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-- Temporary data module for translations related to api_req_map/next.
return {
return {
   ['0'] = {
   ['0'] = {
Line 454: Line 452:  
     en = 'Our fleet will now destroy the enemy fleet.<br>Stay on high alert for surface threats!<br>Battle stations! Fleet, move in!',
     en = 'Our fleet will now destroy the enemy fleet.<br>Stay on high alert for surface threats!<br>Battle stations! Fleet, move in!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-1 A'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-1 A'] = {
     ja = '艦隊は、紅海よりスエズ運河に!',
     ja = '艦隊は、紅海よりスエズ運河に!',
     en = 'The fleet is entering the Suez Canal from the Red Sea!',
     en = 'The fleet is entering the Suez Canal from the Red Sea!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-1 B'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-1 B'] = {
     ja = 'これよりスエズ運河から、地中海に!',
     ja = 'これよりスエズ運河から、地中海に!',
     en = 'We\'ll now pass through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean!',
     en = 'We\'ll now pass through the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-1 R'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-1 R'] = {
     ja = '付近に敵増援部隊を認む。警戒を厳に!',
     ja = '付近に敵増援部隊を認む。警戒を厳に!',
     en = 'Enemy reinforcements are in the area. Be on high alert!',
     en = 'Enemy reinforcements are in the area. Be on high alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-1 U'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-1 U'] = {
     ja = '付近に敵増援部隊を認む。警戒を厳に!',
     ja = '付近に敵増援部隊を認む。警戒を厳に!',
     en = 'Enemy reinforcements are in the area. Be on high alert!',
     en = 'Enemy reinforcements are in the area. Be on high alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-2 D2'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-2 D2'] = {
     ja = '最前線マルタ島です。周辺警戒を厳に!',
     ja = '最前線マルタ島です。周辺警戒を厳に!',
     en = 'The front line is at Malta. Be on high alert!',
     en = 'The front line is at Malta. Be on high alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-2 F'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-2 F'] = {
     ja = '最前線マルタ島です。周辺警戒を厳に!',
     ja = '最前線マルタ島です。周辺警戒を厳に!',
     en = 'The front line is at Malta. Be on high alert!',
     en = 'The front line is at Malta. Be on high alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-2 H'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-2 H'] = {
     ja = '敵影見ず…されど敵艦隊らしき通信を傍受せり。警戒を厳に。周辺海域捜索の要を認む!',
     ja = '敵影見ず…されど敵艦隊らしき通信を傍受せり。警戒を厳に。周辺海域捜索の要を認む!',
     en = 'No sign of the enemy... But we\'ve intercepted enemy communications. Be on high alert. Eyes on the horizon!',
     en = 'No sign of the enemy... But we\'ve intercepted enemy communications. Be on high alert. Eyes on the horizon!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-2 J'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-2 J'] = {
     ja = 'ForceH、出撃する!敵港湾拠点を叩き、敵地中海艦隊主力第1及び第2艦隊を捜索、これを撃滅せよ!',
     ja = 'ForceH、出撃する!敵港湾拠点を叩き、敵地中海艦隊主力第1及び第2艦隊を捜索、これを撃滅せよ!',
     en = 'Force H, sortieing! Hit the enemy-controlled harbour, then find and destroy the enemy\'s 1st and 2nd Mediterranean fleets!',
     en = 'Force H, sortieing! Hit the enemy-controlled harbour, then find and destroy the enemy\'s 1st and 2nd Mediterranean fleets!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-2 P'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-2 P'] = {
     ja = '対空、対水上警戒を厳とせよ!合戦用意!全艦隊、戦闘態勢をとれ!',
     ja = '対空、対水上警戒を厳とせよ!合戦用意!全艦隊、戦闘態勢をとれ!',
     en = 'Be on high anti-air and anti-surface alert! Battle stations! All fleets, prepare for battle!',
     en = 'Be on high anti-air and anti-surface alert! Battle stations! All fleets, prepare for battle!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 A'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 A'] = {
     ja = '「ペデスタル作戦」発動!艦隊、前進!対潜、対空、対水上見張りを厳とせよ!',
     ja = '「ペデスタル作戦」発動!艦隊、前進!対潜、対空、対水上見張りを厳とせよ!',
     en = 'Begin "Operation Pedestal"! Fleet, advance! Be on high anti-sub, anti-air and anti-surface alert!',
     en = 'Begin "Operation Pedestal"! Fleet, advance! Be on high anti-sub, anti-air and anti-surface alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 C2'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 C2'] = {
     ja = '「ペデスタル作戦」発動!艦隊、前進!対潜、対空、対水上見張りを厳とせよ!',
     ja = '「ペデスタル作戦」発動!艦隊、前進!対潜、対空、対水上見張りを厳とせよ!',
