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==Gameplay Notes==
| name=I-8
| japanesename=伊8
| id=128
{{Category:Submarine Aircraft Carriers}}
| image=[[File:128.jpg]]
| color=gold
===Special Mechanics===
| type=Submarine
| class=Type J3
* Becomes a [[SSV]].
| hp=15 (19)
| firepower=2 (9)
| armor=4 (19)
| torpedo=30 (69)
| evasion=14 (37)
| AA=0
| aircraft=0
| speed=Slow
| LOS=10 (39)
| ASW=0
| range=Short
| luck=20 (59)
| slot=1
| time=22:00
| slot1=-Unequipped-
| slot2=-Locked-
| slot3=-Locked-
| slot4=-Locked-}}
| style="width: 50px;"|
===Equipability Exceptions===
* Default [[SS]] equipment compatibility
* Default [[SSV]] equipment compatibility
===Fit Bonuses===
| color = violet
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
| name = I-8 Kai
| id = 128
===Important Information===
| image = [[File:400-2-.jpg]]
* Helper for the following equipment:
| japanesename = 伊8改
** Improvement: [[Special Type 2 Amphibious Tank]], [[Late Model Bow Torpedo Mount (6 tubes)]]
| class = Type J3
| type = Aircraft Carrying Submarine
==Drop Locations==
| firepower = 4 (14)
| armor = 5 (19)
| torpedo = 36 (84)
| evasion = 15 (49)
| AA = 0
| aircraft = 2
| ASW = 0
| speed = Slow
| LOS = 16 (39)
| range = Short
| luck = 25 (69)
| time = Lv 50 Remodel
| slot = 2
| slot1 = -Unequipped-
| space1 = 1
| slot2 = -Unequipped-
| space2 = 1
| slot3 = -Locked-
| space3 = -
| slot4 = -Locked-
| space4 = -
| hp = 19 }}
==Voice Lines==
| 自己紹介=Guten Tag...ああ違った......ごめんなさいね、「ハチ」と呼んでくださいね
| EN1=Guten Tag ... ah, my mistake... sorry, please call me "hachi".
|scenario = Introduction
| Note1="Guten Tag" is German for Good day. Hachi is Japanese for 8.
|origin = Guten Tag...ああ違った......ごめんなさいね、「ハチ」と呼んでくださいね
| Library=遣独潜水艦作戦の第二次遣独艦として、かの地に向かったのよ。そして、Uボートをもらったのよ。この作戦は5回行われたんだけど、機雷とか色々あって、無事往復できたのは私だけなんですって…そうね、機雷なんてダイッキライ!
|translation = Good day... Ah, no... sorry. Please call me Hachi.<ref>She uses German phrases here and there because of her mission to Germany.</ref>
| EN0=I made it to Germany as the second submarine sent on the transoceanic voyage. Then, I received a U-boat. This operation was carried out 5 times, but because of mines and other events, I was the only one who was able to successfully complete the return trip... yeah, I really hate mines!
|audio = Hachi-Introduction.ogg
| Note0=
| 秘書クリック会話①=Acht...いいえ、「ハチ」です
| EN2=I'm Acht... no, Hachi.
|scenario = Library
| Note2="Acht" is German for eight
|origin = 遣独潜水艦作戦の第二次遣独艦として、かの地に向かったのよ。
| 秘書クリック会話②=うん。提督が言いやすいなら、ま、「はっちゃん」でも良いよ。うん。
| EN3=Hmm, if it's easier for you, call me "Hacchan". Yes.
| Note3=
|translation = I was the 2nd ship to undertake the Envoy to Germany Submarine Operation and made it successfully to that place.<ref>She is referring to [ this operation], where IJN submarines were dispatched to Europe for technology and personnel exchanges.</ref>
| 秘書クリック会話③=あぁ!……急に触られたり、大きな音とかは、びっくりしちゃうんだよね
And with that, I got a U-boat.<ref>Her main mission was to ferry the crew of [ U-1224] which was being given to Japan.</ref> The operation was carried out 5 times but because of mines and other things, only I succeeded in making the round trip safely.<ref>Of the other 4 attempts by the IJN; I-30 was sunk by a mine, I-34 by the British submarine [ Taurus], I-29 by the US submarine [ Sawfish], and I-52 by US navy planes.</ref>
| EN4=Ah! ...You've surprised me, touching me all of a sudden and making these loud noises.
