
No change in size ,  9 years ago
→‎Hourlies: Changed a few words to reflect the nuance better.
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{{Shiphourly|00JP = マルマルマルマルマル!あれ?マル一個多かった?マルマルマルマ…う、うん?うん?ううん??|01JP = マルヒトマルマル。ふぅ…眠いねえ|02JP = マルフタフタフタ!ふわぁ、また間違えた。やり直し!マルフタマルマルね!|03JP = マルサン!…マルマルゥ… 私眠いですぅ…この任務、きつい…|04JP = マルヨンマルマル。だからーマジで眠いんだって!もー誰か代わってぇー!|05JP = マルゴーマルマル!えっ?これが完璧にできたら戦艦になれるの?くっ…頑張るか|06JP = マルロクマルマル。よしっ!頑張るぞー!|07JP = マルナナマルマル。ねえ、清霜が腕によりをかけて朝ごはん作るから!ねっ!|08JP = マルハチマルマル。朝ごはん、お味はどう?モリモリ食べて一緒に戦艦になろう!|09JP = マルキューマルマル。さあっ、司令官。一緒に朝のトレーニング。いっきますかー!|10JP = ヒトマルマルマル。うぇえ… 朝ごはん食べ過ぎたぁ… 運動したら気持ち悪ぅ… ううっ…|11JP = 調子悪ぅ…ヒトヒト…マル…マル… なっ…何とか時報、間に合ったぁ。ふえぇ…|12JP = ヒトフタマルマル。司令官、お昼は一人で…ごめん…食べて。私 無理ぃ|13JP = ヒトサンマルマル。お昼何食べたの?大和姉さまとオムライス?いっ、いいなぁ|14JP = ヒトヨンマルマル。あれっ、霞ちゃん?どうしたの、また心配してきてくれたの?|15JP = ヒトゴーマルマル。お昼食べれなかったんで霞ちゃんがおにぎりくれました!今食べちゃお。うんうん、塩味がいい塩梅|16JP = ヒトロクマルマル。司令官。清霜、心入れ替えて。頑張ります!|17JP = ヒトナナマルマル。さぁ!執務室の掃除も艤装の整備も頑張らないと!|18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。司令官?今日は夜戦の演習?もち!ご一緒します!|19JP = ヒトキューマルマル。よし!ここで照明弾、照明だーん…あれ?私、持ってない?|20JP = フタマルマルマル。でもさすが、二水戦のメンバーも強かったな。いいなあ|21JP = フタヒトマルマル。あれ、霞ちゃん。これおにぎり?また?いいの?|22JP = フタフタマルマル。そっかー夜戦に夢中で晩ご飯忘れてた。司令官、お腹空いてない?ねえ、一緒に食べる?|23JP = フタサンマルマル。ええっ!?武蔵さんとビフテキ食べたの?いいなー私も入れてよ!ずるい!|idleJP = ねぇ司令官? 何、何してんの? ねぇ何してんの? 何、何、何、ねぇ?|idleEN = Hey, Commander? What, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? What? What? What? Come on?|00EN = 00000! Eh? Was there an extra 0? 0000-... H-huh? Huh? Huuuh?|01EN = 0100. So... Sleepy.|02EN = 0222! Wah, I messed up again. I'll get it this time! It's 0200!|03EN = 03! ...00... I'm sleepy... This mission, is tough...|04EN = 0400. I'm seriously sleepy right now! Won't someone take over already?!|05EN = 0500! Eh? If I do this right, I'll become a battleship? Guh... I guess I'll do my best.|06EN = 0600. Right! Let's do it!|07EN = 0700. Hey, Kiyoshimo's gonna try her best and make breakfast, ok?!|08EN = 0800. How is breakfast? Let's eat our fill and turn into battleships together!|09EN = 0900. Commander, we should go for morning training together. Let's go!|10EN = 1000. Ugh... I ate too much for breakfast... And it feels bad after I've exercised... Uuu...|11EN = I don't feel so good... 11..0..0... S-Somehow I managed to report the time. Guh...|12EN = 1200. Commander, I'm sorry... Please go ahead with lunch by yourself... I can't do it.|13EN = 1300. What did you have for lunch? Omurice with Yamato-nee-sama? That's nice~|13Note = Implying she wish she was there.|14EN = 1400. Eh, Kasumi-chan? What's wrong, you're here because you're worried about me again?|15EN = 1500. I got a riceball from Kasumi-chan because I didn't have lunch! Let's have it now. Mmm, this flavor of salt from the salted plume is great.|16EN = 1600. Commander, this Kiyoshimo has mended her ways. Let's do it!|17EN = 1700. Right, I should get to cleaning the office and prepare for outfitting!|18EN = 1800. Commander? There's night battle training for the day? Of course! I'll join too!|19EN = 1900. Right! For this part, I should use the star flare, star flares... Huh? I don't have one?|20EN = 2000. Really, the members 2nd Torpedo Squadron were strong. That's nice~|20Note = Implying she wish she was as strong as them|21EN = 2100. Huh, Kasumi-chan? Another riceball? Is it ok to have it?|22EN = 2200. Oh right, I was so engrossed in the night battle that I forgot about dinner. Commander, are you hungry? Shall we have dinner together?|23EN = 2300. Ehh!? You had beef steak with Musashi-san? That's nice, you should've invited me along too! You're so mean!}}
