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====Submarine Touch====
====Submarine Touch====
She can trigger a {{Template:Submarine Touch}}
She can trigger a {{Template:Submarine Touch}}
===Stats Exceptions===
*Has only [[Stats|0-plane-capacity]] equipment slots.
===Equipability Exceptions===
===Equipability Exceptions===
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{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
!colspan=3 style="font-size:15px"|Heian Maru Equipability Exceptions
!colspan=2 style="font-size:15px"|Heian Maru Equipability Exceptions
!{{Ship/Banner|Heian Maru|small=true}}<br>Heian Maru
!{{Ship/Banner|Heian Maru|small=true}}<br>Heian Maru/Kai
!{{Ship/Banner|Heian Maru/Kai|small=true}}<br>Heian Maru Kai
!Ship Exceptions
!Ship Exceptions
! -
|Cannot Equip:<br>{{Med Gun}}
|Can Equip:<br>??
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==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction
|origin = 氷川丸級貨客船平安丸と申します。あらやだ、今は改装されて特設潜水母艦平安丸でございます。 提督、私のこともどうぞお見知りおきくださいね。
|translation = My name is Heian Maru, and I am a Hikawa Maru-class ocean liner. Oh my apologies, I am now the remodeled, converted submarine tender, Heian Maru. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Admiral.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin = おはようございます。氷川丸級貨客船改装、特設潜水母艦平安丸です。提督、準備は整っています。共に、海へ!
|translation = Good morning. I am Heian Maru, a converted submarine tender, remodeled from the Hikawa Maru-class ocean liners. Admiral, my preparations are complete. Let us go to sea together!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Library
|origin = 氷川丸級貨客船三番船平安丸改め、特設潜水母艦平安丸です。ええ、姉はあの氷川丸。この優しい時代にも横浜の地にその姿が健在と聞いています。提督、潜水母艦となった氷川丸の妹、トラックの地で潜水艦たちの作戦を支えた私の事も、どうか覚えておいてくださいましね。
|translation = I am Heian Maru, the third of the Hikawa Maru-class ocean liners, as well as Heian Maru, the converted submarine tender. Yes, my older sister is the famed Hikawa Maru. I've heard she is still well-cared for in Yokohama in these gentler times. Admiral, please remember my contribution as her little sister, supporting the submarines operating out of Truk.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 1
|origin = 平安丸が参りましょう。
|translation = Ready to go.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 1|kai = true
|origin = 平安丸が共に参りましょう。
|translation = We're ready to go.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 2
|origin = 提督、潜水艦のお世話はどうぞ、この不肖平安丸にお任せください。できること、できるだけ。
|translation = Please, Admiral, leave the submarine care to me. I'll do whatever I can, little though it may be.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 3
|origin = あら?なんでしょう? あら、提督!どうかなさいましたか? え?スカートにゴミが? 私としたことが、失礼いたしました。提督ありがとうございます。あと、そのあたりは魚雷保管庫になります。あまり不用意に触られますと…はい、危険です。
|translation = Oh? What is it? Oh my, Admiral! Is something the matter? Eh, something on my skirt? Oh silly me, my apologies. Thank you, Admiral. However, that area happens to be my torpedo hold. If it is treated too carelessly... yes, it's quite dangerous.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Idle
|origin = そうですね。貨客船時代が懐かしくないかと問われれば、いいえと言えば嘘になりましょう。でも、南洋トラックも悪いところではありませんでした。潜水艦たちのお世話は嫌いではありません。
|translation = Indeed. I would be lying if I said I don't miss my days as an ocean liner. However, my time in Truk in the South Pacific was not bad either. I.. did not dislike my time taking care of the submarines there.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary Married
|origin = 提督、お疲れでありましょう。私、勝手ながら紅茶をご用意させていただきました。少しだけ蜂蜜とブランデーを。温まって少しお休みになってください。それも大切な、あなたのお仕事です。はい、どうぞ。
|translation = Admiral, you must be tired. I've gone ahead and made you some black tea. I added a little bit of honey and brandy. Please take a little break to warm up. That's another important part... of your job. Here, please.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Wedding
|origin = 提督?この平安丸をお呼びになりましたか? あ、大事なお話が…何でしょう。海壁かしら…あら、これを私に…本当にいいのでしょうか?私の心は、とうに決まっています。ええ、もちろん!