And so, I really hate mines...
| Note4=
|audio = Hachi-Library.ogg
| 秘書放置時=そろそろ、別の本が……欲しいんですけれど……
| EN4a=I think... I'd like to read a new book now...
| Note4a=
|scenario = Secretary 1
| 戦績表示時=提督に報告書ですよ。どれどれ……
|origin = Acht...いいえ、「ハチ」です
| EN5=A report for the Admiral. Let's see...
|translation = I'm Acht... No, I'm Hacchi.
| Note5=
|audio = Hachi-Secretary_1.ogg
| 編成選択時=はっちゃん、出撃しますね
| EN6=Hacchan, heading out.
| Note6=
|scenario = Secretary 2
| 装備時①=これはよいものですね。danke schön...
|origin = うん。提督が言いやすいなら、ま、「はっちゃん」でも良いよ。うん。
| EN7=This is nice. Danke schön.
|translation = Yeah. If it makes it easier for you, you can call me Hacchan Admiral. Yup.
| Note7="danke schön" is German for Thank you very much
|audio = Hachi-Secretary_2.ogg
| 装備時②=そうね。改装は重要だと思います……
| EN8=That's right. I think upgrading is essential...
| Note8=
|scenario = Secretary 3
| 装備時③="Danke!"
|origin = あぁ!…急に触られたり、大きな音とかは、びっくりしちゃうんだよね
| EN9=Thanks!
|translation = Ah! ...Suddenly touching me and making loud noises surprises me.
| Note9="Danke" is German for Thank you
|audio = Hachi-Secretary_3.ogg
| 補給時=Acht acht!...あぁ違った……
| EN24=Eight-eight!... Ah, my mistake...
| Note24=I-8 was fitted with German-made 8.8cm anti-air cannons.
|scenario = Secretary Idle
| EN10=May I entrust you with the servicing?
|origin = そろそろ、別の本が…欲しいんですけれど…
| Note10=
|translation = I want... a different book soon but...
| EN11=Looks like repairs will take some time... I wonder if I can take a lot of books with me into the docks?
|audio = Hachi-Idle.ogg
| Note11=
| 建造時=新造艦が、出来たみたいですね
| EN12=It seems a new ship has been constructed.
|scenario = Secretary (Married)
| Note12=
|origin = 提督、あまり無理しちゃ、ダメですよ
| 艦隊帰投時=作戦終了ですね……
|translation = It's no good to push yourself too hard Admiral.
| EN13=The battle is over, yeah?
|audio = Hachi-Wedding_Line.ogg
| Note13=
| 出撃時=長距離航海の練度なら、誰にも負けません……!
| EN14=I won't lose to anyone on long voyages!
|scenario = Wedding
| Note14=I-8 did more than 56,000km going to Europe and back.
|origin = 提督? はっちゃんは、新しい本が読みたいんだけど…本以外に好きなもの? ん~、一度だけ口にしたシュトーレンかなぁ? あ、クリスマスのお菓子なんだけどね。え? 間宮に焼いてもらったって? 今日は特別な日ってっ!? わぁ、嬉しい♪
| 戦闘開始時=戦闘は、あまり好きじゃないけど…仕方ない……!
|translation = Admiral? I want to read a new book but... What do I like besides books? Hmmm, probably that Stollen I tried once? Ah, it's a kind of Christmas cake. Eh? Mamiya is going to bake it? Today is a special day you say!? Yay, I'm happy♪<ref>[ Stollen] is a German fruit cake typically eaten at Christmas.</ref>
| EN15=I don't really like fighting.... but I've no other choice!
|audio = Hachi-Wedding.ogg
| Note15=
| 航空戦開始時=
| EN15a=
|scenario = Player's Score
| Note15a=
|origin = 提督に報告書ですよ。どれどれ…
| 攻撃時=Feuer!
|translation = Here's the report Admiral. Now let's see...
| EN16=Fire!
