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|JP =現在「艦これ」では、クリスマス期間限定で軽巡「大淀」もクリスマスmodeとなり、通常の海域邂逅に加え、北方海域「Extra Operation」でも邂逅可能です。また、家具屋さんでは、軽巡模型を配した北方迷彩箪笥も実装中です。冬の軽巡洋艦もどうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|JP =名将木村提督指揮のもと、実質的に水上艦隊最後の勝利となった「礼号作戦」。重巡、軽巡を含む同水上反撃艦隊の旗艦を務めたある朝潮型駆逐艦。今冬、来年最初となる改二改装の実装は、礼号作戦、北方作戦に参加し、最後は大和と共に出撃したある朝潮型駆逐艦の一隻を予定しています。
|EN = The Fruniture store in Kancolle is currently listing winter furniture that you can now purchase. Among the items you can purchase, you can obtain the Christmas Turkey Dinner, the white marble floor, the Northern Camo Drawers with Cruiser model. and the truck anchorage hanging scroll. Along with that, you can also listen to the new home port BGM, "Christmas Eve at Home Port", please be sure to spend some time with your winter fleet kanmusus!
|EN = On this month, Admiral Kimaru lead a fleet on what would be the last successful surface battle called "Operation Rei-Go." This winter at around the start of the new year, an Asashio class Destroyer that served as a flagship, alongside with a light cruiser that served as port of Operation Rei-Go. This same destroyer would also serve in escorting Yamato in Ten-Go.
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|JP = ヒトマルヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は日曜日!今月二度目の日曜日となりました。寒い日が続いています。風邪をひかないように注意しつつ、本日も元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|JP = マルキューヨンマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は月曜日!いよいよ師走第三週に突入しました。月日が加速している気もしますが、今週も、気合い、入れて、元気に頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Monday! We now enter into the next part of December!v We also feel as if the year is approaching to an end quickly. FOr now though, let's continue to do our best and put our all into it!
|EN = 0930. Good Morning to all of your Admirals out there! Today's Monday! We now enter into the next part of December!v We also feel as if the year is approaching to an end quickly. For now though, let's continue to do our best and put our all into it!
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