Resources:Key Readings

Key Readings for Referencing:

  1. LoS Contributions:
  2. LoS 33 Requirements:
  3. Reinforcement Expansion Considerations:
  4. 3-2 Steel Farming:
  5. Support Fleet Considerations:
  6. Night Battle Formation Study:
  7. 6-1 Monthly Considerations:
  8. LBAS Discussion:
  9. 2-5 Discussion and new ideas:
  10. Support Fleet:
  11. 15.2 Fit gun tests:

Memo: Please archive sites at wayback or something, just in case.

  • Updated as of 20170407, 2348H.

MEGA Physical Backup (Contains PDFs of all links listed above, less 15.2 Fit gun tests & LoS 33 Requirements):