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| namejp = 改大和型戦艦「大和改二」、出撃せよ!
| namejp = 改大和型戦艦「大和改二」、出撃せよ!
| nameen = Remodeled Yamato Class Battleship "Yamato Kai Ni", Sortie!
| nameen = Remodeled Yamato Class Battleship "Yamato Kai Ni", Sortie!
| req = ''旗艦「大和改二/重」、随伴艦軽巡1隻、駆逐艦2隻以上の艦隊で、鎮守府海域南西諸島防衛線、南西諸島海域沖ノ島沖、南方海域前面、西方海域カスガダマ島に出撃!敵艦隊を撃滅せよ!''
| req = ''Form a fleet with Yamato Kai Ni / Juu as the flagship along with 1 light cruiser and 2 destroyers as part of the fleet then commence a sortie into the Naval District Waters Nansei Island Defense Line, the Nansei Island Waters Off the coast of Okinoshima, The Western Waters off the coast of Kasugadama, and the Western Waters along the western water frontlines! Locate and destroy the main enemy fleets!''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato|Yamato Kai Ni/Juu]] as flagship, 1 CL, 2 DD, and up to 2 XX, then S? rank the boss nodes of [[1-4]], [[2-5]], [[4-4]], and [[5-1]].
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato|Yamato Kai Ni/Juu]] as flagship, 1 CL, 2 DD, and up to 2 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[1-4]], [[2-5]], [[4-4]], and [[5-1]].
| fuel =  880
| fuel =  880
| ammo = 880
| ammo = 880
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| namejp = 見敵必殺!最精鋭大和型「第一戦隊」抜錨!
| namejp = 見敵必殺!最精鋭大和型「第一戦隊」抜錨!
| nameen = Kill on Sight! The Best Elite Yamato Class "1st Battle Squadron" Weigh Anchor!
| nameen = Kill on Sight! The Best Elite Yamato Class "1st Battle Squadron" Weigh Anchor!
| req = ''改大和型戦艦二隻「大和改二/重」及び「武蔵改二」、随伴駆逐艦2隻以上の艦隊を展開!カレー洋リランカ島沖、サブ島沖海域、タウイタウイ泊地沖深部、KW環礁沖海域の敵を撃滅せよ!''
| req = ''From a fleet with the two main class remodeled battleships, Yamato Kai Ni/Juu and Musashi Kai Ni along with 2 destroyers as part of your fleet. Proceed into the Curry Ocean area near Ri Lanka, the coasts off the Sav Islands, the deepest parts of Tawi-Tawi Anchorage, and the KW Atoll, and proceed to destroy the main enemy fleet!''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato|Yamato Kai Ni/Juu]], [[Musashi Kai Ni]], 2 DD, and up to 2 XX, then S? rank the boss nodes of [[4-5]], [[5-3]], [[7-2|7-2 (Part 2)]], and [[6-5]].
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato|Yamato Kai Ni/Juu]], [[Musashi Kai Ni]], 2 DD, and up to 2 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[4-5]], [[5-3]], [[7-2|7-2 (Part 2)]], and [[6-5]].
| fuel =  1000
| fuel =  1000
| ammo = 1000
| ammo = 1000
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| namejp = 【拡張作戦】重改装「大和改二重」、出撃!
| namejp = 【拡張作戦】重改装「大和改二重」、出撃!
| nameen = (Extra Operation) Heavily Remodeled Yamato Kai Ni Juu, Sortie!
| nameen = (Extra Operation) Heavily Remodeled Yamato Kai Ni Juu, Sortie!
| req = ''【拡張作戦】重改装「大和改二重」を旗艦とする有力な艦隊で、ペナン島沖深部、昭南本土航路、サーモン海域北方、中部北海域ピーコック島沖に出撃!各戦域の敵戦力を撃滅粉砕せよ!''
| req = ''[Extra Operation] Form a powerful fleet consisting of Yamato Kai Ni Juu as the flagship and then proceed to the coast off Panyeng Island, the Shounan Sea Route, the waters east of the Solomon Sea, and off the coast of peacock island. Destroy the enemy fleet in each location! ''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato Kai Ni Juu]] as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[7-3|7-3 (part 2)]], [[7-4]], [[5-5]], and [[6-4]].  
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato Kai Ni Juu]] as flagship, and up to 5 XX, then S rank the boss nodes of [[7-3|7-3 (part 2)]], [[7-4]], [[5-5]], and [[6-4]].  
| fuel =  1000
| fuel =  1000
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| namejp = 「大和型戦艦」第一戦隊演習、始め!
| namejp = 「大和型戦艦」第一戦隊演習、始め!
| nameen = "Yamato-Class Battleships" Practice Battle for 1st Battle Squadron, Begin!
| nameen = "Yamato-Class Battleships" Practice Battle for 1st Battle Squadron, Begin!
| req = ''大和型戦艦演習任務:大和型戦艦「大和」及び「武蔵」両艦、随伴艦に軽巡1隻、駆逐艦2隻以上を含む演習艦隊を編成。同艦隊で本日中に演習で【S判定】勝利3回以上を達成せよ!''
| req = ''Yamato-class battleship exercise: Form a fleet with the Yamato-clas battleships Yamato and Musashi along with 1 light cruiser and 2 destroyers as part of the fleet and proceed to win 3 battles in practice on the same day''
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato]], [[Musashi]], 1 CL, 2 DD, and up to 1 XX, then score 3 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
*Assemble a fleet containing [[Yamato]], [[Musashi]], 1 CL, 2 DD, and up to 1 XX, then score 3 S ranks in PVP within the same day.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
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| namejp = 【工廠任務】新装備開発計画II
| namejp = 【工廠任務】新装備開発計画II
| nameen = (Arsenal Quest) Development Plan II for New Equipment
| nameen = (Arsenal Quest) Development Plan II for New Equipment
| req = ''「大口径主砲」「副砲」「水上偵察機」各x3装備を廃棄、「46cm三連装砲」x2、「洋上補給」x4、弾薬2,700を準備せよ!(任務達成後、準備した資源・装備・洋上補給は消費します)''
| req =  
*Scrap 3 "[[:Category:Large Gun|Large Guns]]", 3 "[[:Category:Secondary Gun|Secondary Guns]]", and 3 "[[:Category:Reconnaissance Seaplane|Seaplane Recon]]", and prepare 2 [[46cm Triple Gun Mount]], 4 [[Underway Replenishment]], and 2,700 ammo.
*Scrap 3 "[[:Category:Large Gun|Large Guns]]", 3 "[[:Category:Secondary Gun|Secondary Guns]]", and 3 "[[:Category:Reconnaissance Seaplane|Seaplane Recon]]", and prepare 2 [[46cm Triple Gun Mount]], 4 [[Underway Replenishment]], and 2,700 ammo.
| fuel = 0
| fuel = 0
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