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===Previous Dev Tweets - Novebmer 2015===
===Previous Dev Tweets - Novebmer 2015===
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 12th, 2015
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|JP = 「艦これ」秋イベント2015:期間限定海域【突入!海上輸送作戦】の主作戦は、駆逐艦などによる「輸送作戦」が主体です。また、戦艦や航空母艦などの大型艦艇が活躍するシーンも用意されています。作戦開始は来週【11/18(水)】予定。「秋月」などとの邂逅も可能です。お楽しみに!
|EN = The Main Operation portion of the Kancolle Autumn Event 2015 "Charge! Maritime Transportation Operation" will be focused around "Transport Operations" carried out by destroyers, etc. We have prepared places where capital ships - battleships and carriers - will be able to perform their duties. The operation is scheduled to start next Wednesday, 11/18. It will be possible to encounter [[Akizuki]] among others. Please look forward to it!
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|JP = ヒトマルヒトマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます! 今日は木曜日!現在「艦これ」運営鎮守府では来週より展開予定の秋イベの開発/実装準備を鋭意進めています。秋も深まってまいりました。風邪などをひかないように注意しながら、本日も頑張ってまいりましょう!
|EN = 1010. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there! <br>
Today's Thursday! We are currently working on and implementing the content to be featured for the Kancolle Autumn Limited time Waters Event. The Autumn season continues to get colder, so please be sure to bundle up and let's continue doing our best today.
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