufufu~♪
|audio = Libeccio_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
|origin = 雨!雨雨雨!「ツーユー」っという季節、雨ばっかじゃない?そういうもんなんだ。
|translation = It’s raining! So so so much rain! Is this “Tsuyu” nothing but rain? So that’s what it is.
|audio = Libeccio_Rainy_Season_Sec1_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Winter_2017|Winter 2017]]
|origin = ちょっと寒くない?日本の冬って、こんなに寒いんだぁ…うぅ、ぶるぶる。えぇ、キヨシ、なに?こ…タツ?あ、あったかい!これ、いいじゃない!
|translation = Isn’t it kinda cold? Japanese winters get this cold… Urgh, brrrr. Eh, what is it, Kyoshi? Ko…tatsu? I-it’s warm! This is great!
|audio = Libeccio_Winter_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = ひゃあぁ!四周年だって。びっくり。提督、Libe、お祝いしてあげる!ちゅー。
|translation = Wheeee! It’s the 4th Anniversary. I’m shocked. I’ll give you something to celebrate, Admiral! *smooch*
|audio = Libeccio_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = 提督さん、今日をおめでとうな日じゃない?Libeもお祝いしてあげる!おめでとう!
|translation = Isn’t today a day to celebrate, Admiral? I’ll celebrate with you! Congratulations!
|audio = Libeccio_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Early_Fall_2018_Event|Early Fall 2018 Event]]
|origin = Ciao, ciao! Libe, 瞭解!
|translation = Hello, hello! Roger!
|audio = LibeccioKai-Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet Line
|scenario = [[Early_Fall_2018_Event|Early Fall 2018 Event]]
|origin = Ciao!Libe來たよ!みんな、元気している?援護しちゃうぞ!ガオガオ!
|translation = Hello! I'm here! Are you all doing well? I'm here to back you up! Raaaawr!
|audio = LibeccioKai-Friend_Fleet_2.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet Line
Artist: Jiji
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full Libeccio.png|Base
Ship Full Libeccio Damaged.png|Base Damaged
Seiyuu: Akira Kitou
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Libeccio_Halloween_2015.png|[[ Seasonal/Halloween_2015|Halloween 2015]]
Libeccio_Halloween_dmg_2015.png|[[ Seasonal/Halloween_2015|Halloween 2015 Damaged]]
Libeccio_Summer.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Midsummer 2016]]
Libeccio_Summer_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Midsummer 2016 Damaged]]
KanMusu243Yukata.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2017|Autumn 2017]]
KanMusu243YukataDmg.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2017|Autumn 2017 Damaged]]
KanMusu243_Christmas.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2017|Christmas 2017]]
KanMusu243_Christmas_dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2017|Christmas 2017 Damaged]]
Libeccio Full Valentines 2021.png|[[Seasonal/Valentine's_Day_2021|Valentine's Day 2021]]
Libeccio Full Valentines 2021 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Valentine's_Day_2021|Valentine's Day 2021 Damaged]]
Libeccio Full Rainy Season 2021.png|[[Seasonal/Rainy Season 2021|Rainy Season 2021]]
Libeccio Full Rainy Season 2021 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Rainy Season 2021|Rainy Season 2021 Damaged]]
==In-game Tips==
Libeccio's major attribute is that out of all the Kanmusus in the game, she has the highest ASW stats among all the destroyers making her quite a powerful contender for ASW Combat situations. She is actually capable of doing pre-emptive ASW as early as level 60 is you happen to have 3x [[Type 4 Sonar]] equipped to her. Further more, you can consider training her to level 80 if you prefer using more general ASW gear (x2 [[Type 3 Sonar]] and[[Type 3 Depth Charge]]). Outside of field of ASW combat, her surface combat skills are relatively average.
;General Information
* Her name refers to the [ Libeccio] that blows in the Mediterranean.
* She was launched on the 4th of July 1934.
* Sunk by a torpedo, on the 9th of November 1941.
Libeiccio's [[120mm Twin Gun Mount]]s that she come with are useful if you don't happen to have [[Akashi]] to modify [[12.7cm Twin Mount Type-B Kai 2]], however if you do have Akashi, these guns will become somewhat obsolete if you have a lot of modified [[12.7cm Twin Mount Type-B Kai 2]]s. However, they can still be useful for [[Expeditions#Support_Expeditions|Shelling Support Expeditions]] since the damage is contributed based upon the main stats of the gun and don't take calculations from the modification bonuses from [[Akashi's Improvement Arsenal]].
;Update History
* She was added on the 10th of August 2015 as [[Summer 2015 Event]] E5 reward.
Considering she's a rare foreign ship, the odds of getting here under normal means will be difficult unless she happens to appear in Events.
* Became dropable on [[4-5]] on the [[Game Updates/2017/January 25|25th of January 2017]].
*Reward for clearing E-5 of the [[Summer 2015 Event]].
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[{{PAGENAMEE}}/Gallery|View {{PAGENAME}} CG]]
*[ Wikipedia entry on Libeccio]
*[[:Wikipedia:Maestrale-class_destroyer|Wikipedia page on the ''Maestrale''-class]] (She doesn't have an individual page)
[[Category:Regia Marina Vessels]]
[[Category:Regia Marina Vessels]]
