
Line 357: Line 357:  
* '''Algebra''' - [[TBM-3W+3S]], because of its name looking like a math formula.
|colspan=2|Algebra||[[TBM-3W+3S]]||Because of its name looking like a math formula
* '''AirMat''' - [[New Model Aviation Development Material]]
* '''ArmMat''' - [[New Model Armament Material]]
|colspan=2|AirMat||[[New Model Aviation Development Material]]||
* '''AvMat''' - [[New Model Aviation Development Material]]
* '''Big Seven''' - Refers to the first 7 battleships built to carry the biggest naval guns (>40 cm) allowed by the [[wikipedia:Washington Naval Treaty|Washington Naval Treaty]], namely, the {{Class|Nagato}}, {{Class|Nelson}}, and {{Class|Colorado}}.
|colspan=2|ArmMat||[[New Model Armament Material]]||
* '''Blow torches''' - [[Instant Construction Material]]
* '''Bucket''' - [[Instant Repair Material]]
|colspan=2|AvMat||[[New Model Aviation Development Material]]||
* '''Bulldozer''' - [[Construction Corps]]
* '''BURNING LOVE''' - Notable line from [[Kongou]]
|colspan=2|[[Big Seven]]||{{Class|Nagato}}, {{Class|Nelson}}, and {{Class|Colorado}}||The first 7 battleships built to carry the biggest naval guns (>40 cm) allowed by the [[wikipedia:Washington Naval Treaty|Washington Naval Treaty]]
* '''C2''' - Studio/Dojin circle behind Kancolle
* '''Carrot''' - [[Night Skilled Crew Member]], the fairy eating one
|colspan=2|Blow torches||[[Instant Construction Material]]||
* '''Chi-Ha''' - [[Chi-Ha|Type 97 Medium tank]] Japanese tank's name.
* '''Choujuusenchihou (長10cm砲)''' - {{Class|Akizuki}}'s pet, similar to [[Rensouhou]]s
|colspan=2|Bucket||[[Instant Repair Material]]||
* '''Chuuha''' - "moderately damaged", orange damaged  
* '''Cut-In''' - [[Cut-in|special powerful attacks]], triggered when using a right set of specific gears
|colspan=2|Bulldozer||[[Construction Corps]]||
* '''DameCon''' - {{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Personnel}}
* '''DameGami‎''' - {{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess}}
|colspan=2|BURNING LOVE|| ||Notable line from [[Kongou]]
* '''DameKami‎''' - {{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess}}
* '''Debuff''' - A [[Debuff|mechanic]] that weaken some event bosses.
|colspan=2|C2||[[C2 Praparat]]||Studio/Dojin circle behind Kancolle
* '''DevMat''' - [[Development Materials]]
* '''Fighter-Mulle''' - The process of equipping a ship with only "fighters", to gain air superiority (AS).  
|colspan=2|Carrot||[[Night Skilled Crew Member]]||The fairy is eating a carrot
* '''Flamethrower''' - [[Instant Construction Material]]
* '''Gingusa''' - [[Ginga (Egusa Squadron)]]
|colspan=2|Chi-Ha||[[Chi-Ha|Type 97 Medium tank]]||Japanese tank's name
* '''Green T''' - Crossing the T (Advantage) [[Engagement]]
* '''GunMat''' - [[New Model Gun Development Material]]
|colspan=2|[[Choujuusenchihou]]||長10cm砲||{{Class|Akizuki}}'s [[pet]]
* '''Hole Punch''' - [[Reinforcement Expansion]]
* '''Ho-Ni''' - {{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank}} Japanese tank's name.
|colspan=2|Chuuha||"Moderately Damaged"||Japanese, orange damaged  
* '''I-Go''' - {{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)}} Japanese tank's name.
* '''Ka-Mi''' - {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank}} Japanese tank's name.
|colspan=2|Cut-In||[[Cut-in|special powerful attacks]]||Triggered when using a right set of specific gears
* '''Ka-Tsu''' - {{EquipmentLink|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai|link=Ka-Tsu}} Japanese tank's name.