     en = 'Begin "Operation Pedestal"! Fleet, advance! Be on high anti-sub, anti-air and anti-surface alert!',
     en = 'Begin "Operation Pedestal"! Fleet, advance! Be on high anti-sub, anti-air and anti-surface alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 H'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 H'] = {
     ja = '「ペデスタル作戦」発動!艦隊、前進!対潜、対空、対水上見張りを厳とせよ!',
     ja = '「ペデスタル作戦」発動!艦隊、前進!対潜、対空、対水上見張りを厳とせよ!',
     en = 'Begin "Operation Pedestal"! Fleet, advance! Be on high anti-sub, anti-air and anti-surface alert!',
     en = 'Begin "Operation Pedestal"! Fleet, advance! Be on high anti-sub, anti-air and anti-surface alert!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 Q'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 Q'] = {
     ja = '第10潜水戦隊、出撃!敵水上艦隊を洋上で捕捉、これを撃滅せよ!',
     ja = '第10潜水戦隊、出撃!敵水上艦隊を洋上で捕捉、これを撃滅せよ!',
     en = '10th Submarine Squadron, sortie! Corner the enemy surface fleet and destroy it!',
     en = '10th Submarine Squadron, sortie! Corner the enemy surface fleet and destroy it!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 X2'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 X2'] = {
     ja = '艦隊、決戦準備、よし!地中海の水平線に……勝利を刻め!',
     ja = '艦隊、決戦準備、よし!地中海の水平線に……勝利を刻め!',
     en = 'Fleet is ready for battle! We\'ll carve victory... on the Mediterranean\'s dawn\'s horizon!',
     en = 'Fleet is ready for battle! We\'ll carve victory... on the Mediterranean\'s dawn\'s horizon!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 Z'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 Z'] = {
     ja = '「ぺデスタル作戦」、最終段階です!',
     ja = '「ぺデスタル作戦」、最終段階です!',
     en = '"Operation Pedestal" is in it\'s final phase!',
     en = '"Operation Pedestal" is in it\'s final phase!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 Z'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 Z'] = {
     ja = 'マルタ島への増援輸送作戦は成功です!',
     ja = 'マルタ島への増援輸送作戦は成功です!',
     en = 'The reinforcement transport to Malta is a success!',
     en = 'The reinforcement transport to Malta is a success!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 Z1'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 Z1'] = {
     ja = '「ぺデスタル作戦」、最終段階です!',
     ja = '「ぺデスタル作戦」、最終段階です!',
     en = '"Operation Pedestal" is in it\'s final phase!',
     en = '"Operation Pedestal" is in it\'s final phase!',
   ['Summer 2021 Event 51-3 Z1'] = {
   ['Summer 2021 Event E-3 Z1'] = {
     ja = 'マルタ島への増援輸送作戦は成功です!',
     ja = 'マルタ島への増援輸送作戦は成功です!',
     en = 'The reinforcement transport to Malta is a success!',
     en = 'The reinforcement transport to Malta is a success!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-1 E'] = {
    ja = 'ラバウル外郭西部、哨戒完了!',
    en = 'Western part of outer Rabaul, patrol complete!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-1 K'] = {
    ja = 'ラバウル外郭北部、哨戒完了!',
    en = 'Northern part of outer Rabaul, patrol complete!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-1 Q'] = {
    ja = 'R方面防備部隊、敵艦隊を発見せり!合戦用意!全艦、突撃せよッ!',
    en = 'R-Area Defence Force, enemy fleet in sight! Prepare for battle! All ships, charge!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-2 A'] = {
    ja = 'R方面部隊、増援輸送部隊、発進!',
    en = 'R-Area Unit, reinforcement transport unit, launch!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-2 N'] = {
    ja = 'R方面部隊、増援輸送部隊、発進!',
    en = 'R-Area Unit, reinforcement transport unit, launch!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 D'] = {
    ja = '上空敵機触接あり。対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Enemy aircraft in contact overhead. Keep a strict anti-aircraft vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 H'] = {
    ja = '左舷にダンピール海峡!警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Dampier Strait to port! Hold your fire!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 K'] = {
    ja = 'これよりラエ沖に突入する!上空監視!対空警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'We are now entering the waters off Lae! Eyes overhead! Maintain strict anti-aircraft vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 U\''] = {
    ja = 'これよりラエ沖に突入する!上空監視!対空警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'We are now entering the waters off Lae! Eyes overhead! Maintain strict anti-aircraft vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 U\''] = {
