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{{ShipquoteKai|name = Drum|scenario = Returning From Sortie
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Drum|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = 蹴ってきたぜー あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!
|origin = 蹴ってきたぜー あー疲れたー 飯飯!飯くれー!
|translation = I'm back! Ah, I'm tired. Give me some food!
|translation = I'm back! Ah, I'm tired... Me-me-me-me-me-me-me-me!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Drum|scenario = Starting A Sortie
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Drum|scenario = Starting A Sortie
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = Heian Maru|scenario = Major Damage
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Heian Maru|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = うわあああああああ!魚雷格納庫に注水お願いします! やばく…火災を… 防いで…お願い!
|origin = うわあああああ! 魚雷格納庫に注水お願いします! やばく…火災を… 防いで…お願い!
|translation = AAAAAAAAHHHHH! Please give the fish-shaped farm a water-saving! Please... stop the...
|translation = AAAAAAAAHHHHH! Please give the fish-shaped farm a water-saving! Please... stop the...
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = Heian Maru|scenario = 07|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = Heian Maru|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = 〇〇〇〇、ご朝食の時間でございます、提督。朝は和定食?それともコンチネンタルブレックファーストになさいますか? はい、了解いたしました。
|origin = まるななまるまる、ご朝食の時間でございます、提督。朝は和天食?それともコンチネンタルブレックファーストになさいますか? はい、了解いたしました。
|translation = It's breakfast time, Admiral. Do you want to have a Japanese breakfast in the morning, or a continental breakfast? Yes, understood.
|translation = It's breakfast time, Admiral. Do you want to have a Japanese breakfast in the morning, or a continental breakfast? Yes, understood.
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Library
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Library
|origin = 異号潜水艦、主力として量産された巡船オツ型、その17番艦E36です。 太平洋を南へ鍛えた、目いっぱい奮戦しました。 数々の厳しい作戦に参加しましたが、名艦長の指揮の下、戦いの終わる夏の日まで艦は生き残ることとなりました。 最後はE47たちと共に、後藤列島沖で眠りにつきます。 ご視聴ありがとうございました。
|origin = 異号潜水艦、主力として量産された巡船オツ型、その17番艦E36です。 太平洋を南へ鍛えた、目いっぱい奮戦しました。 数々の厳しい作戦に参加しましたが、名艦長の指揮の下、戦いの終わる夏の日まで艦は生き残ることとなりました。 最後はE47たちと共に、後藤列島沖で眠りにつきます。 ご視聴ありがとうございました。
|translation = The 17th ship of the U.S.S.S.I.F. is the I-36. It trained the Pacific Ocean to the south and fought a full battle. It participated in many difficult operations, but under the command of the commander, the ship survived until the end of the battle. Finally, with the I-47, Gotou Red woke up and fell asleep.
|translation = The I-36 is a pure-bore ship that was mass-produced as the main force of the transatlantic submarine ship. It trained the Pacific Ocean to the south and fought a full battle. It participated in numerous tough operations, but the ship survived until the end of the summer, under the command of the commander-in-chief. Finally, it woke up at Goto Island with the I-47 and went to sleep. The I-47 was able to take off from the ship and return to the island.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Secretary 1
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Secretary 1
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Minor Damage 2
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = あーーー! ば、爆雷! 耐えて!
|origin = ああああああっ! ば、爆雷… 耐えて!
|translation = AAAAAAAH! P-Pokurai! Hold on!
|translation = AAAAAAAH! P-Pokurai! Hold on!
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Major Damage
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-36|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = あーーーーーーー!! だ…だめだ…メインタンクプロ…緊急保障…
|origin = アーッ! ダメだ! メインタンクプロー! 緊急搬送!
|translation = AAAAAAAH! Ah, no! Main tank pro! Emergency!
|translation = AAAAAAAH! Ah, no! Main tank pro! Emergency!
