Added and translated marriage lines.
| 撃沈時(反転)=あれ、あれあれ、あたし沈むの? マジで?
| 撃沈時(反転)=あれ、あれあれ、あたし沈むの? マジで?
| EN23=H-hey, hey now, I'm sinking? Really?
| EN23=H-hey, hey now, I'm sinking? Really?
| Note23=}}
| Note23=|Wedding = アタシも正規空母に負けないように結構頑張ったんだー。それを分かってくれた提督は、アンタだけさー。なぁ、キスしてやるよー。
|EN26 = I'm gonna work hard so that I won't lose to those aircraft carriers, too! You're the only Admiral that gets that, you know? Hey, gimme a kiss~!}}
*Originally a passenger liner called Kashiwara Maru(橿原丸). The navy bought and coverted her into a carrier.
*Originally a passenger liner called Kashiwara Maru(橿原丸). The navy bought and coverted her into a carrier.
*Her occasional "battlecry"(ヒャッハー!)and her fan nickname within the Asian player community([http:// 世紀末空母] - Carrier of the End Century) are both references to Fist of the North Star.
*Her occasional "battlecry"(ヒャッハー!)and her fan nickname within the Asian player community([http:// 世紀末空母] - Carrier of the End Century) are both references to Fist of the North Star.
==See Also==
==See Also==