* '''KancoDex''' - [[Library]] (Kancolle's Pokedex), sometimes, just KanDex.
|colspan=2|DameCon||{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Personnel}}||
* '''Kancolle''' - Kantai Collection
* '''Kanmusu''' - "kantai musume", ship-girl
|colspan=2|DameGami‎||{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess}}
* '''Kiriban''' - [[Ranking#Special_Tiers|Ranking "Lucky Tiers"]]
* '''Kuso''' - "Bad" or "Shitty", a common insult toward admirals (notably from [[Akebono]]), for being careless or even reckless. In the community, it mainly designates players using strats involving low morale or even sinking girls.
|colspan=2|DameKami‎||{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess}}
* '''MelonMat''' - [[New Model Armament Material]], referencing the Yuubari fairy on it.
* '''Nuke''' - [[Anti-Installation#Equipment_Setups|Anti-installation]] setup using a tank, a DLC, and artillery, doing "nuclear-like" damage to installations (up to 9999 damage).
|colspan=2|Debuff||A [[Debuff|mechanic]] that weaken some event bosses.
* '''Penguin''' - The "Failure Box", notably featuring a penguin/toucan-like bird, and apearing each time a ship [[modernization]] or equipment [[craft]] is failled.
* '''Poi? (っぽい?)''' - Catchphrase of [[Yuudachi]], meaning "maybe", referring to [[wikipedia:Ironbottom Sound|Ironbottom Sound]].
|colspan=2|DevMat||[[Development Materials]]
* '''ProtoPult''' - [[Prototype Flight Deck Catapult]]
* '''Red T''' - Crossing the T (Disadvantage) [[Day_Battle#Engagement|Engagement]].
|colspan=2|Fighter-Mulle||The process of equipping a ship with only "fighters", to gain air superiority (AS).  
* '''Recon''' - "Reconnaissance" planes, referring to both yellow "[[Reconnaissance Aircraft]]", and "[[SPR|Reconnaissance Seaplanes]]", depending on the context.
* '''Rensouhou (連装砲)''' - A [[Rensouhou|Danbo-like robot]] appearing with some ships, namely [[Shimakaze]], [[Amatsukaze]], and [[Helena]].
|colspan=2|Flamethrower||[[Instant Construction Material]]
* '''Rocket''' - A form of propulsion, different from the usual propeller blades or turbojets (see ''[[Rocket|here]]'' for rockets ingame).
* '''RocketMat''' - [[New Model Rocket Development Material]]
|colspan=2|Gingusa||[[Ginga (Egusa Squadron)]]
* '''RoSa''' - Japanese AA rockets: {{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher}} & {{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni}}
* '''Sanshiki''' - "Type 3 Shell" in Japanese, their [[AA Shell]]s
|colspan=2|Green T||Crossing the T (Advantage) [[Engagement]]
* '''Screw''' - [[Akashi's Improvement Arsenal|Improvement Materials]]
* '''Secretary''' - The flagship of the first fleet, the girl on the main menu.
|colspan=2|GunMat||[[New Model Gun Development Material]]
* '''Seiyuu''' - Japanese [[Seiyuu|Character Voice/Voice Actress]]
* '''Shirei-kan''' - "Commander"
|colspan=2|Hole Punch||[[Reinforcement Expansion]]
* '''Shouha''' - "lightly damaged", yellow damaged
* '''Synergy''' - Used to describe the positive effect given by equipping certain equipment together, mainly referring to [[ASW Synergy]], [[Speed|Speed Synergy]], and [[Fit Bonuses]].
|colspan=2|Ho-Ni||{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft + Type 1 Gun Tank}} Japanese tank's name.
* '''Spoon''' - The [[Vanguard Formation]], named after its shape.
* '''Tags''' - [[Ship Locking]] in events.
|colspan=2|I-Go||{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)}} Japanese tank's name.
* '''Taiha''' - "heavily damaged", red damaged
* '''Taitei''' - [[Type 2 Large Flying Boat]], name mostly used by [[Akitsushima]].
|colspan=2|Ka-Mi||{{EquipmentLink|Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank}} Japanese tank's name.
* '''Tanaka''' - [[Kensuke Tanaka]], creator and original programmer of Kancolle.
* '''Tank''' - can refer to "Landing Tanks" (landing craft + tank), to Amphibious Tanks, or Landing Forces. ''See [[Tanks]] for more details''.
|colspan=2|Ka-Tsu||{{EquipmentLink|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank|Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank Kai|link=Ka-Tsu}} Japanese tank's name.
* '''Teitoku''' - "Admiral"
* '''Tenryuu Kindergarten''' - A common theme where [[Tenryuu]] and a destroyers' escort are regularly used in expeditions to optimize resources consumption. The official 4-Koma also shows Tenryuu being a good children (DD) caretaker.
|colspan=2|KancoDex||[[Library]] (Kancolle's Pokedex), sometimes, just KanDex.
