
9,937 bytes added ,  5 months ago
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==Gameplay Notes==
==Gameplay Notes==
{{Category:Submarine Tenders}}
===Special Mechanics===
====Submarine Touch====
She can trigger a {{Template:Submarine Touch}}
===Equipability Exceptions===
{|class="wikitable" style="width:800px; text-align:center; margin:auto; font-weight:bold"
!colspan=3 style="font-size:15px"|Chougei Equipability Exceptions
!{{Ship/Banner|Chougei/Kai|small=true}}<br>Chougei Kai
!Ship Exceptions
! -
|Can Equip:<br>{{SPB}} {{Small Searchlight}}
===Fit Bonuses===
{{/Equipment Bonuses}}
===Important Information===
* Required for quest:
** Optional:
*** {{Q|B156}}
==Drop Locations==
==Voice Lines==
==Voice Lines==
Line 127: Line 160:  
|origin =き、来ちゃうの?う、撃って!
|origin =き、来ちゃうの?う、撃って!
|translation =Th-they're coming? F-fire!
|translation =Th-they're coming? F-fire!
|scenario = Special 1
|origin = 皆いい子、よしよし。準備はいい?よーし!いっけーっ!
|translation = You're all good girls. There, there. Are you ready? Alriiiight! Let's goooo!
|scenario = Special 2
|origin = うわんっ!ヤだ〜!
|translation = Aaah! Oh nooo!
Line 173: Line 216:  
|translation =Huh? ...Oh no... No way... I'm sinking? ...It can't be... No one... No one told me it could happen...
|translation =Huh? ...Oh no... No way... I'm sinking? ...It can't be... No one... No one told me it could happen...
   Line 182: Line 224:  
|scenario = 00:00
|scenario = 00:00
|origin =提督、任せておいて。あたし、長鯨がしっかり秘書艦を努めてあげる。潜水母艦の秘書艦、いいでしょう?
|origin =提督、任せておいて。あたし、長鯨がしっかり秘書艦を努めてあげる。潜水母艦の秘書艦、いいでしょう?
|translation =Admiral, leave it to me. I, Chougei, will be your secretary ship. You're fine with a submarine tender as secretary, right?
|translation =Admiral, leave it to me. I, Chougei, will be your secretary. You're fine with a submarine tender as secretary, right?
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 267: Line 309:  
|scenario = 17:00
|scenario = 17:00
|origin =ヒトナナマルマルです。提督、見て。夕日。綺麗。提督、夕焼け空、好き?あたしは好き。少し悲しい色だけど、なんか泣きたくなるけど、綺麗。やだ、泣ける。
|origin =ヒトナナマルマルです。提督、見て。夕日。綺麗。提督、夕焼け空、好き?あたしは好き。少し悲しい色だけど、なんか泣きたくなるけど、綺麗。やだ、泣ける。
|translation =It's 1700. Admiral, look. It's the sunset. It's beautiful. Admiral, do you like sunsets? I do. The colour is a bit sad and makes me want to cry, but it's beautiful. Oh no, I'm tearing up.
|translation =It's 1700. Admiral, look. It's the sunset. It's beautiful. Admiral, do you like sunsets? I do. The color is a bit sad and makes me want to cry, but it's beautiful. Oh no, I'm tearing up.
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
{{ShipquoteKai|kai = true
Line 299: Line 341:  
|translation =It's 2300. Admiral, good job today as always. Whew, everyone really let loose. Let's take a short break then finish up the rest of the paperwork, alright? Rest first.
|translation =It's 2300. Admiral, good job today as always. Whew, everyone really let loose. Let's take a short break then finish up the rest of the paperwork, alright? Rest first.
   Line 312: Line 353:  
|notes =
|notes =
===Misc Lines===
|scenario = Special Attack
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2021|Saury 2021]]
|origin = 皆いい子、よしよし。準備はいい?よーし!いっけーっ!
|origin = サンマ祭りでしょう?あたしに任せて。光源積んで、魚集めるよ。気合い入れていくから!
|translation = You're all good girls. There, there. Are you ready? Alriiiight! Let's goooo!
|translation = The Saury Festival, right? You can count on me. I'll load a light source to gather all the fish. I'm raring to go!
|audio = Chougei Special Attack.mp3
|audio = Chougei Saury 2021 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes =  
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Autumn_2021|Saury 2021]]
|origin = ん〜。この季節のサンマの焼ける匂い、たまんない!大根おろして、お醤油少し垂らして、最高だよね!
