| EN4=Wait a sec! I can hear a ba~d sound... it's not a enemy spy plane, is it?
| EN4=Wait a sec! I can hear a ba~d sound... it's not a enemy spy plane, is it?
| Note4=
| Note4=
| 秘書放置時=Missing
| 秘書放置時=あー、なーんかひまだなー。まいっか、飲んじまうかなー。えーっと熱燗にすっかなー。
| EN4a=Ahh, man, I'm bored. Eh, that's okay! I'll drink! Let's see . . . maybe I'll have hot sake . . .
| EN4a=Ahh, man, I'm bored. Eh, that's okay! I'll drink! Let's see . . . maybe I'll have hot sake . . .
| Note4a=熱燗, atsukan, is sake that has been heated to the point where it will gently waft steam into the air, and form very small bubbles within the liquid. Usually consumed during the colder months.
| Note4a=熱燗, atsukan, is sake that has been heated to the point where it will gently waft steam into the air, and form very small bubbles within the liquid. Usually consumed during the colder months.