|audio = Hachi-Looking_At_Scores.ogg
| Note16="Feuer" is German for Fire!
| 夜戦開始時=さあ…!魚雷を装填して……ん、まだよ……
| EN17=Come on! Torpedoes loaded... oh... not yet...
|scenario = Joining the Fleet
| Note17=
|origin = はっちゃん、出撃しますね
| 夜戦攻撃時=浮上しても抵抗するよ……!持ち帰った20mm連装機銃が火を噴くわ……!
|translation = I'm sortieing now.
| EN18=I'll keep resisting even if I surface! I'll shower you with these 20mm machine guns I brought back!
|audio = Hachi-Joining_A_Fleet.ogg
| Note18=(20mm machine gun from Germany) I-8 Was sunk after engaging US destroyers with the machine gun.
| MVP時=あら?はっちゃん、やっちゃった?じゃあ、ご褒美にシュトーレン、食べたいなぁ
| EN19=Oh my? Did I really do it? If so, I'd like to have some stollen as my reward...
|scenario = Equipment 1
| Note19=Stollen is a German cake.
|origin = これはよいものですね。Danke schön...
| EN20=It's glossy black... and it's eyes are glaring...
|translation = This is a good thing. Thank you very much...
| Note20=
|audio = Hachi-Equipment_01.ogg
| EN21=The hydraulic pressure is rising...! Ah, leaking...!
| Note21=
| EN22=I have to surface, and re-position myself...
|scenario = Equipment 2
| Note22=
|origin = そうね。改装は重要だと思います…
| 撃沈時(反転)=いつかは、私も沈むと覚悟はしてたけど……提督や…みんなと逢えてからで、よかっ…た……
|translation = That's right. I think upgrades are important...
| EN23=I always knew I'd sink, some day... Admiral... everybody... I'm glad that I met you all...
|audio = Hachi-Equipment_2.ogg
| Note23=|Wedding = 提督? はっちゃんは、新しい本が読みたいんだけど…本以外に好きなもの? ん~、一度だけ口にしたシュトーレンかなぁ? あ、クリスマスのお菓子なんだけどね。え? 間宮に焼いてもらったって? 今日は特別な日ってっ!? わぁ、嬉しい♪
|EN26 = Admiral? Hacchan wants to read a new book... oh, things I like outside of books?  hmm~  I'd like to try Stollen sometime, yeah? Ah, one with Christmas sweets on it.  Eh? Mamiya will bake it? Today's a special day!?  Wow, I'm so happy♪|Married = 提督、あまり無理しちゃ、ダメですよ
|EN25 = Admiral, overworking is bad, okay?|ドック入り(小破以下) = 修理…お願いしてもいいでしょうか?
|scenario = Equipment 3
|ドック入り(中破以上) = 修復に時間かかりそう…ドックに本をいっぱい持ち込んでもいいかしら
|origin = Danke!
|小破① = 黒光りしてるし…目が光ってるし…
|translation = Thanks!
|小破② = 圧が上昇してます…!あっ…水が…!
|audio = Hachi-Equipment_3.ogg
|中破 = 一度浮上してから…体勢を整えないと…}}
|scenario = Supply
|origin = Acht acht!...あぁ違った…
|translation = Eight-eight! ...Ah, my mistake...
|audio = Hachi-Supply.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Minor Damage)
|origin = 修理…お願いしてもいいでしょうか?
|translation = Can you... please repair me?
|audio = Hachi-Docking_Minor.ogg
|scenario = Docking (Major Damage)
|origin = 修復に時間かかりそう…ドックに本をいっぱい持ち込んでもいいかしら?
|translation = My repairs will take a while... Can I bring lots of books with me into the docks?
|audio = Hachi-Docking_Major.ogg
|scenario = Construction
|origin = 新造艦が、出来たみたいですね
|translation = It looks like a new ship has been completed.
|audio = Hachi-Construction.ogg
|scenario = Returning from Sortie
|origin = 作戦終了ですね…
|translation = Operation complete...
|audio = Hachi-Returning_From_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Sortie
|origin = 長距離航海の練度なら、誰にも負けません…!