{{Shiphourly|00JP = マルマルマルマルマル!あれ?マル一個多かった?マルマルマルマ…う、うん?うん?ううん??|01JP = マルヒトマルマル。ふぅ…眠いねえ|02JP = マルフタフタフタ!ふわぁ、また間違えた。やり直し!マルフタマルマルね!|03JP = マルサン!…マルマルゥ… 私眠いですぅ…この任務、きつい…|04JP = マルヨンマルマル。だからーマジで眠いんだって!もー誰か代わってぇー!|05JP = マルゴーマルマル!えっ?これが完璧にできたら戦艦になれるの?くっ…頑張るか|06JP = マルロクマルマル。よしっ!頑張るぞー!|07JP = マルナナマルマル。ねえ、清霜が腕によりをかけて朝ごはん作るから!ねっ!|08JP = マルハチマルマル。朝ごはん、お味はどう?モリモリ食べて一緒に戦艦になろう!|09JP = マルキューマルマル。さあっ、司令官。一緒に朝のトレーニング。いっきますかー!|10JP = ヒトマルマルマル。うぇえ… 朝ごはん食べ過ぎたぁ… 運動したら気持ち悪ぅ… ううっ…|11JP = 調子悪ぅ…ヒトヒト…マル…マル… なっ…何とか時報、間に合ったぁ。ふえぇ…|12JP = ヒトフタマルマル。司令官、お昼は一人で…ごめん…食べて。私 無理ぃ|13JP = ヒトサンマルマル。お昼何食べたの?大和姉さまとオムライス?いっ、いいなぁ|14JP = ヒトヨンマルマル。あれっ、霞ちゃん?どうしたの、また心配してきてくれたの?|15JP = ヒトゴーマルマル。お昼食べれなかったんで霞ちゃんがおにぎりくれました!今食べちゃお。うんうん、塩味がいい塩梅|16JP = ヒトロクマルマル。司令官。清霜、心入れ替えて。頑張ります!|17JP = ヒトナナマルマル。さぁ!執務室の掃除も艤装の整備も頑張らないと!|18JP = ヒトハチマルマル。司令官?今日は夜戦の演習?もち!ご一緒します!|19JP = ヒトキューマルマル。よし!ここで照明弾、照明だーん…あれ?私、持ってない?|20JP = フタマルマルマル。でもさすが、二水戦のメンバーも強かったな。いいなあ|21JP = フタヒトマルマル。あれ、霞ちゃん。これおにぎり?また?いいの?|22JP = フタフタマルマル。そっかー夜戦に夢中で晩ご飯忘れてた。司令官、お腹空いてない?ねえ、一緒に食べる?|23JP = フタサンマルマル。ええっ!?武蔵さんとビフテキ食べたの?いいなー私も入れてよ!ずるい!|idleJP = ねぇ司令官? 何、何してんの? ねぇ何してんの? 何、何、何、ねぇ?|idleEN = Hey, Commander? What, what are you doing? Hey, what are you doing? What? What? What? Come on?|00EN = 00000! Eh? Was there an extra 0? 0000-... H-huh? Huh? Huuuh?|01EN = 0100. So... Sleepy.|02EN = 0222! Wah, I messed up again. I'll get it this time! It's 0200!|03EN = 03! ...00... I'm sleepy... This mission, is tough...|04EN = 0400. I'm seriously sleepy right now! Won't someone take over already?!|05EN = 0500! Eh? If I do this right, I'll become a battleship? Guh... I guess I'll do my best.|06EN = 0600. Right! Let's do it!|07EN = 0700. Hey, Kiyoshimo's gonna try her best and make breakfast, ok?!|08EN = 0800. How is breakfast? Let's eat our fill and turn into battleships together!|09EN = 0900. Commander, we should go for morning training together. Let's go!|10EN = 1000. Ugh... I ate too much for breakfast... And it feels bad after I've exercised... Uuu...|11EN = I don't feel so good... 11..0..0... S-Somehow I managed to report the time. Guh...|12EN = 1200. Commander, I'm sorry... Please go ahead with lunch by yourself... I can't do it.|13EN = 1300. What did you have for lunch? Omurice with Yamato-nee-sama? H-how nice...|13Note = Implying she wish she was there.|14EN = 1400. Eh, Kasumi-chan? What's wrong, you're here because you're worried about me again?|15EN = 1500. I got a riceball from Kasumi-chan because I didn't have lunch! Let's have it now. Mmm, this flavor of salt from the salted plume is great.|16EN = 1600. Commander, this Kiyoshimo has mended her ways. Let's do it!|17EN = 1700. Right, I should get to cleaning the office and prepare for outfitting!|18EN = 1800. Commander? There's night battle training for the day? Of course! I'll join too!|19EN = 1900. Right! For this part, I should use the star flare, star flares... Huh? I don't have one?|20EN = 2000. Really, the members 2nd Torpedo Squadron were strong. How nice...|20Note = Implying she wish she was as strong as them|21EN = 2100. Huh, Kasumi-chan? Another riceball? Is it ok to have it?|22EN = 2200. Oh right, I was so engrossed in the night battle that I forgot about dinner. Commander, are you hungry? Shall we have dinner together?|23EN = 2300. Ehh!? You had beef steak with Musashi-san? How nice... You should've invited me along too! That's not fair!}}
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