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==Most Recent Dev Tweets==
==Most Recent Dev Tweets==
===December 3rd, 2015 - Truk Anchorage Server Notes===
A few hours from the usual daily notes, Truk has undergone a series of connection issues today. The following tweets are in relations. (The situation is currently still ongoing)
|link =
|JP =【トラック泊地サーバ所属の提督の皆さんへ】 本日お昼過ぎから「トラック泊地サーバ」への通信負荷が異常に高くなっており、接続しにくい状態が発生しています。同所属の提督の皆さん、ご迷惑をお掛けして申し訳ありません。現在、同サーバ群の復旧と対策に着手しています。
|EN = "To the admirals affliated with the Truk Anchorage Server" Today during the afternoon, there was an constant load of abnormally high connection issues, making difficulty to connect. To the Admirals of the affiliated server, we apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently setting off to restore and fix the server
===December 3rd, 2015 - Backwards Day===
===December 3rd, 2015 - Backwards Day===
The following tweets today were released in reverse order of how they naturally should be released. As it was later explain in thier "Greeting Tweet"
The following tweets today were released in reverse order of how they naturally should be released. As it was later explain in thier "Greeting Tweet"
advmod, cssedit, Moderators, oversight, prechecked, Account Reviewers