|translation = Admiral? Did you call for me? Oh, something important... what could it be? I hope it's not about breakwaters... oh my, for me...? Are you certain? My heart made its choice long ago. Yes, of course!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Looking At Scores
|origin = 情報でございますね。お持ちいたします。とくとご覧になってくださいませ。
|translation = Information? I'll bring it over. Please review it carefully.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Joining A Fleet
|origin = 横須賀鎮守府所属、特設潜水母艦平安丸、いざ抜錨いたします。
|translation = Converted submarine tender Heian Maru, based in Yokosuka, now weighing anchor.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Joining A Fleet|kai = true
|origin = 第六艦隊潜水戦隊、特設潜水母艦平安丸、いざ抜錨いたします。参りましょう!
|translation = Sixth Fleet submarine squadron, converted submarine tender Heian Maru, now weighing anchor. Let us go!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 1
|origin = まあまあ、ありがとうございます。
|translation = My, my, thank you very much.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 2
|origin = 恐縮です。使いこなせるといいのですが…
|translation = I am most grateful. I hope I can make good use of this...
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Equipment 3
|origin = 平安丸と、参りましょう!
|translation = Come, with Heian Maru!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Supply
|origin = 貴重な補給、大変恐縮でございます。感謝いたします。
|translation = You have my utmost gratitude for sharing these valuable supplies. Thank you very much.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Supply|kai = true
|origin = 貴重な補給、大変恐縮でございます。ありがたく。
|translation = You have my utmost gratitude for sharing these valuable supplies. Thank you.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Docking Minor
|origin = 大変恐縮です。私、損傷を修繕させていただきます。
|translation = My sincerest apologies. I will repair these injuries.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Docking Major
|origin = 少々、お暇を頂きたく。誠に恐縮でございます。
|translation = I will be taking a brief leave of absence. Once again, my sincerest apologies.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Construction
|origin = お味方が、お目見得になられたようです。
|translation = An ally seems to have made her debut.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Returning From Sortie
|origin = 作戦完了、全艦帰投致しました。皆さん、大変お疲れ様でございました。
|translation = Operation complete, all ships have returned to port. Thank you everyone for your hard work.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Starting A Sortie
|origin = 提督、特設潜水母艦平安丸、出撃いたします。皆さん、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。
|translation = Admiral, converted submarine tender Heian Maru is now sortieing! I look forward to working together, everyone!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Battle Start
|origin = 提督、敵を発見いたしました。合戦用意となります。皆さん、戦いのご準備を。参りましょう!
|translation = Admiral, we've spotted the enemy. We are engaging. All hands, prepare for battle. Let's begin!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Attack
|origin = 私、先頭は…
|translation = Me, in the lead position...
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secondary Attack
|origin = あまり得意ではなくて…
|translation = This isn't really my specialty...
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secondary Attack|kai = true
|origin = 今でも、あまり得意ではなくって…
|translation = This still isn't really my specialty...
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Special 1
|origin = 第六艦隊、第一潜水戦隊、参ります! 第一潜水戦隊の皆さん、お願いします! かかれ!
|translation = Sixth Fleet, First Submarine Squadron, go! Please attack, First Submarine Squadron!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Night Battle
|origin = まして、夜の戦いなど…いえ、是非もなし!
|translation = Let alone night battles... no, we must!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Night Battle|kai = true
|origin = だから夜戦なんて…いえ、私も行きます!
|translation = Like I said, night battles are... no, I'll go!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = MVP
|origin = 私、氷川丸級貨客船改装の特設潜水母艦、この平安丸が戦果を…本当でしょうか?皆さんのお役に立てたのなら、ようございました。ふぅ…
|translation = My battle results... me, Heian Maru, the former Hikawa Maru ocean liner converted into a submarine tender? Truly? If I was of use to everyone, I'm glad. Whew...
