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| <big>'''【演声艦隊】'''</big><br><br>キャストインタビュー <br>''''''タニベ ユミ'''''' <br><br> 軽巡・由良と、白露型4隻などに<br> 加え、新艦Commandant Teste<br> も演じ タニベユミさん。10月末 に開催された「艦これ」鎮守府秋 刀魚祭りの感想や、サービスイン 当時から最新追加ボイスまで、演じ る上で心がけてきた点を伺った。||  <big>'''【Voice Actor Fleet】'''</big><br><br> Cast Interview <br> ''''''Tanibe Yumi'''''' <br><br> Tanibe Yumi lent her voice to, among others, light cruiser [[Yura]], four ships of the Shiratsuyu-class as well as the new ship [[Commandant Teste]]. <br> We talked to her about her thoughts regarding the KanColle Naval Base Saury Festival that was held at the end of October, her endeavours as actress starting from the game's release until the addition of the latest voice lines, etc.
| <big>'''【演声艦隊】'''</big><br><br>キャストインタビュー <br><big>'''タニベ ユミ'''</big> <br><br> 軽巡・由良と、白露型4隻などに<br> 加え、新艦Commandant Teste<br> も演じ タニベユミさん。10月末 に開催された「艦これ」鎮守府秋 刀魚祭りの感想や、サービスイン 当時から最新追加ボイスまで、演じ る上で心がけてきた点を伺った。||  <big>'''【Voice Actor Fleet】'''</big><br><br> Cast Interview <br> <big>'''Tanibe Yumi'''</big> <br><br> Tanibe Yumi lent her voice to, among others, light cruiser [[Yura]], four ships of the Shiratsuyu-class as well as the new ship [[Commandant Teste]]. <br> We talked to her about her thoughts regarding the KanColle Naval Base Saury Festival that was held at the end of October, her endeavours as actress starting from the game's release until the addition of the latest voice lines, etc.
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| '''――――鎮守府秋刀魚祭りの会場は、かなり多くの方がいらしてましたからね。'''<br><br>やぐらの上から手を振ると、ステージのほかにも、秋刀魚の塩焼きや、縁日に並ばれている方も手を振り替えしてくださっているのが見えて、このお祭りに来てくださった人がみんなで楽しんでくださっていることが感じられて、強く印象に残る光景でした。<br><br> '''――――さきほど振り付けの最中に歌われていたという『艦娘音頭』ですが、キャラクターとしてはどの艦娘として歌っているイメージなのでしょうか。'''<br><br> 『艦娘音頭』はじつは白露型4隻で歌っているんです。私の気持ち的にメインは白露ですね。<br> でも4隻全員がフルパワーで歌っています。<br><br>――――するとよく聞くとすべてのパートで、4隻の歌が聴けるわけですね。<br><br> それぞれの性格がしっかり出るように歌わせていただきました。<br>中でも時雨はすごく落ち着いた子なのですが「よいしょ」などの合いの手を入れるところで頑張ってもらいました。村雨はちょっと艶っぽい部分が出てくれている・・・・・・かもしれません(笑)。<br><br>'''――――たしかに時雨は前に出て歌うイメージではなさそうな気がしますね。'''<br><br>これについては、聴いていただいた皆さんに最終判断を委ねることになりますが、私としては「時雨は彼女なりに一生懸命やっています!」とお伝えしたいです。<br>落ち着きながらも頑張っているのが彼女らしさであって、決してサボってるわけじゃないんです!(笑)<br><br>'''秋刀魚のために中部海域に挑戦!?'''<br><br>'''――――原作ブラウザゲームのほうも、ただ今(10月下旬)秋刀魚祭りの真っ最中ですが、秋刀魚漁の調子はいかがでしょうか?'''<br><br>秋刀魚、今日に合わせて頑張りまして、無事集まりました!<br><br> '''――――え、もう24匹集まったんですか!?'''<br><br> 漁場を休ませつつ、鎮守府近海(通称1-5)とアルフォンシーノ方面(通称3-3)に行っていたんですけど、20匹を超えたくらいから秋刀魚が見当たらなくなっちゃったんです。これはもうさらなる遠洋に行くしかない!<br> と思い立って、秋刀魚を獲りに中部海域最深部のKW環礁沖海域(通称6-5)を目指すことにしたんです。<br> でも中部北海域ピーコック島沖(通称6-4)の戦力ゲージが、まだ削れていないことを思い出して・・・・・・。<br><br>――――まさかの、秋刀魚漁のため中部海域を攻略ですか・・・・・・。<br><br> そうなんです。比較的順調に進んでいたんですが、戦力ゲージが最後の最後のところになってから、なかなか敵主力艦隊を撃破できなくて、試行錯誤していたんですけど、ふと「こうしている間に漁場は十分休んだんじゃないかな?」と思って1-5に行ったら、秋刀魚戻ってきてました(笑)。 || '''-- The Naval Base Saury Festival saw a lot of visitors after all.'''<br><br>When I was waving to the audience from the scaffolding I could see how not only they but also those that were lining up for salted saury or the fair were waving back, and I could feel how everyone was having a great time at the festival, which was a sight that left a strong impression on me.<br><br> '''-- Going back to how you were singing the "Ship Girl Folk Song" in the middle of your perfomance, which character were you singing as?'''<br><br> The "Kanmusu Ondo is actually sung by all four Shiratsuyu-class girls. I feel that Shiratsuyu is the main vocalist here.