Module:Data/Season/Third Anniversary
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/Third Anniversary/doc
--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]
return {
index = {
["Destroyers"] = { "Shimakaze", "Fubuki", "Shirayuki", "Hatsuyuki", "Ayanami", "Shikinami", "Mutsuki", "Kisaragi", "Mochizuki", "Yayoi", "Uzuki", "Oboro", "Akebono", "Sazanami", "Ushio", "Akatsuki", "Hibiki", "Ikazuchi", "Inazuma", "Shiratsuyu", "Shigure", "Murasame", "Yuudachi", "Asashio", "Ooshio", "Michishio", "Arashio", "Arare", "Kasumi", "Akigumo", "Yuugumo", "Makigumo", "Naganami", "Isokaze", "Urakaze", "Tanikaze", "Hamakaze", "Tokitsukaze", "Akizuki", "Teruzuki", "Hatsuzuki", "Takanami", "Asashimo", "Libeccio", "Okinami", "Kazagumo", "Arashi", "Hagikaze", "Umikaze", "Kawakaze" },
["Light Cruisers"] = { "Tenryuu", "Tatsuta", "Kuma", "Tama", "Kiso", "Yura", "Sendai", "Jintsuu", "Naka", "Kinu", "Abukuma", "Agano", "Noshiro", "Yahagi", "Sakawa", "Ooyodo" },
["Heavy Cruisers"] = { "Mogami", "Aoba", "Myoukou", "Nachi", "Ashigara", "Haguro", "Takao", "Atago", "Tone", "Chikuma", "Mikuma", "Kinugasa", "Zara" },
["Battleships"] = { "Nagato", "Mutsu", "Kongou", "Hiei", "Haruna", "Kirishima", "Fusou", "Yamashiro", "Yamato", "Musashi", "Littorio", "Roma" },
["Light Carriers"] = { "Houshou", "Ryuujou", "Chitose", "Chiyoda", "Shouhou", "Zuihou" },
["Standard Carriers"] = { "Akagi", "Kaga", "Shoukaku", "Zuikaku", "Taihou", "Unryuu", "Katsuragi", "Graf Zeppelin" },
["Submarines"] = { "I-19", "I-168", "I-8", "Maruyu", "U-511" },
["Auxiliaries"] = { "Kashima", "Akitsu Maru", "Akashi", "Akitsushima", "Mizuho", "Hayasui" },
ships = {
["Shimakaze"] = {
ja = "まだ三周年なの?おっそーい!でもおめでとう。提督、お祝いに島風と駆けっこしよ。負けませんよ!",
en = "It's still third anniversary? Too slow! even then, congrats. Admiral, let's race as a celebration. I won't lose!",
["Fubuki"] = {
ja = "司令官、三周年ですよ、三周年です!もうほんとにびっくりです!特型駆逐艦吹雪幸せであります!なんて",
en = "Commander, the third anniversary is here, the third anniversary! I'm really amazed! Special Type destroyers Fubuki is happy! Ehe.",
["Shirayuki"] = {
ja = "三周年、心よりお祝い申し上げます。白雪も、ますますお役に立てるよう頑張ります。はい、お任せ下さい!",
en = "Heartfelt congratulation for the third anniversary. Shirayuki will continue to strive to contribute. Yes. Leave it to me!",
["Hatsuyuki"] = {
ja = "三周年…初雪も…嬉しい。ほんとだよ…うん、嬉しい…。",
en = "Third anniversary...Hatsuyuki is...happy. Really..., happy...",
["Ayanami"] = {
ja = "ついに、や~り~ま~し~た~!司令官、三周年、ほんとにおめでとうございます。えひひ、綾波も嬉しい!",
en = "At last, weeeee haaaaave dooooone iiiiit! Commander, congrants for third anniversary. Ehehe. Ayanami feels delighted!",
["Shikinami"] = {
ja = "司令官、三周年だってね!ちょっと信じらんないね。でも、ちょっと嬉しいね。これからも宜しくね?",
en = "Commander, it's the third anniversary! It's a little hard to believe you know. But, I'm also a bit happy. I will continue to be in your care, 'k?",
["Mutsuki"] = {