|translation = I won't lose to anyone in long voyage experience...!<ref>I-8 did more than 56,000km going to Europe and back.</ref>
|audio = Hachi-Starting_A_Sortie.ogg
|scenario = Starting a Battle
|origin = 戦闘は、あまり好きじゃないけど…仕方ない…!
|translation = I don't really like to fight but... I have no choice...!
|audio = Hachi-Battle_Start.ogg
|scenario = Attack
|origin = Feuer!
|translation = Fire!
|audio = Hachi-Attack.ogg
|scenario = Air Battle/Night Battle Attack
|origin = 浮上しても抵抗するよ…!持ち帰った20mm連装機銃が火を噴くわ…!
|translation = I'll still resist even when surfaced...! The 20mm Flakvierling 38 I brought back will spew fire...!<ref>She had a [ 2 cm Flakvierling 38] mounted on her in Germany, she used that gun to engage US destroyers [ Morrison] and [ Stockton] in her last battle.</ref>
|audio = Hachi-Night_Attack.ogg
|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = さあ…!魚雷を装填して…ん、まだよ…
|translation = Now...! Torpeoes are loaded... Hmmm, not yet...
|audio = Hachi-Night_Battle.ogg
|scenario = MVP
|origin = あら?はっちゃん、やっちゃった?じゃあ、ご褒美にシュトーレン、食べたいなぁ
|translation = Oh? I did it? Then for a reward, I'd like to eat stollen.
|audio = Hachi-MVP.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = 黒光りしてるし…目が光ってるし…
|translation = It's gleaming black... and it's eyes are shining...
|audio = Hachi-Minor_Damage_1.ogg
|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = 圧が上昇してます…!あっ…水が…!
|translation = The pressure is rising... Ah... the water is...!
|audio = Hachi-Minor_Damage_2.ogg
|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = 一度浮上してから…体勢を整えないと…
|translation = You have to ready yourself... for when you surface...<ref>Implying adopting a  fighting stance.</ref>
|audio = Hachi-Major_Damage.ogg
|scenario = Sunk
|origin = いつかは、私も沈むと覚悟はしてたけど…提督や…みんなと逢えてからで、よかっ…た…
|translation = I had already prepared myself to sink someday but... Admiral and... everyone else, I'm happy to have met... you...
|audio = Hachi-Sunk.ogg
| 00JP=マルマルマルマル……零時です
{{ShipquoteHeader | type = hourly}}
| 00EN=0000... Midnight.
| 00Note=
|scenario = 00:00
| 01JP=マルヒトマルマル……静かでいいですね
|origin = マルマルマルマル……零時です
| 01EN=0100... Nice and quiet, yes?
|translation = 0000... It's midnight.
| 01Note=
|audio = Hachi-00.ogg
| 02JP=マルフタマルマル。こんな時間まで作戦ですか…?
| 02EN=0200. Still fighting even at this time?
| 02Note=
|scenario = 01:00
| 03JP=マルサンマルマル。張り切りすぎると、明日持たないですよ。提督?
|origin = マルヒトマルマル……静かでいいですね
| 03EN=0300. If you keep going now, you wont last through tomorrow. Admiral?
|translation = 0100... The silence is nice right?
| 03Note=
|audio = Hachi-01.ogg
| 04JP=マルヨンマルマル……あぁすみません、うとうとしてました……
| 04EN=0400... Aa, sorry, I nodded off there...
| 04Note=
|scenario = 02:00
| 05JP=マルゴマルマル。ドイツパン、好きですか?今思い出して、作ってるんです
|origin = マルフタマルマル。こんな時間まで作戦ですか…?
| 05EN=0500. Do you like German bread? I was just thinking about it, so I'll go make some.
|translation = 0200. An operation at this time...?
| 05Note=
|audio = Hachi-02.ogg
| 06JP=マルロクマルマル。朝御飯に、後ほどドイツパン、お持ちしますね
| 06EN=0600. I'll have some German bread ready for after breakfast.
| 06Note=
|scenario = 03:00
| 07JP=マルナナマルマル。朝です!Guten Morgen!提督?
|origin = マルサンマルマル。張り切りすぎると、明日持たないですよ。提督?