    ja = '左舷にダンピール海峡!警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Dampier Strait to port! Hold your fire!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 Y\''] = {
    ja = 'これよりラエ沖に突入する!上空監視!対空警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'We are now entering the waters off Lae! Eyes overhead! Maintain strict anti-aircraft vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 Y\''] = {
    ja = '左舷にダンピール海峡!警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Dampier Strait to port! Hold your fire!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 A'] = {
    ja = '艦隊、徳山沖より出撃す!',
    en = 'The fleet is sailing from Tokuyama!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 B'] = {
    ja = 'これより豊後水道。対潜警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'From here on, this is the Bungo Channel. Maintain strict anti-submarine alert!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 D'] = {
    ja = '敵機に気をつけろ!対空警戒も厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Watch out for enemy aircraft! Stay on anti-aircraft alert!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 G'] = {
    ja = '艦隊、大隅海峡を抜ける!これより南西諸島方面へ向かう!',
    en = 'The fleet is now exiting the Osumi Strait! We are now heading to the Nansei Islands!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 H'] = {
    ja = '作戦予定航路、前路掃蕩を完了せり!',
    en = 'Planned route of operations, forward sweep complete!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 L'] = {
    ja = '作戦予定航路、前路掃蕩を完了せり!',
    en = 'Planned route of operations, forward sweep complete!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-4 Y3'] = {
    ja = '作戦予定航路、前路掃蕩を完了せり!',
    en = 'Planned route of operations, forward sweep complete!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 A1'] = {
    ja = '台湾方面の友軍との連絡を試みる!対潜対空、対水上警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Attempting to contact friendly forces in the Taiwan area! Maintain strict anti-submarine, anti-air and anti-water vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 A4'] = {
    ja = '偽装航路、終了。これより変針、第二艦隊1YBは、沖縄を目指す!',
    en = 'Deceptive route over. Now changing course! The Second Fleet, 1YB, is now heading towards Okinawa!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 C2'] = {
    ja = '台湾方面の友軍との連絡を試みる!対潜対空、対水上警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Attempting to contact friendly forces in the Taiwan area! Maintain strict anti-submarine, anti-air and anti-water vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 D2'] = {
    ja = '艦隊は台北沖に到達。台湾方面に集結中の友軍艦隊との連絡、作戦連携に成功せり!',
    en = 'Our fleet has reached the coast of Taipei. We\'ve successfully established coordination with the friendly fleet in the Taiwan area!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 F'] = {
    ja = '台湾方面の友軍との連絡を試みる!対潜対空、対水上警戒を厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Attempting to contact friendly forces in the Taiwan area! Maintain strict anti-submarine, anti-air and anti-water vigilance!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 S1'] = {
    ja = '敵編隊を発見!対空戦闘、用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy formation detected! Prepare for anti-air combat!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 T'] = {
    ja = '第二艦隊1YBは、これより沖縄に突入す!各艦、対潜警戒も厳とせよ!',
    en = 'The Second Fleet, 1YB, will now enter Okinawa! All ships, maintain strict anti-submarine alert!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 V2'] = {
    ja = '敵編隊を発見!対空戦闘、用意ッ!',
    en = 'Enemy formation detected! Prepare for anti-air combat!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 V2'] = {
    ja = '第二艦隊1YBは、これより沖縄に突入す!各艦、対潜警戒も厳とせよ!',
    en = 'The Second Fleet, 1YB, will now enter Okinawa! All ships, maintain strict anti-submarine alert!',
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-2 M'] = {
    ja = 'ショートランドに到着しました。',
    en = 'We\'ve arrived at Shortland.'
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-2 T'] = {
    ja = 'レカタに到着しました。',
    en = 'We\'ve arrived at Lekata.'
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-3 T'] = {
    ja = 'ラエに無事到着しました。',
    en = 'We\'ve arrived safely at Lae.'
  ['Spring 2022 Event E-5 O'] = {
    ja = '連合救援艦隊、那覇への逆上陸に成功、増援及び救援物資の揚陸に成功せり!',
    en = 'The Combined Rescue Fleet has made a successful counter-landing at Naha, and has successfully landed reinforcement supplies.'
