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'''{{PAGENAME}}''' is a mechanic implemented during the [[Game Updates/2016/May 3|May 3, 2016 update]], as part of the [[Spring 2016 Event]]. It was also usable during the [[Summer 2016 Event]]. As of [[Game Updates/2016/October 5|October 5th, 2016]], land-based air squadrons have been implemented in the normal maps of the game, giving players access to them for [[World 6#6-4|6-4]] and [[World 6#6-5|6-5]].
This mechanic allows aerial support to be launched from allied air bases.
The attack will occur prior to the fleet's attack (after detection and before the fleet begins its aerial combat phase).
===Usable Plane Classes===
#Land Attackers
#Carrier-based Fighters {{GreenPlane}}
#Carrier-based Bombers {{RedPlane}}/{{BluePlane}}
#Seaplane Bombers & Fighters {{Seaplane}}
#Carrier-based Recon Planes, Recon Seaplanes & Flying Boat {{YellowPlane}}/{{Seaplane}}/{{Flying Boat}}
===How to Use===
Each Squadron consists of 4 flights. Each flight can be equipped with a different plane, and the amount differs depending on the type of plane it is: ''4'' for planes in class 6 above and ''18'' for all others.<br>
When an equipped plane is removed, the removed plane will be temporarily marked as "Being Transferred" ({{lang|ja|配置転換中}}) and will not be usable during this time.
Clearing certain maps such as [[Spring 2016 Event#E-4|E-4]] and [[Spring 2016 Event#E-5|E-5]] of the Spring Event increased the number of squadrons that can be utilized.
Each plane has its own ''equip cost'' (in bauxite) that is immediately deducted when it is '''''equipped'''''; thus, changing the planes equipped to your squadrons multiple times will drain your bauxite quickly. The equip cost for each slot is calculated as follows: [math]\text{Equip Cost of Slot} = \text{# of planes allowed in slot(4 or 18, depending on what kind)} \times \text{Equip Cost of Plane}[/math]
As of May 5th, 2016, your airfields can be attacked by enemy planes. If your airfield gets heavily damaged too often, your planes will be fatigued faster and increase the costs of airfield supports. To avoid this, use the air defense option outlined below.
===Tables of Usage Costs===
====Carrier-Based Fighters====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS CBF" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Carrier-Based Fighters
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Type 96 Fighter]]
|[[Zero Fighter Type 21]]
|[[Zero Fighter Type 52]]
|[[Reppuu Kai]]
|[[Shiden Kai 2]]
|{{AA}}+9 {{Evasion}}+3
|[[Shinden Kai]]
|[[Zero Fighter Type 21 (Skilled)]]
|{{AA}}+8 {{LOS}}+1 {{Accuracy}}+2 {{Evasion}}+2
|[[Zero Fighter Type 52 Model C (601 Air Group)]]
|{{AA}}+9 {{Accuracy}}+1 {{Evasion}}+1
|[[Reppuu (601 Air Group)]]
|{{AA}}+11 {{Accuracy}}+1 {{Evasion}}+2
|[[Zero Fighter Type 52 (Skilled)]]
|{{AA}}+9 {{LOS}}+1 {{Accuracy}}+1 {{Evasion}}+2
|[[Zero Fighter Type 52 Model C (Iwai Squadron)]]
|{{AA}}+10 {{LOS}}+1 {{Accuracy}}+1 {{Evasion}}+2
|[[Zero Fighter Type 21 (Iwamoto Squadron)]]
|{{AA}}+9 {{LOS}}+1 {{Accuracy}}+1 {{Evasion}}+3
|[[Zero Fighter Type 52 Model A (Iwamoto Squadron)]]
|{{AA}}+11 {{LOS}}+1 {{Accuracy}}+1 {{Evasion}}+3
|[[Zero Fighter Type 53 (Iwamoto Squadron)]]
|{{AA}}+12 {{LOS}}+3 {{Accuracy}}+2 {{Evasion}}+4
|[[Bf109 T Kai]]
|{{Firepower}}+1 {{AA}}+8 {{Evasion}}+4
|[[Fw190 T Kai]]
|{{Firepower}}+2 {{AA}}+10 {{Evasion}}+2
|[[Re. 2001 OR Kai]]
|{{Firepower}}+3 {{AA}}+6 {{Evasion}}+2
====Carrier-Based Bombers====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS CBD" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Dive Bombers
