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|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = 司令官、このイムヤの艦橋型スマホサイズチョコ、あげる!一応、イムヤの手作りだよ!結構大変だったんだから。
|translation = This smart-phone-sized, ship’s-bridge-shaped chocolate is for you, Commander! I handmade it just for you! It was quite a lot of work.
|audio = I-168_Valentine_Sec1.ogg
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2016|Valentine’s Day 2016]]
|origin = 司令官、イムヤのチョコ、ちゃんと食べてくれた?…えぇ、飾ってある?それなんか違うー!早く食べてよぉ、もう。
|translation = Have you eaten all my chocolate, Commander? …Eh, you’re using it as decoration? That’s not what it’s for! Hurry up and eat it, jeez.
|audio = I-168_Valentine_Sec2.ogg
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Hinamatsuri_2016|Hinamatsuri 2016]]
|origin = さぁ、折角の雛祭り。私達伊号で、五人囃子をやりましょ?衣装は、このイムヤが作っておきました!かわいいでしょ?
|translation = Now, it’s finally Hinamatsuri. Shall we I-types be the five musicians? I can make the clothes! Aren’t these cute?<ref>[ Gonin bayashi] are the five musicians on the 3rd tier.</ref>
|audio = I-168_Peach_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2016|White Day 2016]]
|origin = わーお!司令官、チョコのお返しありがとう♪…あんまり食べたら、太っちゃうかな?イムヤ、お茶入れるね?
|translation = Wow! Thanks for the regurn gift, Commander♪ …Will I get fat if I eat too much? I’ll go get some tea alright?
|audio = I-168_White_Day_2016.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2016|Spring 2016]]
|origin = 司令官、やっと春が来ますね!うん、今年の冬は長かた!暖かくなだら、司令官も海の中、一緒にどうですか?
|translation = Spring is finally here, Commander! Yep, it was a long winter this year! Want to come diving with me when it gets wamer?
|audio = I-168_Spring_2016_Sec1.ogg
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Third_Anniversary|3rd Anniversary]]
|origin = 司令官、三周年です、三周年!すごいね~。イムヤも少しビックリ!これからも、伊号のこと、よろしくね!
|translation = It’s the 3rd Anniversary now, Commander! Amazing. I’m a bit surprised! Please keep looking after the I-type subs!
|audio = I-168_3rd_Anniversary_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2016|Rainy Season 2016]]
|origin = 最近雨が多いですね。梅雨だから仕方ないけど…あぁ、イク、てるてる坊主作ってるんだ?ふふ、見せて見せて♪…こ、個性的だね。
|translation = It’s been raining a lot recently. I guess it’s to be expected since it’s the rainy season… Ah, you made a teruteru bouzu, Iku? Fufu, lemme see, lemme see♪ …I-it looks unique.
|audio = I-168_Rainy_Season_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2016|Autumn 2016]]
|origin = ゴヤ、食べ物の秋だからって、そんなに食べてると、提督指定の機能美溢れる水着、着れなくなっちゃうぞ?いいの?
|translation = Even if this is an autumn of food, if you eat too much you won’t be able to wear the fully functional swimsuits the admiral designed you know, Goya? Is that fine?
|audio = I-168_Autumn_2016_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Saury_2016|Saury Festival 2016]]
|origin = 秋刀魚漁の支援ね!私達潜水艦はあんまりどうかと思うけど……うん!やってみようか!「気持ちで応援」っとか出来るし!
|translation = Saury fishing support! I’m not sure if we submarines will be of any use… Yeah! We’ll give it a shot! I can do something like cheering for them!
|audio = I-168_Sec1_Saury_2016.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2017|New Year 2017]]
|origin = 司令官、新年あけましておめでとう。今年も、海のスナイパー、いむや、をよろしくお願いね。
|translation = Happy New Year. Please keep looking after me, the Sniper of the Seas, this year too.
|audio = Imuya_New_Year_2017_sec1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2017|Setsubun 2017]]
|origin = あぁ、毎年毎年大鯨さんにそんな豆ぶつけたら…。あ、あぁ、ほら、ほら、言ったでしょ。ごめんなさい、泣かないで。
|translation = Aaah, if you keep throwing beans at Taigei-san every single year she’ll… A-aaah; see, see, I told you so. Sorry, don’t cry.
|audio = I-168_Setsubun_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Fourth_Anniversary|4th Anniversary]]
|origin = 司令官、四周年です、四周年!ちょっとすごいね。イムヤも驚きです。これからも、伊号とイムヤ、よろしくね!
|translation = It’s the 4th Anniversary now, Commander! It’s kinda amazing. It surprised me. Keep looking after the I-types and I!
|audio = Imuya_4th_Anniversary_Sec1_2017.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Late_Autumn_2017|Late Autumn 2017]]
|origin = ちょっと寒くなってきたわ。海の上だと、この格好は少しきついかな。潜っちゃへば平気だけど。
|translation = It’s gotten a bit colder. It’s kinda rough being dressed like this while on the surface. It’s fine when I’m submerged though.
|audio = I-168_Late_Autumn_2017_Sec1.mp3
|notes =
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== Drop Locations ==
== Drop Locations ==
'''Voiced by''': [ Megumi Nakajima]
'''Illustrated by''': Shobon ([ ショボン])
The submarines share the same costume, consisting of a white and blue serafuku top with pink scarf over a classic blue school swimsuit.
I-168 herself has long red or pink hair, in a ponytail with a hair ribbon on a strand on her right side.
*2013 August event special map E1 completion reward
*2013 August event special map E1 completion reward
*Sunk by [ USS ''Scamp''] at north of [ Rabaul] 27 July 1943
*Sunk by [ USS ''Scamp''] at north of [ Rabaul] 27 July 1943
*Refers to herself as Imuya.  The "i" or "ichi" is a way to read 1 in Japanese.  Followed by "mu" or "mutsu" for 6 and "ya" for a way to read 8.
==See Also==
==See Also==
cssedit, Moderators, prechecked, Account Reviewers
