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{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction
|origin =
|origin =はい?…あぁ、はい。…朝潮型駆逐艦、夏雲です……。提督、あの、どうぞよろしくおねがいします。
|translation =
|translation =Yes? ...Ah, yes... I'm the Asashio-class destroyer, Natsugumo... Admiral, umm, I'm pleased to meet you.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Introduction|kai = true
|origin =
|origin =はい……朝潮型駆逐艦、夏雲、参ります。提督、第九駆逐隊、今日もよろしくいたします。頑張りますね。
|translation =
|translation =Yes... Asashio-class destroyer, Natsugumo, reporting for duty. Admiral, please watch over the 9th Destroyer Division today as well. Let's work hard.
|scenario = Library
|scenario = Library
|origin =
|origin =朝潮型駆逐艦、七番艦、夏雲です……姉妹で第九駆逐隊を編成して、四水戦を一翼を担いました……太平洋の様々な作戦に従事…ソロモンの戦いにも多く参加しました。最後は味方の救援中に敵が……忘れないでくださいね。
|translation =
|translation =I'm the 9th ship of the Asashio-class destroyers, Natsugumo... Together with my sisters, we formed the 9th Destroyer Division and were part of DesRon4. I participated in many operations across the well as the battle in the Solomons. My last moments was when the enemy attacked while I was in the middle of rescuing friendlies... Please don't forget me.
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 1
{{ShipquoteKai|scenario = Secretary 1
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