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Type 99 Dive Bomber]]
|{{Dive}}+5 {{ASW}}+3
|{{Dive}}+8 {{ASW}}+3
|[[Suisei Model 12A]]
|{{Dive}}+10 {{ASW}}+3 {{LOS}}+1
|[[Zero Fighter Type 62 (Fighter-bomber)]]
|{{Dive}}+4 {{AA}}+4 {{ASW}}+3
|[[Ju 87C Kai]]
|{{Dive}}+9 {{ASW}}+5 {{Acc}}+2
|[[Type 99 Dive Bomber (Skilled)]]
|{{Dive}}+7 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+4 {{LOS}}+2 {{Acc}}+2
|[[Type 99 Dive Bomber (Egusa Squadron)]]
|{{Dive}}+10 {{ASW}}+5 {{LOS}}+3 {{Acc}}+4
|[[Suisei (Egusa Squadron)]]
|{{Dive}}+13 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+5 {{LOS}}+4 {{Acc}}+4
|[[Suisei (601 Air Group)]]
|{{Dive}}+11 {{ASW}}+4 {{LOS}}+1 {{Acc}}+1
|[[Prototype Nanzan]]
|{{Dive}}+11 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+4 {{LOS}}+2
|[[Zero Fighter Type 62 (Fighter-bomber/Iwai Squadron)]]
|{{Dive}}+4 {{AA}}+7 {{ASW}}+3 {{LOS}}+1 {{Acc}}+1 {{Evasion}}+2
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS CBT" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Torpedo Bombers
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]]
|{{Torpedo}}+5 {{ASW}}+4 {{LOS}}+1
|{{Torpedo}}+7 {{ASW}}+3 {{LOS}}+1
|{{Torpedo}}+10 {{ASW}}+4 {{LOS}}+1
|[[Ryuusei Kai]]
|{{Torpedo}}+13 {{ASW}}+3 {{LOS}}+2
|[[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (931 Air Group)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+6 {{ASW}}+7 {{LOS}}+2
|[[Tenzan (931 Air Group)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+9 {{ASW}}+8 {{LOS}}+2
|[[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Tomonaga Squadron)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+11 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+5 {{LOS}}+4 {{Acc}}+3
|[[Tenzan Model 12 (Tomonaga Squadron)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+14 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+6 {{LOS}}+5 {{Acc}}+3
|[[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Skilled)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+8 {{ASW}}+5 {{LOS}}+2 {{Acc}}+2
|[[Tenzan (601 Air Group)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+10 {{ASW}}+4 {{LOS}}+2 {{Acc}}+1
|[[Ryuusei (601 Air Group)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+13 {{ASW}}+5 {{LOS}}+3 {{Acc}}+1
|[[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+12 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+5 {{LOS}}+4 {{Acc}}+2
|[[Tenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+15 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+6 {{LOS}}+4 {{Acc}}+2
====Seaplane Bombers & Fighters====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS SB" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Seaplane Bombers
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|{{AA}}+2 {{ASW}}+4 {{Dive}}+4 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+6
|[[Prototype Seiran]]
|{{ASW}}+6 {{Dive}}+11 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+6
|[[Zuiun (634 Air Group)]]
|{{AA}}+2 {{ASW}}+5 {{Dive}}+6 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+6
|[[Zuiun Model 12]]
|{{AA}}+3 {{ASW}}+5 {{Dive}}+7 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+6
|[[Zuiun Model 12 (634 Air Group)]]
|{{AA}}+3 {{ASW}}+6 {{Dive}}+9 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+7
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS SF" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Seaplane Fighters
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter]]