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-1 A'] = {
    ja = '遠征艦隊の前路掃討を実施する!抜錨!',
    en = 'Conduct frontline sweeping for the expeditionary fleet! Weigh anchor!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-1 H'] = {
    ja = '遠征艦隊の前路掃討を実施する!抜錨!',
    en = 'Conduct frontline sweeping for the expeditionary fleet! Weigh anchor!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-1 K'] = {
    ja = 'アラビア海方面に進出す!',
    en = 'Advancing towards the Arabian Sea!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-1 K1'] = {
    ja = '対空、対潜警戒を厳にせよ!',
    en = 'Maintain strict anti-aircraft and anti-submarine precautions!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-1 K2'] = {
    ja = '対空、対潜警戒を厳にせよ!',
    en = 'Maintain strict anti-aircraft and anti-submarine precautions!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-1 Q'] = {
    ja = '対空、対潜警戒を厳にせよ!',
    en = 'Maintain strict anti-aircraft and anti-submarine precautions!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-2 H'] = {
    ja = '遠征艦隊、アデン湾方面へ進出せよ!',
    en = 'Expeditionary fleet, advance towards the Gulf of Aden!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-2 P'] = {
    ja = '遠征艦隊、アデン湾方面へ進出せよ!',
    en = 'Expeditionary fleet, advance towards the Gulf of Aden!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-2 T'] = {
    ja = '遠征艦隊、アデン湾方面へ進出せよ!',
    en = 'Expeditionary fleet, advance towards the Gulf of Aden!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-3 B'] = {
    ja = 'スエズ運河を越え、地中海に進出せよ!',
    en = 'Cross the Suez Canal and enter the Mediterranean!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-3 C'] = {
    ja = 'スエズ運河を越え、地中海に進出せよ!',
    en = 'Cross the Suez Canal and enter the Mediterranean!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-3 J'] = {
    ja = '敵機動部隊、接近中!警戒を厳にせよ!',
    en = 'Enemy task force approaching! Maintain high vigilance!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-3 R'] = {
    ja = '敵機動部隊、接近中!警戒を厳にせよ!',
    en = 'Enemy task force approaching! Maintain high vigilance!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-4 M'] = {
    ja = 'トーチ作戦派遣部隊、抜錨する!大西洋上、対潜警戒も厳に!',
    en = 'Operation Torch Detachment, anchor away! Maintain strict anti-submarine precautions in the Atlantic Ocean!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-4 O'] = {
    ja = 'トーチ作戦派遣部隊、抜錨する!大西洋上、対潜警戒も厳に!',
    en = 'Operation Torch Detachment, anchor away! Maintain strict anti-submarine precautions in the Atlantic Ocean!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-4 Q'] = {
    ja = 'トーチ作戦派遣部隊、抜錨する!大西洋上、対潜警戒も厳に!',
    en = 'Operation Torch Detachment, anchor away! Maintain strict anti-submarine precautions in the Atlantic Ocean!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-4 V'] = {
    ja = 'トーチ作戦派遣部隊、抜錨する!大西洋上、対潜警戒も厳に!',
    en = 'Operation Torch Detachment, anchor away! Maintain strict anti-submarine precautions in the Atlantic Ocean!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-5 Q'] = {
    ja = '地中海連合艦隊、これより敵主力艦隊を捜索、発見次第、これを撃滅する!',
    en = 'The Mediterranean Combined Fleet will now search for the main enemy fleet and destroy it on sight!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-5 V'] = {
    ja = '地中海連合艦隊、これより敵主力艦隊を捜索、発見次第、これを撃滅する!',
    en = 'The Mediterranean Combined Fleet will now search for the main enemy fleet and destroy it on sight!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-5 W'] = {
    ja = '地中海連合艦隊、これより敵主力艦隊を捜索、発見次第、これを撃滅する!',
    en = 'The Mediterranean Combined Fleet will now search for the main enemy fleet and destroy it on sight!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 A'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」西方任務部隊、先遣部隊、これよりカサブランカ方面に進出する!',
    en = 'Operation Torch, Western Task Force, Vanguard Force, now moving into the Casablanca area!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 D'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」西方任務部隊、先遣部隊、これよりカサブランカ方面に進出する!',
    en = 'Operation Torch, Western Task Force, Vanguard Force, now moving into the Casablanca area!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 D3'] = {
    ja = 'カサブランカ方面の偵察を実施!同港に戦艦級含む有力な艦隊を認む!',
    en = 'Conduct reconnaissance in the Casablanca area! Identify the leading fleet that contains a battleship class in the same port!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 H'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」の総仕上げを敢行する!西方任務部隊、カサブランカへ!',