|translation = Mmmm, the smell of fresh grilled saury is irresistible! Just add some grated daikon and a dash of soy sauce and it's the best, don't you think?
|audio = Chougei Saury 2021 Secretary 2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2021|Christmas 2021]]
|origin = クリスマスか。いいよね。なんか好き!提督、これ美味しい!はい、あーん。ねぇ?
|translation = It's Christmas huh. How nice. I kind of like it! Admiral, this is good! Open wide. It's good right?
|audio = Chougei Christmas_2021_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Christmas_2021|Christmas 2021]]
|origin = 何、姉さん?これくらいいいじゃん。姉さんちょっと独占欲強くない?そんなことない?本当かな。
|translation = What is it, sis? Come on, it's just a bit of fun. Don't you think you're being a bit too smothering? You don't think you are? I wonder about that.
|audio = Chougei Christmas_2021_Secretary_3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2021|End of Year 2021]]
|origin = 年末大掃除か?第六艦隊も総出で対応ね。さ、パッパとやちゃって、コタツに入りた~い!
|translation = End of Year major cleanup, huh? Even the entire 6th Fleet has come out to clean? Well, let's get it over within a flash, I want to go under the kotatsu!
|audio = Chougei Year_End_2021_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/End_of_Year_2021|End of Year 2021]]
|origin = ジャガイモ、よし!ニンジン、よし!玉ねぎ、よし!米、よし!燃料、よし!魚雷、よし!よ~し!
|translation = Potatoes, check! Carrots, check! Onions, check! Rice, check! Fuel, check! Torpedoes, check! All right!
|audio = Chougei Year_End_2021_Secretary_3.mp3
|notes = Secretary 3
|scenario = [[Seasonal/New_Year_2022|New Year 2022]]
|origin = 提督、迅鯨姉さん、あけましておめでとう。今年もよろしくね。姉さん、あまり提督に迷惑かけちゃだめだよ。えぇ?逆?そうかな。提督、どうなん?
|translation = Admiral, Jingei, Happy New Year. I'll be in your care this year as well. Sis, don't cause too much trouble for the Admiral. Huh? It's the other way around? I dunno about that. Admiral, is that true?
|audio = Chougei New_Years_2022_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Setsubun_2022|Setsubun 2022]]
|origin = 節分〜、節分〜。ん、ん、ん〜。第六艦隊の今年の鬼は誰?あたし?…ん?うえ、姉さん?ありゃ〜。じゃあ、仕方ない。はい、みんな、豆配るよ。およ?
|translation = Setsubun~, Setsubun~. Humm, hummm, hummmm~. Who's the demon for the 6th Fleet? Is it me? ...Hmmm? Guh, it's big sis? Yiiiikes. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do. Alright everyone, I'll hand out the beans. Huh?
|audio = Chougei Setsubun_2022_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Valentine%27s_Day_2022|Valentine's Day 2022]]
|origin = 提督、提督、こっち来て……はい、チョコレート!私の手作り!面倒だから、姉さんには内緒ね。いっぱいもらってるかもだけど、ちゃんとう食べてね?
|translation = Admiral, Admiral, c'mere... Chocolate for you! I made it myself! She'll be a pain so don't let big sis know about this. I know you'll get a lot of chocolates, but be sure to savor mine, alright?
|audio = Chougei Valentines 2022_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Coming_of_Spring_2022|Coming of Spring 2022]]
|origin = 迅鯨姉さん、第六艦隊のお花見?いいね。大鯨さんや祥鳳さんも呼ぼう。潜水艦も海防艦も軽巡も一緒に!
|translation = Big sis Jingei, is the 6th Fleet having a cherry blossom viewing? Nice. Let's invite Taigei and Shouhou too. Also all the submarines, coastal defense ships, and light cruisers too!
|audio = Chougei Spring 2022_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/White_Day_2022|White Day 2022]]
|origin = あたしのチョコどうだった?美味しいかった?甘すぎない?ちょうどいい…そう。良かった!…これは?チョコのお返し?ありがとう、提督!やった!
|translation = How was my chocolate? Was it good? Was it too sweet? It was just right... I see. That's great! ...What's this? A return gift? Thank you, Admiral. Yay!
|audio = Chougei White Day 2022_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Ninth_Anniversary|9th Anniversary]]
|origin = 提督、迅鯨姉さん、おめでとう。艦隊九周年だって。すごいね、本当。ってことはあたしは二年目ってことだ。これからもよろしくね、提督。
|translation = Admiral, big sis Jingei, congrats. I heard it's the fleet's 9th anniversary. That's really amazing. That means I've been here for two years. Please keep looking after me, Admiral.
