Parameter Naming
Module invocation is done via passing parameters and arguments. These parameter names and argument values are all done in the following format
- <"From" Node>_to_<"To" Node> = <argument value>
except for assigning node labels which is shown below.
All parameters still need a pipe character, "|", before the parameter call. Eg, (replace '{' with '{{')
- {#invoke:MapBranching | branchingTemplate
|start_to_A = This is the branching info from the start node to node A
|start_to_start-1 = This is branching info for starting at the first start node. Eg, when CTF/STF determines your starting node
|A_to_B = This is branching info from node A to node B
|A_to_C = This is branching info from node A to node C
All parameters passed to the MapBranching module are named under a simple scheme as described in each subsequent section.
You may add span and css tags as you wish as they will be pasted in directly to the page. Examples are below.
Everything is Case-Insensitive'
Node Names
There are only two types of nodes that can be used in either the "From" node or "To" node
- Start => This indicates the starting node when you first load into a map. This is the starting node that comes before even node A.
- Start-# => Where # is 1 through 5 (because when are we really going to have more than 5 start points). This will simply indicate which start position. Refer to the Spring 2016 event page for examples.
- Any alphabet => These respectively reflect the node names.
Example Invocation
|B_to_C = Active Branching
|B_to_D = Active Branching
|C_to_E = Change of E with 4 or more CL?<br>Failure on LoS check to H
|C_to_H = LoS check <br> Failure sends to E
|F_to_H = LoS check for H. <br>Failure sends to G
|F_to_G = 5 or more CL}}
Results in
Branching Rules | ||
Node | Split | Condition |
B | C | Active Branching |
D | Active Branching | |
C | E | Change of E with 4 or more CL? Failure on LoS check to H |
H | LoS check Failure sends to E | |
F | G | 5 or more CL |
H | LoS check for H. Failure sends to G |
Module written by Remi_Scarlet
local p = {}
-- Module for map branching written by
-- Remi_Scarlet
-- I fucking hate lua.
-- 10/24/15 Added colorful blue button thing
-- 5/5/16 Added multiple start location support
local remiLib = require("Module:RemiLib")
function p.renderBranchingTable(graph, collapsed)
local uniqueID = remiLib.timeHash(graph)
local classString = "mw-customtoggle-" .. tostring(uniqueID)
local idString = "mw-customcollapsible-" .. tostring(uniqueID)
local button = mw.html.create('div')
:wikitext("Show/Hide Branching Rules")
local body = mw.html.create("table")
local titleRow = mw.html.create("tr")
local th = mw.html.create("th")
:attr("colspan",3) -- "from" node, "to" node, requirement text
:wikitext("Branching Rules")
local headerRow = mw.html.create("tr")
th = mw.html.create("th")
th = mw.html.create("th")
th = mw.html.create("th")
-- graph should be something like
-- graph = { ["A"] = {
-- ["B"] = "This is branching information from node A to node B",
-- ["C"] = "And this from A to C",}
-- ["B"] = {
-- ["D"] = "This one from B to D"}
-- }
-- toTable is a table of all the to's
local possibleNodes = remiLib.mergeArrays({"START", "START-1", "START-2",
"START-3", "START-4", "START-5"}
-- 5/5/16
-- Since multiple start paths are possible (Eg, starting from two different places)
-- adding the ability to specify multiple start points. Assuming no more than 5 start points ever lol.
-- Yeah yeah I get that it's bad code design. Shut up, I don't care enough to put more than 5 minutes of thought into this.
for _,from in pairs(possibleNodes) do
if graph[from] ~= nil then
local toTable = graph[from]
local tableRow = mw.html.create("tr")
local col = mw.html.create("td")
local rowHeight = remiLib.getTableSize(toTable)
-- isFirstTo checks if we're on the first alphabetically sorted
-- instance of the "to" node connecting to a "from" node
local isFirstTo = true
for _,toNode in pairs(possibleNodes) do
if toTable[toNode] ~= nil then
if not isFirstTo then
tableRow = mw.html.create("tr")
col = mw.html.create("td")
col = mw.html.create("td")
isFirstTo = false
return tostring(button) .. "\n" .. tostring(body)
function p.branchingTemplate(frame)
-- implementing graph as an adjacency list
local mapGraph = {}
local collapsed = true
if frame.args["collapsed"] ~= nil and string.lower(frame.args["collapsed"]) == "false" then
collapsed = false
for param,value in pairs(frame.args) do
local split = mw.text.split(param,"_")
-- length is 3, eg A_to_B or B_to_C
-- second val in split is "to" as above
-- first and third should be length 1 cuz they should be singular letters
if #split == 3 and
string.lower(split[2]) == "to" and
(#split[1] == 1 or (string.find(string.lower(split[1]),"start") ~= nil)) and
(#split[3] == 1 or (string.find(string.lower(split[3]),"start") ~= nil))then
local from = string.upper(split[1])
local to = string.upper(split[3])
if (remiLib.valid(from,remiLib.letters) or (string.find(string.lower(split[1]),"start") ~= nil)) and
(remiLib.valid(to,remiLib.letters) or (string.find(string.lower(split[3]),"start") ~= nil))then
if mapGraph[from] == nil then
mapGraph[from] = {}
mapGraph[from][to] = value
--local html = remiLib.dictConcat(table.getKeys(mapGraph["START-4"]),"|")
local html = p.renderBranchingTable(mapGraph,collapsed)
return html
return p