| 07EN=0700. It's morning! Guten Morgen! Admiral?
|translation = 0300. If you keep pushing yourself you won't last through tomorrow. Admiral?
| 07Note="Guten Morgen" is German for Good Morning
|audio = Hachi-03.ogg
| 08JP=Acht!...じゃなくて、マルハチマルマル。焼けました!ロッゲンミッシュブロート!
| 08EN=Eight!... no wait, 0800. The roggenmischbrot, freshly baked!
| 08Note=Roggenmischbrot is a sweet rye bread.
|scenario = 04:00
| 09JP=マルキュウマルマル。ドイツパン、如何でしたか?……酸っぱいって?提督……わかってない……
|origin = マルヨンマルマル……あぁすみません、うとうとしてました……
| 09EN=0900. How was the German bread, Admiral?... Too sour? Admiral... I don't get you...
|translation = 0400... Ah, sorry, I dozed off...
| 09Note=
|audio = Hachi-04.ogg
| 10JP=ヒトマルマルマル。さて、気を取り直して、読書に集中しますね……
| 10EN=1000. It's time to refocus on my reading!
| 10Note=
|scenario = 05:00
| 11JP=ヒトヒトマルマル。さっき、響ちゃんに焼き立てパンあげたら、とても喜んで貰えました。いい子です…!
|origin = マルゴマルマル。ドイツパン、好きですか?今思い出して、作ってるんです
| 11EN=1100. Once, I gave Hibiki some freshly baked bread, and she was so happy! What a good kid...!
|translation = 0500. Do you like German bread? I was just thinking about it so I'll go make some.
| 11Note=In both Germany and Russia, rye bread is popular.
|audio = Hachi-05.ogg
| 12JP=ヒトフタマルマル。お昼ですね。提督
| 12EN=1200. Ot's midday, Admiral.
| 12Note=
|scenario = 06:00
| 13JP=ヒトサンマルマル。さて、また読書でもします
|origin = マルロクマルマル。朝御飯に、後ほどドイツパン、お持ちしますね
| 13EN=1300. Let's keep on reading, shall I?
|translation = 0600. I'll have the German bread ready after breakfast.
| 13Note=
|audio = Hachi-06.ogg
| 14JP=なんかこう、潜航していない時間って、新鮮ですよね
| 14EN=It feels refreshing to not be submerged.
| 14Note=
|scenario = 07:00
| 15JP=ヒトゴマルマル。なんだか気が散って、読書に集中できないです……
|origin = マルナナマルマル。朝です!Guten Morgen!提督?
| 15EN=1500. I'm a bit distracted, so I can't focus on reading....
|translation = 0700. It's morning! Good morning! Admiral?
| 15Note=
|audio = Hachi-07.ogg
| 16JP=ヒトロクマルマル。提督はいつも、この時間って、何をしているのですか?
| 16EN=1600. Admiral, what do you usually do around this time?
| 16Note=
|scenario = 08:00
| 17JP=ヒトナナマルマル。夕食はどうしましょうか……?
|origin = Acht!...じゃなくて、マルハチマルマル。焼けました!ロッゲンミッシュブロート!
| 17EN=1700. What should I make for dinner..?
|translation = Eight! ...No wait, 0800. It's ready! Roggenmischbrot!<ref>Roggenmischbrot is bread that contains 51% ~ 89% rye.</ref>
| 17Note=
|audio = Hachi-08.ogg
| 18JP=ヒトハチマルマル。夕暮れの海って、雰囲気ありますね……好きです
| 18EN=1800. I really like the atmosphere the sun setting over the sea creates.
| 18Note=
|scenario = 09:00
| 19JP=ヒトキュウマルマル。私も水着じゃなくって、皆さんの様な制服……着たい、かも……
|origin = マルキュウマルマル。ドイツパン、如何でしたか?……酸っぱいって?提督……わかってない……
| 19EN=1900. I want to try something other than swimsuits... like the uniform everyone is wearing... maybe?
|translation = 0900. How was the German bread? ... It was too sour? You don't... understand Admiral...
| 19Note=
|audio = Hachi-09.ogg
| 20JP=Acht acht!...じゃなくて、フタマルマルマル。提督、ハムとチーズとポテト。さあ、召し上がれ!