|{{AA}}+2 {{ASW}}+1 {{LOS}}+2 {{Acc}}+1 {{Evasion}}+2
|[[Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai]]
|{{AA}}+3 {{ASW}}+1 {{LOS}}+1 {{Acc}}+1 {{Evasion}}+2
====Land Attackers & Interceptors====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS LA" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Land Attackers
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Type 96 Land Attacker]]
|{{Torpedo}}+8 {{Dive}}+10 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+2 {{LOS}}+2
|[[Type 1 Land Attacker]]
|{{Torpedo}}+10 {{Dive}}+12 {{AA}}+2 {{ASW}}+2 {{LOS}}+3
|[[Type 1 Land Attacker (Nonaka Squadron)]]
|{{Torpedo}}+12 {{Dive}}+13 {{AA}}+3 {{ASW}}+2 {{LOS}}+4 {{Acc}}+1
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="L-BAS Interceptors" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Interceptors
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|{{AA}}+6 {{AntiBomb}}+5 {{Intercept}}+2
|[[Type 3 Fighter Hien]]
|{{AA}}+9 {{AntiBomb}}+1 {{Intercept}}+3
|[[Type 3 Fighter Hien (244th Air Combat Group)]]
|{{AA}}+9 {{AntiBomb}}+3 {{Intercept}}+4
====Recon Seaplanes, Carrier-based Recon Planes, & Flying Boats====
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="Recon Seaplanes" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Recon Seaplanes
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Type 0 Recon Seaplane]]
|{{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+2 {{Dive}}+1 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+5
|[[Type 0 Observation Seaplane]]
|{{AA}}+2 {{ASW}}+4 {{Dive}}+1 {{Acc}}+2 {{LOS}}+6
|[[Type 98 Recon Seaplane (Night Scout)]]
|{{ASW}}+1 {{LOS}}+3 {{Acc}}+1
|[[Ar196 Kai]]
|{{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+5 {{Dive}}+1 {{Acc}}+2 {{LOS}}+5
|{{ASW}}+2 {{Dive}}+1 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+8
|[[Ro.43 Recon Seaplane]]
|{{Firepower}}+1 {{AA}}+1 {{ASW}}+2 {{Acc}}+2 {{Evasion}}+1 {{LOS}}+4
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="CBR" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Carrier-Based Recon Planes
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|{{Acc}}+2 {{LOS}}+9 Avoid Crossing the T - Disadvantage
|[[Type 2 Recon Aircraft]]
|{{Acc}}+3 {{LOS}}+7 {{AA}}+1
|[[Prototype Keiun]]
|{{Firepower}}+2 {{LOS}}+11 {{Acc}}+2
{| class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" id="Flying Boats" style="text-align:center;"
! colspan="6"|Flying Boats
! rowspan="2"|Equip Dex<br> Number
! rowspan="2"|Name of Plane
! rowspan="2"|Statistics
! rowspan="2"|Combat Radius
! colspan="2"|Equip Cost
|per plane
|per slot
|[[Type 2 Flying Boat]]
|{{ASW}}+1 {{Acc}}+1 {{LOS}}+12
|[[PBY-5A Catalina]]
|{{ASW}}+2 {{Acc}}+2 {{LOS}}+9
==Detail of Each Action==
There are 5 actions each squadron can take: '''Standby''', '''Mission''', '''Air Defense''', '''Take Cover''', and '''Rest'''.
{| class="wikitable" id="Squadron Actions" style="text-align:center;"
|Standby [[File:LBAS Standby.PNG]]
|Default state.<br>Use if you wish to sortie without utilizing the squadron.
|Mission [[File:LBAS Mission.PNG]]
|As you enter the sortie, for each squadron you chose to send on a mission, you can choose up to 2 nodes that the squadron will perform mission at.<br>You can choose the same node twice for the squadron; if so, the squadron will have two phases to itself.<br>Note that each squadron has a maximum radius in which it can carry out a mission; you will be unable to use the squadron beyond its combat radius.<br>Costs {{ammo}} and {{fuel}} upon selecting a mission run.
