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| 撃沈時(反転)=ちょっと無理しちゃったかな…?長良、名取、元気でね…
| 撃沈時(反転)=ちょっと無理しちゃったかな…?長良、名取、元気でね…
| EN23=It really was useless, huh...? Nagara, Natori, stay safe...
| EN23=It really was useless, huh...? Nagara, Natori, stay safe...
| Note23=Nagara and Natori were both torpedoed in 1944 while Isuzu was sunk in the day when Yamato also sunk, but at Java Sea}}
| Note23=Nagara and Natori were both torpedoed in 1944 while Isuzu was torpedoed on the day, in few hours apart, when Yamato got sunk while on Suicide mission to Okinawa.}}