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = Library
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = Library
|origin = 2号潜水艦、主力の巡船オツ型の改良型、その2番艦、イ41だ。 名艦長の板倉艦長の指揮で、結構危ない橋を何度も渡って任務を成功させてきたんだ。 艦長と縁の深い昔の上艦を助けるために、すでに危険海域だった部員の補給にも向かったよ。 みんなのこと、忘れるなよ。
|origin = 2号潜水艦、主力の巡船オツ型の改良型、その2番艦、イ41だ。 名艦長の板倉艦長の指揮で、結構危ない橋を何度も渡って任務を成功させてきたんだ。 艦長と縁の深い昔の上艦を助けるために、すでに危険海域だった部員の補給にも向かったよ。 みんなのこと、忘れるなよ。
|translation = I-41 is the second ship of the improved type of the main ship of the I-Gou submarine ship! I've been through quite a dangerous bridge many times under the command of the famous captain Itakura, and I've succeeded in my mission. I also went to the supply of the部員, which was already a dangerous area, to help the old commander and the old commander. Don't forget about everyone.
|translation = I-41 is the second ship of the second-class improvement type with a main ship. I've been through some dangerous bridges and succeeded in my mission with the command of the famous ship's captain Itakura. In order to save the old officer who is close to the captain, I also went to replenish the troops that were already in danger. Don't forget everyone.
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = Secretary 1
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = Secretary 1
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = Wedding
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = Wedding
|origin = なんだなんだ、提督。私と何?一緒になろうっての? 酒代かかるぜ?結構むちゃくちゃやるかもだぜ? 酒癖、ちょっとだけあれかもだぜ? …え、いいんだ。そっか。 じゃあ、じゃあ、仕方ねえな!やるか!
|origin = なんだなんだ、提督。私と何?一緒になろうっての? 酒代かかるぜ?結構むちゃくちゃやるかもだぜ? 酒癖ちょっとだけあれかもだぜ? え、いいんだ。そっか。 じゃあ、じゃあ仕方ねえな!やるか!
|translation = What's up, Admiral? You want to be with me? I'll pay you for the sake. I might be pretty good at it. I might be a little bad at it. Oh, that's fine. I see. Then... Then I guess I'll have to do it!
|translation = What's up, Admiral? You want to be with me? I'll pay you for the sake. I might be pretty good at it. I might be a little bad at it. Oh, that's fine. I see. Then... Then I guess I'll have to do it!
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = 09|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = 〇〇〇。秘密兵器、特4式内科程だ? ダメダメ、あんな爆音引き換える。論外! え?抜本的に改良した? んー、ほんとか?
|origin = 〇〇〇。秘密兵器、特4式内科程だ? ダメダメ、あんな爆音引き換える。論外! え?抜本的に改良した? んー、ほんとか?
|translation = 0900. A secret weapon. A special four-type internal process. No, no, no! I'm going to replace that bomb! Long guy! Eh? Did you improve it completely? Hmm... Really?
|translation = 0900. A secret weapon, a special quadruple-type internal process? No, no, no! I'm going to replace that bomb! Long guy! Eh? Did you improve it completely? Hmm... Really?
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = 10|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = 10|kai = true
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{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = 23|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|name = I-41|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = 2300。深夜だな。セオリーの真逆だが、大事なのは昼は水上、夜は閃光だ。 敵は優秀な伝説があるんだ。夜のんびりしたら後ろからバッサリだ。 セオリー通りじゃなく、自分の頭で考える。それが大事。
|origin = 2300。深夜だな。セオリーの真逆だが、大事なのは昼は水上、夜は閃光だ。 敵は優秀な伝説があるんだ。夜のんびりしたら後ろからバッサリだ。 セオリー通りじゃなく、自分の頭で考える。それが大事。
|translation = 230! It's late at night. The opposite of the theory, but the important thing is that the noon is water, and the night is light. The enemy has a good radio, so if you relax at night, you can get rid of it from behind. Think in your head, not the theory. That's important!
|translation = 2300! It's late at night. The opposite of the theory, but the important thing is that the afternoon is water, and the night is light. The enemy has an excellent radio. If you relax at night, you'll be right behind you. Think in your head, not the way you think. That's important.
cssedit, gkautomate