|Air Defense [[File:LBAS Air Defense.PNG]]
|During certain maps (such as [[Spring 2016 Event#E-5|E-5]] and [[Spring 2016 Event#E-7|E-7]] of the Spring 2016 Event), the enemy can perform air raids against the player's airfield, inflicting damage to planes and resources. This action orders the squadron to perform air defense in order to reduce the damage inflicted to planes and resources. In the [[Summer 2016 Event]], the enemy raid will occur in all of the maps that use land base squadron
|Take Cover [[File:LBAS Take Cover.PNG]]
|Orders the planes to scramble to avoid enemy attacks. This, however, renders the base vulnerable.
|Rest [[File:LBAS Rest.PNG]]
|Will restore morale at a faster rate. However, the planes will suffer heavier damage if under attack while this action is taken.<br>This also reduces your natural bauxite regeneration rate to 1 per 6 minutes (instead of 1 per 3).
==Equipment Screen==
[[File:LBAS Display.PNG|400px|thumb|(Example taken from [[Spring 2016 Event]]) Click the icon surrounded by the blue box to access the LBAS equipment screen. The icon surrounded by the brown box shows that LBAS can be utilized in that map (in this case, E-4).]]
[[File:LBAS Equipment Screen.PNG|400px|thumb|Equipment screen for the Air Squadrons. The five tabs at top correspond to the following plane classifications, in order: (1) Land Attacker, (2) Interceptors, (3) Carrier-Based Fighters, (4) Carrier-Based Dive and Torpedo Bombers, (5) Carrier-Based Recon Aircraft, Seaplanes (including bombers and fighters), and Flying Boats.]]
[[File:LBAS Transfer.PNG|400px|thumb|The 4th slot of this airfield is currently under the ''transfer restriction'', and so is the [[Ar196 Kai]] that was equipped to it.]]
Upon gaining the ability to utilize the Land-Based Air Squadrons, you will gain access to a separate equipment screen (see first image to the right for how to access the screen). Each airfield has 4 equipment slots, and each slot can be equipped with a different plane. You are able to change the lock status of planes in this screen (and this is currently the only way to place locks on land attackers and interceptors).
In the equipment screen, the overview of each equipment lists the following, in order:
*Name of the aircraft
*[[Aircraft Expertise|Expertise level of the aircraft]]
*[[#Combat Radius|Combat Radius]] of the aircraft
*Specific stats of the plane: Anti-Air {{AA}}, Dive Bomb {{Dive}}, Torpedo {{Torpedo}}, and Accuracy {{Acc}}
*Lock Status
Equipping a plane to an airfield slot follows the same procedure as equipping a piece of equipment to a kanmusu: click on the slot you wish for the plane to go into, click the plane you wish to equip, and confirm the choice. Note that the [[#Tables of Usage Costs|usage costs]] of the plane being equipped is immediately deducted at this time.
===Transfer Restriction===
There are a few things to keep in mind when equipping the airfields:
*Each time a plane is unequipped from a slot (other than being moved to another slot), the plane goes under ''transfer restriction'' ({{lang|ja|配置転換中}}) and will not be able to be equipped by anything, '''including ships''' (in fact, it will disappear from the equip list as if something else is equipping it), until the restriction expires.
*Each time a plane is unequipped from a slot and another plane isn't replacing it at the same time (this can happen when you drag-and-drop a plane out of a slot), the airfield slot itself goes under transfer restriction and nothing can be equipped to that slot until the restriction expires.
*It takes 20 minutes for the restriction to expire.
*Swapping two planes already equipped in slots will not trigger the restriction. Note that you can only do this with planes equipped to the same airfield.
See the 3rd image to the right for an example of both a slot and a plane under restriction.
===Combat Radius===
This is a stat that cannot be directly check anywhere except at the equipment screen; it shows how far ''from the starting point'' the plane is able to be sent to. The radius of all planes in the specific squadron is taken, and that is how far the full squadron can go on a mission. The mechanic to the combat mechanic has changed since the [[Summer 2016 Event]].
The '''old formula''' from [[Spring 2016 Event]] followed along this example
Example: It takes a Carrier Task Force at least 5 nodes to reach the boss of [[Spring 2016 Event#E-4|E-4 of Spring 2016 Event]].