<br> But all four are singing with maximum enthusiasm.<br><br>'''-- Which would explain why when you listen carefully you can actually hear all four singing throughout the whole song.'''<br><br> I made sure to express everyone's personality properly while singing. Among them Shigure usually is very calm and collected, but I had her do her best with interjections like "Yo-heave-ho". Murasame showed a bit of her seductive side... I think. *laughs*<br><br>'''-- Shigure certainly isn't someone you'd expect to sing in front of a crowd, is she?'''<br><br> About that, I'll have to leave the final judgement to the audience, but as far as I'm concerned I wanted to convey that Shigure is trying her hardest in her own way.<br> She's doing her best while keeping her cool, she's definitely not slacking off or anything! *laughs* <br><br>'''Tackling the Central Waters just for saury?!'''<br><br>'''-- The original browser game is currently (end of October) also in the middle of the Saury Festival. How is your saury fishing progress?'''<br><br>With those I got today I've caught all the saury I need.<br><br>'''--  Wait, you've already got 24 fish!?'''<br><br> I went to the Seas Near the Naval Base (i.e. 1-5) and the Alfonsinoes (i.e. 3-3) while letting the fishing grounds recover, but after getting 20 fish I couldn't find more sauries.<br> It occurred to me that I had to sail deeper into the ocean, so I set my eyes on the innermost aera of the Central Waters, the KW Atoll (i.e. 6-5).<br> But then I remembered I hadn't yet cleared the boss gauge of the Central Northern Offshore Sea of Peacock Island (i.e. 6-4)...<br><br>'''-- You're not telling me you cleared the Central Waters just to fish saury, are you...?!'''<br><br> I am. Everything went relatively swimmingly, but when I got to the last part of the boss gauge I just couldn't beat the boss fleet, and after lots of trial and error I randomly thought "Shouldn't the fishing grounds have recovered by now?", so I went to 1-5 and, who would have thought, the sauries were back. *laughs*<br><br>'''-- Since you were tackling 6-4 I suppose that means you've also unlocked the Land-based Air Squadrons, right?'''<br><br>Yep! I figured I might as well use them there!<br><br> '''-- Oh, so you've cleared all the missions to establish the Land-based Air Squadrons. Then you've also cleared the Summer 2016 Event, I presume.'''<br><br>I somehow managed to clear it 10 hours before maintenance. *laughs*
| '''――――鎮守府秋刀魚祭りの会場は、かなり多くの方がいらしてましたからね。'''<br><br>やぐらの上から手を振ると、ステージのほかにも、秋刀魚の塩焼きや、縁日に並ばれている方も手を振り替えしてくださっているのが見えて、このお祭りに来てくださった人がみんなで楽しんでくださっていることが感じられて、強く印象に残る光景でした。<br><br> '''――――さきほど振り付けの最中に歌われていたという『艦娘音頭』ですが、キャラクターとしてはどの艦娘として歌っているイメージなのでしょうか。'''<br><br> 『艦娘音頭』はじつは白露型4隻で歌っているんです。私の気持ち的にメインは白露ですね。<br> でも4隻全員がフルパワーで歌っています。<br><br>――――するとよく聞くとすべてのパートで、4隻の歌が聴けるわけですね。<br><br> それぞれの性格がしっかり出るように歌わせていただきました。<br>中でも時雨はすごく落ち着いた子なのですが「よいしょ」などの合いの手を入れるところで頑張ってもらいました。村雨はちょっと艶っぽい部分が出てくれている・・・・・・かもしれません(笑)。<br><br>'''――――たしかに時雨は前に出て歌うイメージではなさそうな気がしますね。'''<br><br>これについては、聴いていただいた皆さんに最終判断を委ねることになりますが、私としては「時雨は彼女なりに一生懸命やっています!」とお伝えしたいです。<br>落ち着きながらも頑張っているのが彼女らしさであって、決してサボってるわけじゃないんです!(笑)<br><br><big>'''秋刀魚のために中部海域に挑戦!?'''</big><br><br>'''――――原作ブラウザゲームのほうも、ただ今(10月下旬)秋刀魚祭りの真っ最中ですが、秋刀魚漁の調子はいかがでしょうか?'''<br><br>秋刀魚、今日に合わせて頑張りまして、無事集まりました!<br><br> '''――――え、もう24匹集まったんですか!?'''<br><br> 漁場を休ませつつ、鎮守府近海(通称1-5)とアルフォンシーノ方面(通称3-3)に行っていたんですけど、20匹を超えたくらいから秋刀魚が見当たらなくなっちゃったんです。これはもうさらなる遠洋に行くしかない!<br> と思い立って、秋刀魚を獲りに中部海域最深部のKW環礁沖海域(通称6-5)を目指すことにしたんです。