* '''Torches''' - [[Instant Construction Material]]
* '''Touch''' - General name used for [[Special Attacks]].
|colspan=2|Kancolle||Kantai Collection
* '''Yasen''' - "[[Night Battle]]"
* '''!すでのな''' - One of [[Inazuma]]'s lines written "backward", in traditional Japanese format. Also appears as a wall scroll on the furniture page.
|colspan=2|Kanmusu||"kantai musume", ship-girl
|colspan=2|Kiriban||[[Ranking#Special_Tiers|Ranking "Lucky Tiers"]]
|colspan=2|Kuso||"Bad" or "Shitty", a common insult toward admirals (notably from [[Akebono]]), for being careless or even reckless. In the community, it mainly designates players using strats involving low morale or even sinking girls.
|colspan=2|MelonMat||[[New Model Armament Material]], referencing the Yuubari fairy on it.
|colspan=2|Nuke||[[Anti-Installation#Equipment_Setups|Anti-installation]] setup using a tank, a DLC, and artillery, doing "nuclear-like" damage to installations (up to 9999 damage).
|colspan=2|Penguin||The "Failure Box", notably featuring a penguin/toucan-like bird, and apearing each time a ship [[modernization]] or equipment [[craft]] is failled.
|colspan=2|Poi? (っぽい?)||Catchphrase of [[Yuudachi]], meaning "maybe", referring to [[wikipedia:Ironbottom Sound|Ironbottom Sound]].
|colspan=2|ProtoPult||[[Prototype Flight Deck Catapult]]||
|colspan=2|Red T||Crossing the T (Disadvantage)||[[Day_Battle#Engagement|Battle Engagement]]
|colspan=2|Recon||[[Recon|Reconnaissance Planes]]||Referring to either "[[Seaplane Recon]]s" or/and "yellow [[Reconnaissance Aircraft]]".
|colspan=2|[[Rensouhou]]||連装砲||[[Rensouhou|Danbo-like robot]] [[pets]] appearing with some ships, namely [[Shimakaze]], [[Amatsukaze]], and [[Helena]].
|colspan=2|[[Rocket]]|| ||A form of propulsion, different from the usual propeller blades or turbojets (see ''[[Rocket|here]]'' for rockets ingame).
|colspan=2|RocketMat||[[New Model Rocket Development Material]]||
|colspan=2|RoSa||"Type 4 Incendiary Rocket"||Japanese AA rockets: {{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher}} & {{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher Kai Ni}}
|colspan=2|Sanshiki||"Type 3 Shell"||Japanese [[AA Shell]]s
|colspan=2|Screw||[[Improvement Material]]s||
|colspan=2|Secretary||The flagship of the first fleet, the girl on the main menu.
|colspan=2|Seiyuu||Japanese [[Seiyuu|Character Voice/Voice Actress]]||Same as CV or VA
|colspan=2|Shouha||"Lightly Damaged"||Japanese, yellow damaged
|colspan=2|Synergy||Used to describe the positive effect given by equipping certain equipment together, mainly referring to [[ASW Synergy]], [[Speed|Speed Synergy]], and [[Fit Bonuses]].
|colspan=2|Spoon||[[Vanguard Formation]]||Named after its shape
|colspan=2|Tags||[[Ship Locking]]||Events only
|colspan=2|Taiha||"Heavily Damaged"||Japanese, red damaged
|colspan=2|Taitei||[[Type 2 Large Flying Boat]]||Name mostly used by [[Akitsushima]]
|colspan=2|Tanaka||[[Kensuke Tanaka]]||Creator and original programmer of Kancolle
|colspan=2|Tank|| ''See [[Tanks]] for more details''||Can refer to "Landing Tanks" (landing craft + tank), to Amphibious Tanks, or Landing Forces.  
|colspan=2|Tenryuu Kindergarten|| ||A common theme where [[Tenryuu]] and a destroyers' escort are regularly used in expeditions to optimize resources consumption. The official 4-Koma also shows Tenryuu being a good children (DD) caretaker.
|colspan=2|Torches||[[Instant Construction Material]]||
|colspan=2|Touch||[[Special Attacks]]||
|colspan=2|Yasen||"[[Night Battle]]"||Japanese
|colspan=2|!すでのな|| ||One of [[Inazuma]]'s lines written "backward", in traditional Japanese format. Also appears as a [[Furniture|wall scroll]].
