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===Quotes=== {{Template:Shipquote |自己紹介 = やっと会えた!陽炎よ。よろしくねっ! |EN1 = Great to meet you! I'm Kagerou. Treat me well! |Library = 第四次軍備充実計画で建造された陽炎型駆逐艦、ネームシップの陽炎よ。 新鋭の主力駆逐艦として、ハワイ攻撃機動部隊を始め、様々な作戦に参加したわ! よろしくね! |EN0 = Constucted for the Circle-4 programe, Kagerou-class nameship, Kagerou. As the main power of the newly-made ships, staring off with the Hawaii attack force, I was in lots of varied battles! Treat me well! |Note0 = Minor error: was actually created as part of the [,_1937%29 Circle-3 program], not Circle-4. |秘書クリック会話① = 出番かしら?
|自己紹介 = やっと会えた!陽炎よ。よろしくねっ!
(As Kai)
|EN1 = Great to meet you! I'm Kagerou. Treat me well!
陽炎の出番なの? |EN2 = Time to go?
|Library = 第四次軍備充実計画で建造された陽炎型駆逐艦、ネームシップの陽炎よ。
(As Kai)
Is it Kagerou's turn? |秘書クリック会話② = なーに?お話したいの? |EN3 = Wha~t? You want to talk? |秘書クリック会話③ = ちょっあまり触ると怒るわよ、もぅ |EN4 = I'll get angry if you touch me too much, you know? |戦績表示時 = 司令に電文が届いてるわ |EN5 = A telegram for the commander has arrived. |編成選択時 = いよいよ、私の出番ね! |EN6 = At last, it's my turn! |装備時① = やったぁ! |EN7 = Yay! |装備時② = お?いいんじゃない?ありがとっ |EN8 = Oh? This is pretty good! Thanks. |装備時③ = サンキュ!私の活躍、期待してね! |EN9 = Thanks! Expect great things from me! |EN10 = Kagerou, taking a brea~k! |EN11 = I'll be away for a bit. *sigh*. |建造時 = 新しい仲間が到着したわ |EN12 = A new friend has arrived. |艦隊帰投時 = 作戦完了よ |EN13 = Battle complete. |出撃時 = 両舷全速、陽炎の活躍期待してね! |EN14 = Both turbines to full speed, expect great results! |戦闘開始時 = 砲雷撃戦、用意!
|EN0 = Constucted for the Circle-4 programe, Kagerou-class nameship, Kagerou.
As the main power of the newly-made ships, staring off with the Hawaii attack force, I was in lots of varied battles!
(As Kai)
Treat me well!
敵艦隊発見! 突撃するわ! 陽炎についてらっしゃい! |EN15 = Battle preparations complete! <br><br>(As Kai)<br>Enemy Fleet discovered!  I'm going in! Stick with Kagerou! |攻撃時 = 攻撃よ、砲撃! |EN16 = Attack! |夜戦開始時 = 追撃戦に移行するわ! |EN17 = Switching to pursuit battle! |夜戦攻撃時 = 悪いわね、貰ったわ! |EN18 = How bad for you, take this! |MVP時 = どう、私の戦闘は。少しは参考になったかな?ああ、お礼なんていいのよ。 |EN19 = How was it, my fighting? A text-book case? Ah, thanking me is enough. |Note19 = She's saying that her battle is good enough to use as a reference. |EN22 = I'm not worth of the position of the Kagerou nameship... *sigh* |撃沈時(反転) = 私が沈むの?ホントに?嘘… |EN23 = I'm sinking? Really? No way... |補給時 = サンキュ!私の活躍、期待してね!
|Note0 = Minor error: was actually created as part of the [,_1937%29 Circle-3 program], not Circle-4.
|秘書クリック会話① = 出番かしら?<br><br>(As Kai)<br>陽炎の出番なの?
(As Kai)
|EN2 = Time to go?<br><br>(As Kai)<br>Is it Kagerou's turn?