* Any squadron with an average Combat Radius of at least 5 can be sent to the boss node, even if the CTF itself takes 6 nodes (since ABCEFK and ABDEFK are both possible routes).
* A squadron with an average Combat Radius of 4 can be sent to the following nodes: A, C, D, E, F, and H. (Node B is not a combat node)
As of now the [[Summer 2016 Event]] has '''updated the combat radius formula''' to work as follows:
*The combat radius the Squadron must travel is determined by the '''shortest distance''' it can take to get from one node to another (from start to the boss node), even if the fleet detours.
*The '''longest combat radius''' is determined by the '''plane's lowest combat radius'''. (Example: Bringing a 3 [[Ryuusei]] which all have the distance of 6 and 1 [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]] which has the distance of 4 will place the Sqaudron's distance to 4 due to the [[Type 97 Torpedo Bomber]]'s lower distance.
*Flying boat planes can help assist in increasing the distances the planes can travel from the above mentioned '''new formula''' by several a few extra nodes. (3 extra nodes with [[Type 2 Flying Boat]], 2 extra nodes with a [[PBY-5A Catalina]].
Some things to keep in mind:
* For the [[Spring 2016 Event]] Since there are multiple starting points depending on the fleet composition, some plane compositions will only work for specific fleet setup. For example, a squadron with an average Combat Radius of 4 can only be used to attack the E-4 boss of Spring 2016 Event if a Surface Task Force is used (as the shortest route to boss from that starting point has a total of 4 nodes).
* For the [[Summer 2016 Event]] check to make sure your planes cover the necessary distance since '''shortest distance plane determines the overall distances'''.
* For the [[Summer 2016 Event]], if need be, bring flying boats to boost the distance the squadron can travel by 2-3 nodes.
* The combat radius for a named plane is the same as the base plane, except [[Type 1 Land Attacker (Nonaka Squadron)]].
===Air Raids===
===Air Raids===
In nodes where you can use land base air squadron, you will receive air raids from the enemy that can attack and damage your planes.
In nodes where you can use land base air squadron, you will receive air raids from the enemy that can attack and damage your planes.
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==Restrictions and Gaining Access to Land Based Air Squadrons for Normal Maps==
[[World 6#6-4|6-4]] and [[World 6#6-5|6-5]] offers a chance for players to gain access to Land Based air Squadrons for the normal maps of the game. However, unlike event maps, gaining access to Land Based Air Squadrons requires you to gain a hold of an unique item called a '''Construction Crew'''
A '''construction crew''' allows for you to build one Land Based which will allow you to use one Land Based Air Sqaudron. You can have up to a total of 2 Land Based Air Squadrons for the normal maps in the game. In order to obtain a construction crew, you can earn them one of two possible ways:
#Complete Quests in required to gain a Construction Crew. ([[Quests#B80|B80]] and [[Quests#B81|B81]])
#Purchase a construction crew via the premium shop for 800yen.
Upon acquiring a construction crew, you will need to complete the "Begin Preparation for the "Land Base Air Squadron" Quest ([[Quests#F43|F43]]) in order to gain access to your Land Based Air Squadron.
Currently you can have up to a total of three Land Bases. Meaning you can assemble up to three LBAS squadrons.
To expand the Land bases, you will need to get a Construction Crew and then go to your LBAS menu where you can select a one of the other Land Base Air Sqaudron that is currently locked away. Once selected, you will be given a prompt to choose to use your construction crew to build a Land base or not. If you choose build one, you will gain access to another Land Base Air Sqaudron to use.
[[World 6#6-4|6-4]] and [[World 6#6-5|6-5]] will offer the usage of Land Based Air Squadrons, but will have restrictions placed upon them as noted on the LBAS icon placed on the map. The following information regarding LBAS restrictions on normal maps applies to the following maps:
*[[World 6#6-4|6-4]] will only allow the useage of '''1 Land Based Air Squadron for battle'''
*[[World 6#6-5|6-5]] will only allow the useage of '''2 Land Based Air Squadron for battle'''
Any extra land base air squadrons can be set to perform Air Defense where it may apply, in this case [[World 6#6-5|6-5]] which can have air raids happen.
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