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Minor Damage 1
|origin = あああっ!
|translation = Ahhhh!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Minor Damage 2
|origin = いや、やめて!いや!
|translation = No, stop! No!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Major Damage
|origin = うわああっ! 魚雷格納庫に注水お願いします! やばく…火災を…防いで…お願い!
|translation = Uwahhh! Please flood the torpedo hold! Oh no... fire... contain it... please!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Sunk
|origin = 私、また、沈むのですね。今度はトラックではなく、海の、底に。私、私…ふあ…
|translation = I'm sinking again, aren't I? Not in Truk this time, but to the bottom of the sea. I... I... ah...
===Hourlies (Kai)===
{{ShipquoteHeader|type = hourly}}
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 00|kai = true
|origin = 提督、午前0時となりました。本日は不肖、この平安丸が身の回りのお世話を担当させていただきます。 不通つか者ではありますが、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます。
|translation = Admiral, it is now midnight. Please allow me to look after things, lacking though I may be. I greatly appreciate your kind cooperation with my humble self.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 01|kai = true
|origin = マルヒトマルマルでございます。まだお仕事ですか?お茶をご用意いたしましょう。紅茶でよろしいですか?それともコーヒーになさいます?
|translation = It is 0100. Are you still working? I'll prepare some tea. Is black tea okay? Or would you like some coffee?
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 02|kai = true
|origin = マルフタマルマルでございます。今宵はコーヒーにしてみました。はい、少し焙煎方法変えてみたんです。よく、わかりましたね。さすがです。クッキーもここに。
|translation = It is 0200. I made coffee tonight. Yes, I changed the roasting method. You noticed immediately? I would expect no less. Here are some cookies as well.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 03|kai = true
|origin = マルサンマルマルでご…何か面白い昔話はないかですか? うーん、そうですね。そういえば、昔、キスカ島方面で潜水艦隊を支援して作戦行動していた時、伊2潜の艦長さんが…ええ、そうです。あの有名な名艦長さん…
|translation = It is 0300- Do I have any interesting stories? Hmm, let's see... Come to think of it, when I was supporting the submarine fleet operations around Kiska Island, the captain of I-2... Yes, that's right, that famous captain!<ref>Lt Cdr Itakura Mitsuma</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 04|kai = true
|origin = 型破りで素敵な潜水艦乗りでございました。あの人が、まあいろいろあって、結果すべて、極寒の海に落ちてしまった騒ぎがあって、「イカニサレシヤ」と問うたのです。そうしたら、救助訓練実施中って返事があった。あの時は傑作でした。 あ、いけない、マルヨンマルマルです。
|translation = He was a wonderful submariner who wasn't afraid to break convention. Well, after certain events, he ended up falling into the ice cold sea and causing a huge commotion. I transmitted a message asking "is something the matter?" They replied that they were just practicing a rescue at sea. What a stunt! Oh, look at the time, it is 0400 hours.<ref>Little is written about Itakura in English, but apparently it all started with an accident in the fleet leading to an order to dispose of alcohol. Rather than simply throw out his sub's store, he and the crew finished it all off. While none of the drinkers were supposed to come on deck for their own safety, he went up to check for himself, urinated into the sea, slipped, and fell into the 0 degree water. The crew managed to rescue him and cover up the incident as described.</ref>
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 05|kai = true
|origin = この艦長さんが後に伊41船の艦長になり、カツ車に猛烈かつ当然のダメ出しをして、かの竜巻作戦は幻となったとここでお聞きしました。この艦長さんは素敵ですね。あ、いけない。もうマルゴーマルマルでございます。長い夜が明けて、そろそろ朝ですね。え?提督?
|translation = I heard here that afterward, he became captain of I-41. He called out the severe and obvious faults with the Ka-Tsu tanks, ensuring that "Operation Tatsumaki" was fantasy. He was a wonderful captain. Oh no, it's already 0500. Night is finally almost over, and morning dawns. Eh? Admiral?
