
Line 498: Line 498:  
|八駆の迎撃」||DesDiv 8's Interception
|八駆の迎撃||DesDiv 8's Interception
|BGM version
|BGM version
Line 555: Line 555:  
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
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|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
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|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|[[3-5]], {{GameUpdates|2014/12/12}}
Line 671: Line 670:  
|海に吹く碧の風||Blue Wind Blowing on the Sea
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|雨とお酒と艦娘||Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls
|雨音の鎮守府||The Sound of Rain at the Navy Base
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|秋月の空||Autumn Moon in the Sky
|雨とお酒と艦娘||Rain, Alcohol, and Ship Girls
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Early implementation
|明石の工廠||Akashi's Armory
|明石の工廠||Akashi's Armory
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Early implementation
|海上護衛戦||Marine Escort Warfare
|鎮守府の秋祭り||Naval Base Autumn Festival
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|秋雲の描くスケッチ||A Sketch Akigumo Drew
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|迎春の鎮守府||New Year Greetings from the Naval Base
|秋月の空||Sky of the Autumn Moon
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|艦娘音頭||The Shipgirl Festival Dance
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|雨音の鎮守府||The Sound of Rain at the Navy Base
|??||Future (Now)
|Can be set as homeport BGM
|Can be set as homeport BGM