補給か…、ありがと! |EN24 = Thanks! Expect great things from me! <br><br> Supplies?  Thanks!|Note24 = same as Equipment(3) |Wedding = あ、司令!お疲れ様ー…えーと…あっ!これ、ハワイ土産のチョコレートです! |EN26 = Ah, Commander! Great work!... Erm, right.. Um, here's a Hawaiian souvenir chocolate for you! |ドック入り(小破以下) = 陽炎、休憩入りまーす! |ドック入り(中破以上) = ちょっとお休みするね。ふぁーあ… |小破① = な、何なの~? |EN20 = W-what? |小破② = ふんっ、これくらい! |EN21 = Humph, only this much! |中破 = 陽炎型ネームシップの名が泣くわ…も~っ! |Married = 司令…んーまぁ頑張ってるじゃない?うん。私も頑張らないと、一緒にね♪ |EN25 = Commander... You've really been doing your best, haven't you? Yeah. I have do my best too, alongside you. |秘書放置時 = 司令、話聞いてる?司令?司令ったら!もう私無視するなんてどういうつもり!? |EN4a = Commander, are you listening? Commander? Oh, come on, Commander! What's the big idea, ignoring me?! }}
|秘書クリック会話② = なーに?お話したいの?
|EN3 = Wha~t? You want to talk?
|秘書クリック会話③ = ちょっあまり触ると怒るわよ、もぅ
|EN4 = I'll get angry if you touch me too much, you know?
|戦績表示時 = 司令に電文が届いてるわ
|EN5 = A telegram for the commander has arrived.
|編成選択時 = いよいよ、私の出番ね!
|EN6 = At last, it's my turn!
|装備時① = やったぁ!
|EN7 = Yay!
|装備時② = お?いいんじゃない?ありがとっ
|EN8 = Oh? This is pretty good! Thanks.
|装備時③ = サンキュ!私の活躍、期待してね!
|EN9 = Thanks! Expect great things from me!
|EN10 = Kagerou, taking a brea~k!
|EN11 = I'll be away for a bit. *sigh*.
|建造時 = 新しい仲間が到着したわ
|EN12 = A new friend has arrived.
|艦隊帰投時 = 作戦完了よ
|EN13 = Battle complete.
|出撃時 = 両舷全速、陽炎の活躍期待してね!
|EN14 = Both turbines to full speed, expect great results!
|戦闘開始時 = 砲雷撃戦、用意!<br><br>(As Kai)<br>敵艦隊発見! 突撃するわ! 陽炎についてらっしゃい!
|EN15 = Battle preparations complete!
|攻撃時 = 攻撃よ、砲撃!
|EN16 = Attack!
|夜戦開始時 = 追撃戦に移行するわ!
|EN17 = Switching to pursuit battle!
|夜戦攻撃時 = 悪いわね、貰ったわ!
|EN18 = How bad for you, take this!
|MVP時 = どう、私の戦闘は。少しは参考になったかな?ああ、お礼なんていいのよ。
|EN19 = How was it, my fighting? A text-book case? Ah, thanking me is enough.
|Note19 = She's saying that her battle is good enough to use as a reference.
|EN22 = I'm not worth of the position of the Kagerou nameship... *sigh*
|撃沈時(反転) = 私が沈むの?ホントに?嘘…
|EN23 = I'm sinking? Really? No way...
|補給時 = サンキュ!私の活躍、期待してね!<br><br>(As Kai)<br>補給か…、ありがと!
|EN24 = Thanks! Expect great things from me!
|Note24 = same as Equipment(3)
|Wedding = あ、司令!お疲れ様ー…えーと…あっ!これ、ハワイ土産のチョコレートです!
|EN26 = Ah, Commander! Great work!... Erm, right.. Um, here's a Hawaiian souvenir chocolate for you!
|ドック入り(小破以下) = 陽炎、休憩入りまーす!
|ドック入り(中破以上) = ちょっとお休みするね。ふぁーあ…
|小破① = な、何なの~?
|EN20 = W-what?
|小破② = ふんっ、これくらい!
|EN21 = Humph, only this much!
|中破 = 陽炎型ネームシップの名が泣くわ…も~っ!
|Married = 司令…んーまぁ頑張ってるじゃない?うん。私も頑張らないと、一緒にね♪
|EN25 = Commander... You've really been doing your best, haven't you? Yeah. I have do my best too, alongside you.
|秘書放置時 = 司令、話聞いてる?司令?司令ったら!もう私無視するなんてどういうつもり!?
|EN4a = Commander, are you listening? Commander? Oh, come on, Commander! What's the big idea, ignoring me?!
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