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 06|kai = true
|origin = マルロクマルマル。朝でございます。艦隊、総員、お起し。総員、お起しでございます。皆さん、おはようございます。素敵な朝です。
|translation = 0600. It's morning! Fleet, all hands, attention! All hands, attention! Good morning, everyone! What a wonderful morning!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 07|kai = true
|origin = マルナナマルマル。ご朝食の時間でございます、提督。朝は和定食?それともコンチネンタルブレックファーストになさいますか? はい、了解いたしました。
|translation = 0700. It's time for breakfast, Admiral. Would you prefer it as a Japanese meal, or as continental breakfast? Yes, roger that.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 08|kai = true
|origin = 焼きたてのトーストにバター、野菜サラダに自家製ドレッシング、卵は二つ、半熟の目玉焼きとグリルしたハム、そして熱いコーヒーをお持ちしました。召し上がってください。時刻はマルハチマルマルでございます。
|translation = Here you are: fresh toast with butter, vegetable salad and homemade dressing, two eggs over-easy, grilled ham, and hot coffee. Please enjoy your meal. The time is 0800.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 09|kai = true
|origin = マルキュウマルマルでございます。提督、食後のコーヒー、新しいカップでお持ちします。ミルクも、いかがですか?
|translation = It is 0900. Admiral, I'll bring you a fresh cup of coffee to end your meal. Would you like it with milk?
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 10|kai = true
|origin = ヒトマルマルマルでございます。お待たせいたしました。さあ、海に参りましょう。艦隊が待っています。
|translation = It is 1000. Thank you for waiting. Now then, let's head out to sea. The fleet is waiting.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 11|kai = true
|origin = ヒトヒトマルマルでございます。提督、やはり海は…海はいいですね。気持ちが広がっていくのを感じます。
|translation = It is 1100. Admiral, the sea... the sea truly is a wonderful thing, isn't it? I feel more energized.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 12|kai = true
|origin = ヒトフタマルマルでございます。提督、ご昼食の用意ができております。本日は特選海鮮丼をご用意いたしました。
|translation = It is 1200. Admiral, I have prepared your lunch. Today, I have prepared a special bowl of kaisen-don.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 13|kai = true
|origin = ヒトサンマルマルでございます。良き魚が仕入れられたので、お出汁してみました。お口に合いましたか?よかった。
|translation = It is 1300. Since I had high quality fish in stock, I also made some dashi stock. Did it suit your taste? Wonderful.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 14|kai = true
|origin = ヒトヨンマ…あら、秋津島様、ごきげんよう。キスカでもお世話になりました。ええ、あの時は…うふふふ。
|translation = It is 14- oh, Akitsushima-sama, good day. Thank you for your help at Kiska. Yeah, that time... ufufufu.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 15|kai = true
|origin = 秋津島さんは、なるほど、今は工作艦的なこともなさって、さすがです。どうですか、この後よかったら提督と三人でお茶でも。ご用意します。あ、ヒトゴーマルマル。
|translation = So you also serve as a repair ship, Akitsushima? Impressive. What do you think about the three of us having tea together? I'll prepare. Oh, it's 1500.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 16|kai = true
|origin = ヒトロクマルマルでございます。提督、秋津島様とも少し昔話でお喋りをしてしまいました。いえ、恐縮です。
|translation = It is 1600. Akitsushima and I are rambling about old times... no no, my apologies.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 17|kai = true
|origin = 提督、ご覧になってください。夕日が、夕日があんなに美しく…あ、現在時刻は、ヒトナナマルマルでございます。
|translation = Admiral, please take a look. The sunset... it's so beautiful... Ah, the current time is 1700.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 18|kai = true
|origin = ヒトハチマルマルでございます。お夕食は洋食フルコースをご用意しようと思います。どうぞお待ちくださいませ。
|translation = It is 1800. I'm thinking of preparing a Western full-course dinner. Please look forward to it.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 19|kai = true
|origin = ヒトキュウマルマルでございます。平安丸ディナーフルコースをご用意しました。メインは敵、そして己に克つ、カツレツ、トマトソースとともに。召し上がってください!