| 20EN=8-8! Wait, 2000. Admiral, here and some ham, cheese and potato. Eat up!
| 20Note=
|scenario = 10:00
| 21JP=フタヒトマルマル。提督、元気でましたか?
|origin = ヒトマルマルマル。さて、気を取り直して、読書に集中しますね……
| 21EN=2100. Admiral, are you feeling better now?
|translation = 1000. Now, it's time to get in the mood and focus on my reading...
| 21Note=
|audio = Hachi-10.ogg
| 22JP=フタフタマルマル。提督は艦これ!私は読書!えへっ……
| 22EN=2200. Admiral is playing Kancolle! I am reading! Eheh~
| 22Note=
|scenario = 11:00
| 23JP=フタサンマルマルです。夜も更けてきましたね。ちょっと、眠いです……
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマル。さっき、響ちゃんに焼き立てパンあげたら、とても喜んで貰えました。いい子です…!
| 23EN=It's 2300. It's getting late, isn't it. I'm a bit tired...
|translation = 1100. When I gave Hibiki-chan the bread I baked earlier she was really happy. She's a good girl...!
| 23Note=
|audio = Hachi-11.ogg
| idleJP=そろそろ、別の本が……欲しいんですけれど……
| idleEN=I think... I'd like to read a new book now...
| idleNote=}}
|scenario = 12:00
|origin = ヒトフタマルマル。お昼ですね。提督
|translation = 1200. It's noon Admiral.
|audio = Hachi-12.ogg
|scenario = 13:00
|origin = ヒトサンマルマル。さて、また読書でもします
|translation = 1300. Now then, I'll keep reading.
|audio = Hachi-13.ogg
|scenario = 14:00
|origin = なんかこう、潜航していない時間って、新鮮ですよね
|translation = Somehow it feels so refreshing when you're not traveling submerged.
|audio = Hachi-14.ogg
|scenario = 15:00
|origin = ヒトゴマルマル。なんだか気が散って、読書に集中できないです……
|translation = 1500. Something is distracting me, I can't focus on reading...
|audio = Hachi-15.ogg
|scenario = 16:00
|origin = ヒトロクマルマル。提督はいつも、この時間って、何をしているのですか?
|translation = 1600. What do you usually do at this time Admiral?
|audio = Hachi-16.ogg
|scenario = 17:00
|origin = ヒトナナマルマル。夕食はどうしましょうか……?
|translation = 1700. What do you want for dinner...?
|audio = Hachi-17.ogg
|scenario = 18:00
|origin = ヒトハチマルマル。夕暮れの海って、雰囲気ありますね……好きです
|translation = 1800. The atmosphere of the sea in the evening... I like it.
|audio = Hachi-18.ogg
|scenario = 19:00
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマル。私も水着じゃなくって、皆さんの様な制服……着たい、かも……
|translation = 1900. If I didn't wear a swimsuit, I'd like to try on... those uniforms everyone wears...
|audio = Hachi-19.ogg
|scenario = 20:00
|origin = Acht acht!...じゃなくて、フタマルマルマル。提督、ハムとチーズとポテト。さあ、召し上がれ!
|translation = Eight eight! ...No wait, 2000. It's ham, cheese and potato Admiral. Come on, dig in!
|audio = Hachi-20.ogg
|scenario = 21:00
|origin = フタヒトマルマル。提督、元気でましたか?
|translation = 2100. Are you feeling better Admiral?
|audio = Hachi-21.ogg
|scenario = 22:00
|origin = フタフタマルマル。提督は艦これ!私は読書!えへっ……
|translation = 2200. Admiral is playing Kancolle! I'm reading! Ehehe...~
|audio = Hachi-22.ogg
|scenario = 23:00
|origin = フタサンマルマルです。夜も更けてきましたね。ちょっと、眠いです……
|translation = 2300. It's getting late. I'm a bit sleepy...
|audio = Hachi-23.ogg
'''Voiced by''': Misato
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = 提督、クリスマスです!シュトーレン焼かないといけません。なのではっちゃんこの期間出撃を…えぇ?駄目?