|audio =Chougei 9th Anniversary_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Rainy_Season_2022|Rainy Season 2022]]
|origin = 最近雨よく降るよね。まあ、梅雨だから仕方ないけど。提督は雨が好き?私実は意外と好きなんだ。ちょっと落ち着くよね、そんな感じしない?
|translation = It's been raining really heavily recently. Well, I suppose that's to be expected during the rainy season. Admiral, do you like rain? I kinda like it. It just feels so calming, you know?
|audio = Chougei_Rainy_Season_2022_Secretary_1.mp3
|notes =
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Summer 2022]]
|origin = だいぶ暑くなってきたぁ。今年の夏も暑くなりそう……。ねえ、提督ぅ、スイカ切るぅ?うん、了解。冷やしてたんだー。潜水艦のみんな、あと海防艦たちも食べるかなぁ。
|translation = It's gotten pretty hot. Looks like this summer is going to be really hot. Hey Admiral, do you want some watermelon? Yup, understood. I've kept some chilled. I wonder if the submarines and coastal defense ships would like some as well.
|audio =Chougei Summer 2022 Secretary 1.mp3
|notes = Secretary 1
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Summer 2022]]
|origin = ってことで…どうでしょう、提督?あたしも水着しちゃった!見てみて。
|translation = By the way... How do I look, Admiral? I'm wearing a swimsuit! Look.
|audio = Chougei Summer 2022_Secretary_2.mp3
|notes = Secretary 2
|scenario = Special Attack Damaged
|scenario = [[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Summer 2022]]
|origin = うわんっ!ヤだ〜!
|origin = いいよね、やっぱ。夏はこんくらいでも…こら!あんまじーっときょしすんな!姉さんがめんどよ。あぁ、しーらない。
|translation = Aaah! Oh nooo!
|translation = This is great, isn't it? Summer is pretty good... Hey! Don't keep staring at me! You'll get in trouble with sis. Ah, you're on your own.
|audio = Chougei Special Attack Damaged.mp3
|audio = Chougei Summer 2022_Secretary_3.mp3
|notes =  
|notes = Secretary 3
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Chougei Full Autumn 2021.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2021|Autumn 2021]]
Chougei Full Autumn 2021.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2021|Autumn 2021]]
Chougei Full Autumn 2021 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2021|Autumn 2021 Damaged]]
Chougei Full Autumn 2021 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Autumn_2021|Autumn 2021 Damaged]]
Chougei Full Spring 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Coming of Spring 2022|Spring 2022]]
Chougei Full Spring 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Coming of Spring 2022|Spring 2022 Damaged]]
Chougei Kai Full Spring 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Coming of Spring 2022|Kai Spring 2022]]
Chougei Kai Full Spring 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Coming of Spring 2022|Kai Spring 2022 Damaged]]
Chougei Full Summer 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Summer 2022]]
Chougei Full Summer 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Summer 2022 Damaged]]
Chougei Touch Full Summer 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Touch Summer 2022]]
Chougei Touch Full Summer 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Summer_2022|Touch Summer 2022 Damaged]]
Chougei Full Christmas 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas 2022|Christmas 2022]]
Chougei Full Christmas 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas 2022|Christmas 2022 Damaged]]
Chougei Kai Full Christmas 2022.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas 2022|Kai Christmas 2022]]
Chougei Kai Full Christmas 2022 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Christmas 2022|Kai Christmas 2022 Damaged]]
Chougei Full New Year 2023.png|[[Seasonal/New Year 2023|New Year 2023]]
Chougei Full New Year 2023 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/New Year 2023|New Year 2023 Damaged]]
Chougei Full Setsubun 2024.png|[[Seasonal/Setsubun_2024|Setsubun 2024]]
Chougei Full Setsubun 2024 Damaged.png|[[Seasonal/Setsubun_2024|Setsubun 2024 Damaged]]
==Drop Locations==
;General Information
* Her name means "Long Whale".
* She was launched on the 24th of March 1924.
* Scrapped in 1947.
;Update History
* She was added on the 20th of August 2021 as [[Summer 2021 Event]] E1 drop.
==See Also==
* [[wikipedia:Japanese submarine tender Chōgei|Wikipedia entry on Chougei]]
[[Category:Auxiliary Ship]]
[[Category:World War II Survivors]]