ja = "およ?!三周年にゃしい!えへへ、提督、如月ちゃん三周年だよ!三周年!",
en = "Oh?! It's the third anniversary! Ehehe, Admiral, Kisaragi-chan, it's the third anniversary! The third anniversary!",
["Kisaragi"] = {
ja = "司令官、三周年ですって。ほんとに如月も驚いちゃう!今日は二人で、お祝いしましょう!",
en = "Commander, it's the third anniversary today. I was really surprised too. Let's celebrate today with just the two of us.",
["Mochizuki"] = {
ja = "うわー、三周年とかってマジぃ?すご...ありえないわー。…あ、まあ、とりあえず寝よっかね?",
en = "Woah, third anniversary is here? Amazing... unbelieveable. Ah, well, sleep time I guess?",
["Yayoi"] = {
ja = "司令官…三周年、おめでとう…です。弥生も…嬉しい…です。はい。",
en = "Commander, congratz... on the third years anniversary. Yayoi... is happy too. Yes.",
["Uzuki"] = {
ja = "司令官三周年だぴょん!うーちゃんも嬉しいぴょん…でし!",
en = "Commander~!!! It's third year anniversary pyon! U-chan is happy pyon! Splash!",
["Oboro"] = {
ja = "提督。私たち、三周年みたいです!多分、…はい、朧、とってもいいと思います。はい!",
en = "Admiral. Seems like it is our third anniversary today! I think...yeah, I feel that it's a great thing. Yup!",
["Akebono"] = {
ja = "クソ提督。あたしたち、三周年だって!まあ、一応嬉しいこと……かな。クソ提督!",
en = "Shitty admiral. I heard that it's our third anniversary! Well, I guess I am happy... for now. Shitty admiral!",
["Sazanami"] = {
ja = "3周年(・∀・)キタコレ!あ~(∩ω∩)漣たちもついに4年目に突入となってしまいましたが~(*´ω`*)えへっ♪",
en = "Third anniversary's ktkr(・∀・)! Ahh~ (∩ω∩) It seems like Sazanmi has finally entered the forth year (*´ω`*) Tee hee♪",
["Ushio"] = {
ja = "提督、あの…提督と潮たち、三周年ですね?感慨深いです、おめでとうございます!",
en = "Admiral, uhm... it's the third anniversary for us, isn't it? It has a very special meaning for me, so congratulation!",
["Akatsuki"] = {
ja = "司令官、三周年、おめでとうです。一人前のレディーとしてお祝いするわ!",
en = "Commander, congratulation for the third anniversary. I shall celebrate it as a first class lady!",
["Hibiki"] = {
ja = "司令官、艦隊と我が第六駆逐隊は三周年だ。Хорошо(ハラショー)。さすがにこれは…うれしいな",
en = "Commander, it's the fleet's and our 6thDesDiv's third anniversary. Splendid. As expected, this is... pleasant.",
["Ikazuchi"] = {
ja = "三周年よ、司令官!これからも、もっともっともーっと私に頼っていいのよ!",
en = "It's the third anniversary, Commander! It's fine for you to rely on me more and more and mooore from now on too, you know!",
["Inazuma"] = {
ja = "はわわ、司令官さん、三周年なのです。とってもすごいのです、お祝いなのです。なのです!",
en = "Hawawa! Commander-san, it's the third anniversary nanodesu. It's very amazing; it's a celebration nanodesu. Nanodesu!",
["Shiratsuyu"] = {
ja = "じゃーじゃん!やった!三周年だよ、さん・しゅう・ねん!提督、提督やったね!",
en = "Ta-da~! Yay! It's the third anniversary, The. Third. Anniversary! Admiral, Admiral~ we did it!",
["Shigure"] = {
ja = "提督、僕達、三周年だね。長いようであっという間だった気もする。うん。",
en = "Admiral, It's our third anniversary right? It felt long, but it also felt like it was over in a flash. Yup.",
["Murasame"] = {
ja = "はいはい。提督、三周年ですってっ、三周年。いい感じ、いい感じ!うふふ♪",
en = "Yes yes~. Admiral, it's the third anniversary they say, the third anniversary! It's a good feeling~, a good feeling~ Ufufufu♪",
