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===Previous Dev Tweets - Novebmer 2015===
===Previous Dev Tweets - Novebmer 2015===
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! Kancolle Staff Tweets - November 10th, 2015
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|JP = 「艦これ」次回の稼働全サーバ群共通メンテナンス&アップデートは、来週【11/18(水)】に実施させて頂く予定です。【11:00】メンテナンス開始、同日【19:00】完了の見込みです。お手間をお掛けして恐縮です、ご協力どうぞよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = Kancolle's next scheduled maintaiance is set to take place next week on 11/18 and will start at 11:00 and will be completed on the same day at 19:00. We appreciative your cooperation and thank you for being patient.
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|JP = 来週【11/18(水)】より開始予定の「艦これ」秋イベント2015:期間限定海域】は、「多号作戦」ではありませんが、輸送作戦が主体となる作戦です。練度の高い【駆逐艦】は、とても重要な戦力です。主作戦の完遂を目指す提督方は、ぜひ駆逐艦の練成もよろしくお願い致します!
|EN = Next week's scheudled maintaiance for the 11/18 Autumn Limited Time Waters Event is not the "Battle of the Ormoc Bay" which was also a transportation mission. However, for this event, training your Destoyers will be very important for this event. Admirals who plan to complete the main stage operations should prepare as many well trained destoyers as they can.
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|JP =マルキューゴーマル。提督の皆さん、おはようございます。 今日は水曜日。約70年前の今日は、多号作戦において、「島風」「長波」などの多くの駆逐艦が、護衛していた輸送船団と共に全滅に打撃を受け、沈んでいった日です。
|EN = 0950. Good Morning to all you Admirals out there! <br>
Today's Wednesday! About 70 years ago from this day, during the Battle of Ormoc Bay, several destroyers such as Shimakaze and Naganami received a devastating blowing during thier convoy mission, which were sunk on that day.
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