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     ja = '地中海連合艦隊、これより敵主力艦隊を捜索、発見次第、これを撃滅する!',
     ja = '地中海連合艦隊、これより敵主力艦隊を捜索、発見次第、これを撃滅する!',
     en = 'The Mediterranean Combined Fleet will now search for the main enemy fleet and destroy it on sight!',
     en = 'The Mediterranean Combined Fleet will now search for the main enemy fleet and destroy it on sight!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 A'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」西方任務部隊、先遣部隊、これよりカサブランカ方面に進出する!',
    en = 'Operation Torch, Western Task Force, Vanguard Force, now moving into the Casablanca area!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 D'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」西方任務部隊、先遣部隊、これよりカサブランカ方面に進出する!',
    en = 'Operation Torch, Western Task Force, Vanguard Force, now moving into the Casablanca area!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 D3'] = {
    ja = 'カサブランカ方面の偵察を実施!同港に戦艦級含む有力な艦隊を認む!',
    en = 'Conduct reconnaissance in the Casablanca area! Identify the leading fleet that contains a battleship class in the same port!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 H'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」の総仕上げを敢行する!西方任務部隊、カサブランカへ!',
    en = 'We are going to put the finishing touches to Operation Torch! Western Task Force, to Casablanca!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 L'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」の総仕上げを敢行する!西方任務部隊、カサブランカへ!',
    en = 'We are going to put the finishing touches to Operation Torch! Western Task Force, to Casablanca!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 R'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」の総仕上げを敢行する!西方任務部隊、カサブランカへ!',
    en = 'We are going to put the finishing touches to Operation Torch! Western Task Force, to Casablanca!',
cssedit, gkautomate