<br> でも中部北海域ピーコック島沖(通称6-4)の戦力ゲージが、まだ削れていないことを思い出して・・・・・・。<br><br>――――まさかの、秋刀魚漁のため中部海域を攻略ですか・・・・・・。<br><br> そうなんです。比較的順調に進んでいたんですが、戦力ゲージが最後の最後のところになってから、なかなか敵主力艦隊を撃破できなくて、試行錯誤していたんですけど、ふと「こうしている間に漁場は十分休んだんじゃないかな?」と思って1-5に行ったら、秋刀魚戻ってきてました(笑)。 || '''-- The Naval Base Saury Festival saw a lot of visitors after all.'''<br><br>When I was waving to the audience from the scaffolding I could see how not only they but also those that were lining up for salted saury or the fair were waving back, and I could feel how everyone was having a great time at the festival, which was a sight that left a strong impression on me.<br><br> '''-- Going back to how you were singing the "Ship Girl Folk Song" in the middle of your perfomance, which character were you singing as?'''<br><br> The "Kanmusu Ondo is actually sung by all four Shiratsuyu-class girls. I feel that Shiratsuyu is the main vocalist here.<br> But all four are singing with maximum enthusiasm.<br><br>'''-- Which would explain why when you listen carefully you can actually hear all four singing throughout the whole song.'''<br><br> I made sure to express everyone's personality properly while singing. Among them Shigure usually is very calm and collected, but I had her do her best with interjections like "Yo-heave-ho". Murasame showed a bit of her seductive side... I think. *laughs*<br><br>'''-- Shigure certainly isn't someone you'd expect to sing in front of a crowd, is she?'''<br><br> About that, I'll have to leave the final judgement to the audience, but as far as I'm concerned I wanted to convey that Shigure is trying her hardest in her own way.<br> She's doing her best while keeping her cool, she's definitely not slacking off or anything! *laughs* <br><br><big>'''Tackling the Central Waters just for saury?!'''</big><br><br>'''-- The original browser game is currently (end of October) also in the middle of the Saury Festival. How is your saury fishing progress?'''<br><br>With those I got today I've caught all the saury I need.<br><br>'''--  Wait, you've already got 24 fish!?'''<br><br> I went to the Seas Near the Naval Base (i.e. 1-5) and the Alfonsinoes (i.e. 3-3) while letting the fishing grounds recover, but after getting 20 fish I couldn't find more sauries.<br> It occurred to me that I had to sail deeper into the ocean, so I set my eyes on the innermost aera of the Central Waters, the KW Atoll (i.e. 6-5).<br> But then I remembered I hadn't yet cleared the boss gauge of the Central Northern Offshore Sea of Peacock Island (i.e. 6-4)...<br><br>'''-- You're not telling me you cleared the Central Waters just to fish saury, are you...?!'''<br><br> I am. Everything went relatively swimmingly, but when I got to the last part of the boss gauge I just couldn't beat the boss fleet, and after lots of trial and error I randomly thought "Shouldn't the fishing grounds have recovered by now?", so I went to 1-5 and, who would have thought, the sauries were back. *laughs*<br><br>'''-- Since you were tackling 6-4 I suppose that means you've also unlocked the Land-based Air Squadrons, right?'''<br><br>Yep! I figured I might as well use them there!<br><br> '''-- Oh, so you've cleared all the missions to establish the Land-based Air Squadrons. Then you've also cleared the Summer 2016 Event, I presume.'''<br><br>I somehow managed to clear it 10 hours before maintenance. *laughs*
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