|translation = It’s Christmas, Admiral! I have to bake some stollen. So I won’t be able to sortie for a while… Eh? Denied?
|audio = I-8_Christmas_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2015|Christmas 2015]]
|origin = でも、クリスマスはやっぱりシュト… えぇ、提督が焼いてくれる?本当に?Danke!ハッチャン、楽しみ!
|translation = But, for Christmas you definitely need some Stol… Eh, you’ll bake some, Admiral? Really? Thanks! I can’t wait!
|audio = I-18_Christmas_2015_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2015|End of Year 2015]]
|origin = 提督、ハッちゃんも大掃除参加します!まず提督の机の引き出しから…えぇ?そこは自分でやるの?そうですか。
|translation = I’ll take part in the spring cleaning too, Admiral! I’ll clean your desk first… Eh? You’ll do that yourself? Alright then.
|audio = I-8_Year_End_2015_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2016|New Year 2016]]
|origin = 提督、新年あけましておめでとう!今年も、ハちやんと潜水艦隊を、よろしくです。
|translation = Happy New Year, Admiral! Please take care of me and the rest of the submarines this year too.
|audio = I-8_New_Years_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2016|Setsubun 2016]]
|origin = 節分ですか?いいえ、はっちゃんはいいです。…提督?なんで、悲しそうな顔してるの?…あぁ、はい。じゃあ投げます、え~い。
|translation = It’s Setsubun? No, I’m fine. …Admiral? Why do you look so sad? …Ah, yes. I’m going to throw them then, eii~
|audio = I-8_Setsubun_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = 提督、バレンタインなので、はっちゃん、シュトーレンにチョコかけて仕上げてみました。どうでしょう?美味しいですか?
|translation = Since it’s Valentine’s I tried making stollen topped with chocolate, Admiral. How is it? Is it good?
|audio = I-8_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = チョコシュトーレン、好評で良かったです。新入りの子から習った、パネットーネ…これにも、チョコをかけてみようと思います。
|translation = It’s great that my chocolate stollen was well received. I’ll go learn how to make panettone from the new girl… I think coating it with chocolate would be good.
|audio = I-8_Valentine_Sec2.ogg
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
|origin = 提督、これは、チョコシュトーレンのお返しですか?Danke!いただきます。
|translation = Is this in return for the chocolate stolen, Admiral? Thank you! I’ll help myself.
|audio = I-8_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2016|Spring 2016]]
|origin = 春。ハっちゃん、最後の出撃も春なんですよ、提督。ん、あぁ、昔の話ですけど。ふぅ~。
|translation = Spring. My last sortie was during spring, Admiral. Mmm, ah, it’s an old story. Whew.
|audio = I-8_Spring_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = 三周年。すごいですね。三周年です。はっちゃん、少し驚きです。お祝いですね。
|translation = The 3rd Anniversary. Amazing. It’s the 3rd Anniversary. I’m a bit surprised. Let’s celebrate.
|audio = I-8_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
|origin = じとじとしますね。梅雨、ですからね。はっちゃん、梅雨でも元気ですよ♪
|translation = It’s gotten real wet. Because it’s the rainy season. But I’m fine with it♪
|audio = I-8_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Early_Summer_2016|Early Summer 2016]]
|origin = えぇ、 水着…ですか? はっちゃんは、別にこの水着が気に入っているので…強いて言えば…眼鏡。眼鏡は、新しいの…欲しい、かな。
|translation = Eh, a… swimsuit? I don’t really mind this swimsuit… If I had to decide… Glasses. I’d kinda like… new glasses.
|audio = I-8_Early_Summer_Sec1_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2016|Midsummer 2016]]
|origin = 夏です。Acht acht!八月はやっぱり泳ぎに行かないと。あぁ、はっちゃん毎日泳いでいましたね。夏は提督も泳ぎます?
|translation = It’s summer. Eight, eight! I really want to go swimming in August. Ah, I go swimming everyday. You want to go for a swim in summer, Admiral?
|audio = I-8_Sec1_Midsummer_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = 秋です。読書の秋。はっちゃんの読書量が、ぐぐんっと伸びる秋です。新刊、ほしいです。提督、買ってきて?