|translation = It is 1900. I have prepared a full-course dinner for you. The main course is katsu cutlets, to overcome both the enemy and your own weaknesses<ref>In Japanese, katsu is homophonous with "victory" or "overcoming".</ref>, along with tomato sauce. Please enjoy!
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 20|kai = true
|origin = フタマルマルマルでございます。二本目のワインは赤のブルゴーニュをご用意しました。どうぞ。
|translation = It is 2000. The second bottle is a red Burgundy. Enjoy.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 21|kai = true
|origin = フタヒトマルマルでございます。提督の食べっぷり飲みっぷり、私も嬉しく思います。ご用意した甲斐があります。
|translation = It is 2100. I'm glad to see you eat and drink to your heart's content. It was worth the effort.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 22|kai = true
|origin = フタフタマルマルでございます。ん?竜巻作戦ですか? 私はよく存じ上げませんが、あの伊41潜の艦長を信ずれば、やはり当時の装備では難しいものだったと思います。
|translation = It is 2200. Hm? Operation Tatsumaki? I don't know much about it, but if the captain of I-41 was to be believed, it was simply far too difficult with the equipment available at the time.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = 23|kai = true
|origin = フタサンマルマルでございます。ですが、今の提督の艦隊の支援、そして新たな装備があれば、あるいは…
|translation = It is 2300. However, with the support of the Admiral's current fleet, and new equipment, perhaps...!
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Ship Special Heian Maru Kai.png|Special Attack Kai
Ship Special Heian Maru Kai.png|Special Attack Kai
Ship Special Heian Maru Kai Damaged.png|Special Attack Kai Damaged
Ship Special Heian Maru Kai Damaged.png|Special Attack Kai Damaged
{|class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed wikitable" width=100%
Heian Maru Full Spring 2024.png|[[Seasonal/Spring_2024|Spring 2024]]
Heian Maru Full Spring 2024 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Spring_2024|Spring 2024 Damaged]]
Heian Maru Kai Full Spring 2024.png|[[Seasonal/Spring_2024|Kai Spring 2024]]
Heian Maru Kai Full Spring 2024 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Spring_2024|Kai Spring 2024 Damaged]]
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;General Information
;General Information
*She was named in honor of Kyoto's historic [[wikipedia:Heian Shrine|Heian Shrine]].
*She was named in honor of Kyoto's historic [[wikipedia:Heian Shrine|Heian Shrine]].
*She was launched on the 16th of April 1930 as an ocean liner,
*She was launched on the 16th of April 1930 as an ocean liner.
*She was converted as a submarine tender between 1941 and 1942.
*She was converted as a submarine tender between 1941 and 1942.
*She was sunk by US aircraft on the 18th of February 1944
*She was sunk by US aircraft on the 18th of February 1944.
;Update History
;Update History
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*Her sister Hikawa Maru still exists today as a museum ship.
*Her sister Hikawa Maru still exists today as a museum ship.
*She rescued [[I-41]]'s captain while being drunk.
*She was involved with the future [[I-41]] Captain, LCDR Itakura Mitsuma, in an accident involving alcohol.
*Her wreck is a popular dive site at Truk Lagoon.
*Her sister ship, Hikawa Maru, is a museum ship and popular tourist destination in Yokohama and is even advertised during KanColle Live Events.
==See Also==
==See Also==
