
no edit summary
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   _scrap_steel = 4,
   _scrap_steel = 4,
   _scrap_bauxite = 6,
   _scrap_bauxite = 6,
   _info = nil,
   _info = "日本海軍が開発、「竜巻作戦」で魚雷や火器を装備して環礁泊地の航空母艦を奇襲攻撃しようと準備した水陸両用戦闘車両、「特四式内火艇」、通称カツ車です。<br>元々は揚陸用水陸両用輸送車両として開発されました。<br>実際には機動性や騒音などに致命的な問題があり、作戦は中止されています。<br>作戦部隊の意見具申により大きく改修されたif改修型、ぜひ幻の運用を!",
  _info_en = "This is an amphibious combat vehicle developed by the Japanese Navy during \"Operation Tatsumaki\", equipped with torpedoes and guns, and prepared to attack aircraft carriers anchored in atolls, the \"Special Type 4 Amphibious Tank\", commonly known as Ka-Tsu.<br>It was originally developed as an amphibious transport vehicle.<br>In reality, there were fatal flaws with mobility and noise, and the operation was canceled.<br>This what if variant has been greatly improved based on the feedback of the operational team, so please make good use of the surprise attack!",
   _wikipedia = "Type 4 Ka-Tsu",
   _wikipedia = "Type 4 Ka-Tsu",
   _buildable = false,
   _buildable = false,
   _improvements = false,
   _improvements = false,