|translation = It’s autumn. An autumn for reading. This is the autumn for me to stretch out and go through my reading list. I want a new book. Will you buy me one, Admiral?
|audio = I-8_Autumn_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = 四周年。すごいですね。四周年です。はっちゃんも、少し驚きです。お祝いですね!
|translation = The 4th Anniversrary. Amazing. It’s the 4th Anniversary. I’m a bit surprised too. Let’s celebrate!
|audio = Hachi_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fifth_Anniversary|5th Anniversary]]
|origin = 五周年。すごいですね。五周年です。ハッチャンも、かなり驚きです。ホットワインでお祝いですね。
|translation = The 5th Anniversary. Amazing. It’s the 5th anniversary.  I’m pretty surprised too. Let’s celebrate with some hot wine.
|audio = I-8_5th_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Sixth_Anniversary|6th Anniversary]]
|origin = 驚き。六周年ですって。すごいですね。六周年です。はっちゃんもお祝いします。提督、はい。乾杯。
|translation = I'm shocked. It's the 6th Anniversary. That's amazing. The 6th Anniversary. I'll celebrate too. Admiral, here. Cheers.
|audio = I-8_6th_Anniversary_Sec2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Seventh_Anniversary|7th Anniversary 2020]]
|origin = えぇー、七周年なんですって?七周年です。ハっちゃん、かなり驚き。でも、提督、お祝いです、お祝い!
|translation = Eeeh, it's the 7th Anniversary? So it is. I'm really surprised. But, Admiral, let's go celebrate!
|audio = I-8_7th_Anniversary_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Eighth_Anniversary|8th Anniversary]]
|origin = 八周年。えぇ?それは嘘でしょう?ハッちゃん、ちょっと驚きました。うん、ワインでお祝いですね。乾杯。
|translation = It's the 8th Anniversary. Huh? Are you serious? I'm a bit surprised. Yup, let's celebrate with some wine. Cheers.
|audio = I-8_8th Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
'''Illustrated by''': Shobon ([ ショボン])
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Final_Battle|Eve of the Final Battle 2018]]
|origin = どうも艦隊が慌ただしです。これは、あれですね。
|translation = The fleet is kinda busy now. This must mean that’s happening.
|audio = I-8_Kantai_Kessen_2018_Sec3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Fall 2020 Event]]
|origin = ハッちゃん、了解。潜水艦隊作戦に参加します。
|translation = Hacchan, acknowledging. I'll participate in the submarine fleet operation.
|audio = Ship_Voice_I-8_Kai_Fall_2020_Event_Friend_Fleet_1.mp3
|notes = Friend Fleet 1
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Ship Full I-8.png|Base
Ship Full I-8 Damaged.png|Base Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Kanmusu128Christmas2017.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2017|Christmas 2017]]
Kanmusu128Christmas2017Dmg.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas_2017|Christmas 2017 Damaged]]
*2013 November event special map E4 completion reward.
;General Information
*Speaks a bit of German.
* Her nickname, "Hachi", just means "8". "Hacchan" is a cutesy version of that.
*Only wartime submarine to make a successful round trip voyage between Japan and Germany.
* She was launched on the 20th of July 1936.
*Her crew was alleged to be responsible for several war crimes in the latter period of the second world war.
* Sunk off Okinawa, on the 31st of March 1945.
*Calls herself "Hacchan".  "Ha" or "Hachi" being a way to read the number 8 in Japanese.
*Sunk off Okinawa, 31 March 1945
;Update History
* She was added on the 1st of November 2013 as [[Fall 2013 Event]] E4 reward.
* Only wartime submarine to make a successful round-trip voyage between Japan and Germany.
* Her crew was alleged to be responsible for several war crimes in the latter period of the second world war.
==See Also==
==See Also==
*[[{{PAGENAMEE}}/Gallery|View {{PAGENAME}} CG]]
*[[EliteSS|List of Submarines]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_submarine_I-8|Wikipedia entry on submarine I-8]]
*[[wikipedia:Japanese_submarine_I-8|Wikipedia entry on submarine I-8]]
[[Category:Type J3 Class]]