    en = 'We are going to put the finishing touches to Operation Torch! Western Task Force, to Casablanca!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 L'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」の総仕上げを敢行する!西方任務部隊、カサブランカへ!',
    en = 'We are going to put the finishing touches to Operation Torch! Western Task Force, to Casablanca!',
  ['Summer 2022 Event E-6 R'] = {
    ja = '「トーチ作戦」の総仕上げを敢行する!西方任務部隊、カサブランカへ!',
    en = 'We are going to put the finishing touches to Operation Torch! Western Task Force, to Casablanca!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-1 H'] = {
    ja = '艦隊は呉に入港、さらに徳山燃料廠へ。対空警戒は怠るな!',
    en = 'Our fleet is in port at Kure, and then on to Tokuyama Fuel Depot. Do not let up on anti-aircraft alert!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-1 I'] = {
    ja = '付近に敵機動部隊出現の兆候を認む。対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'We have detected signs of enemy task forces in the vicinity. Maintain anti-aircraft alert!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-1 M'] = {
    ja = '付近に敵機動部隊出現の兆候を認む。対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'We have detected signs of enemy task forces in the vicinity. Maintain anti-aircraft alert!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-3 B'] = {
    ja = 'これより津軽海峡へ進入、太平洋側に出る。艦隊、対空警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'We will now enter the Tsugaru Strait and exit on the Pacific side. Fleet, keep strict anti-aircraft alert!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-3 C'] = {
    ja = '艦隊はこれより八戸港に入港する。入港用意!',
    en = 'Our fleet will now enter the port of Hachinohe. Get ready to dock!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-3 D'] = {
    ja = '艦隊はこれより八戸港に入港する。入港用意!',
    en = 'Our fleet will now enter the port of Hachinohe. Get ready to dock!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-3 F'] = {
    ja = '第五艦隊、前進ッ!八戸沖の敵艦隊を撃滅する。続け!',
    en = '5th Fleet, advance! Destroy the enemy fleet off Hachinohe. Keep going!',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-4 M1'] = {
    ja = 'これより敵の背後を突く!艦隊、増速!',
    en = '',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-4 M2'] = {
    ja = 'これより敵の背後を突く!艦隊、増速!',
    en = '',
  ['Summer 2023 Event E-4 R'] = {
    ja = '北東方面艦隊主力、第五艦隊、見参!敵を捜索撃滅する!前進ッ!',
    en = 'The main northeastern fleet, the 5th Fleet, is here! We will search and destroy the enemy! Forward!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-1 P'] = {
    ja = '瀬戸内海航行中……まもなく呉Q基地沖です。',
    en = 'Sailing in the Seto Inland Sea... ... Will be soon off Kure Q-Base.',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-1 U'] = {
    ja = '北方警備、第五艦隊!大湊より出撃す!',
    en = 'Northern Patrol, Fifth Fleet! Sortie from Ominato!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-1 V'] = {
    ja = '北方警備、第五艦隊!大湊より出撃す!',
    en = 'Northern Patrol, Fifth Fleet! Sortie from Ominato!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-2 L'] = {
    ja = '敵水上艦隊の牽制を行う!前進せよ!',
    en = 'Keep the enemy surface fleet in check! Move forward!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-2 S'] = {
    ja = '第六艦隊「竜巻作戦」部隊、出撃ッ!',
    en = 'Sixth Fleet \'Operation Tatsumaki\' unit, sortie!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-3 A'] = {
    ja = '機動部隊、出撃!出撃中の敵空母を撃破せよ!対潜警戒も厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Task force, sortie! Destroy incoming enemy aircraft carriers! Take strict anti-submarine measures!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-3 G'] = {
    ja = '機動部隊、出撃!出撃中の敵空母を撃破せよ!対潜警戒も厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Task force, sortie! Destroy incoming enemy aircraft carriers! Take strict anti-submarine measures!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-3 O1'] = {
    ja = '機動部隊、出撃!出撃中の敵空母を撃破せよ!対潜警戒も厳とせよ!',
    en = 'Task force, sortie! Destroy incoming enemy aircraft carriers! Take strict anti-submarine measures!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-3 V'] = {
    ja = '「龍巻作戦」部隊、出撃!敵環礁泊地に突入せよ!',
    en = '\'Operation Tatsumaki\' units, sortie! Storm the enemy atoll anchorage!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-4 H'] = {
    ja = 'ウェーキ島への補給輸送作戦を実施するッ!敵勢力圏内だ…対空対水上対潜警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Conduct supply and transport operations to Wake Island! We\'re in enemy territory... maintain strict all-around vigilance!',
  ['Early Spring 2024 Event E-4 N'] = {
    ja = 'ウェーキ島への補給輸送作戦を実施するッ!敵勢力圏内だ…対空対水上対潜警戒を厳に!',
    en = 'Conduct supply and transport operations to Wake Island! We\'re in enemy territory... maintain strict all-around vigilance!',
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