
Created page with "==Introduction== '''Kanmusu Ondo''' (also known more literally as "Fleet Girl Folk Song") is a song that appeared in the Naval Distrcit Saury Festival of 2016. While there..."
'''Kanmusu Ondo''' (also known more literally as "Fleet Girl Folk Song") is a song that appeared in the [[Naval Distrcit Saury Festival]] of 2016. While there has been a number of songs that had been introduce in Kancolle, Kanmusu Ondo is different in that also featured a dance that was a part of the song. While the song appeared in the game, it was also played at the [[Naval District Saury Festival in Yokohama]] in which [[Tanibe Yumi]] and several other dancers partook in and performed a dance associated to the song.

There are currently no found recordings of the dance in question. But it was made official by both reports and through [[Tanibe Yumi]] that they did preform it there, and those who attended the festival had a chance to learn the dance.

In addition, the song was also Sung by [[Tanibe Yumi]] representing the voices of [[Shiratsuyu]]. [[Murasame]]. [[Shigure]] and [[Yuudachi]] as noted in her [[Tanibe Yumi Interview: Kancolle Style Vol. 3|Interview]]


ハァーヨイショ! アソレソレソレ! ハァー!<br>
Allllright! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Yeaaaaah!

波をかき分け どんぶらどんぶら進むのよ(それ!)<br>
Let's break through the waves, sloshing, sloshing to and fro! (That's it!)

風を感じて 明日もきっといい天気(はい!)<br>
Feel that breeze? That means good weather tomorrow! (Yeah!)

水平線からお日様が のぼってしずんで夜戦かな <br>
The sun rises and falls at the horizon. Is it time for night battle?

艦娘音頭で艦隊と お月様とが踊ってる<br>
With the shipgirls leading, the fleet dances with the moon!

艦娘音頭で提督と 海の底まで照らしてる<br>
WIth the shipgirls leading, we'll light up the sea floor with the Admiral!

ハァーヨイショ! アソレソレソレ! ハァー! ハァ!<br>
Allllright! C'mon, c'mon, c'mon! Yeaaaaah!
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