["Yuudachi"] = {
ja = "ぽ~い。提督さん、ついに三周年ぽい。凄いぽい、やるぽい。ぽいぽいぽい!",
en = "Po~i! Admiral, It's finally the third anniversary poi! It's awesome poi! Way to go poi! poi, poi, poooi!",
["Asashio"] = {
ja = "指令官と朝潮、三周年となりました。指令官の大切な約束。朝潮、いつまでも守る覚悟です!",
en = "It's the third anniversary for both you Commander and I. The precious promise with you... I plan on protecting it with my life!",
["Ooshio"] = {
ja = "指令官、三周年です。これは気分も前回であげあげですね!このあればずっとずっとあげあげで参りましょう!",
en = "Commander, it's the third anniversary. This really fires me up, just like last time. At this pace, let's keep being fired up forever and ever!",
["Michishio"] = {
ja = "三周年、本当に!?あ、なんか、少し信じらないのね。まあ、なんていうか、嬉しい…かな?すこし。",
en = "Is it really the third anniversary!? Wow, it's kind of, unbelievable. Well, how should I say it, I'm... happy? Just a bit.",
["Arashio"] = {
ja = "うふふ…私達、三周年なんですって、凄いわね!素敵!三周年なんて、荒潮、本当にびっくりしたわ!うふふふ",
en = "Ufufu... this is our third anniversary. How amazing! Fantastic! Arashio, is really surprised, about this third anniversary!! Ufufufu",
["Arare"] = {
ja = "指令官、三周年です!おめでとうございます、霰も…嬉しい…です!",
en = "Commander, it's the third anniversary! Congratulation. Arare... also feels... happy about it!",
["Kasumi"] = {
ja = "だっから、なんでそういう大事なことを先に言わないのよ!三周年なのよ!三・周・年!…ほんっとぉに凄いことじゃない!早く言いなさいったら、っとに!…おめでとう",
en = "I say, why don't you ever tell me something this important beforehand! It's the third anniversary! The. Third. Anniversary! ... It's really amazing! Tell me quicker! ... Congrats",
["Akigumo"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年だって、おめでとう!お祝いに秋雲がイラストを描いてあげるね!",
en = "Admiral. It's the third anniversary, congrats! For such an occassion, Akigumo will draw an illustration!",
["Yuugumo"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年だそうです。ううふ。提督、これからも一緒に頑張りましょうね!",
en = "Admiral, it seems to be the third anniversary. Ufufu. Admiral, let's do our best from here on!",
["Makigumo"] = {
ja = "指令官様、おめでとうございます…です。艦隊は三周年お向かいました。巻雲も光栄です。これからも頑張ります!",
en = "Admiral-sama, congratulations... to you. It's the third anniversary for the KanColle. Makigumo feels proud. I'll do my best from here on!",
["Naganami"] = {
ja = "まじかよ三周年って!ひー…なんか…ちょっちすげいな。まあ、なっちまったものしたかない。今年もいっちゃ暴れるか、な、提督!",
en = "Seriously, a third anniversary! My... that's... quite amazing. Well, what's done is done. I'll just thrash around again this year, okay, Admiral!?",
["Isokaze"] = {
ja = "司令、艦隊は、三周年を迎えたそうだな。この磯風も誇らしいぞ。 よし、記念の夜間訓練でも始めようか。手加減はせんぞ。",
en = "Commander, it seems our fleet has arrived at its third anniversary. Isokaze feels about it. Alright, let's start some night battle training to celebrate it. I will not go easy.",
["Urakaze"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年じゃけ!ほんま驚きやね!うちも嬉しいんじゃん!うふふ",
en = "Admiral, it's da third an'versary! What a surprise! I'm also feelin' quite jolly! Ufufu",
["Tanikaze"] = {
ja = "ほぉぉー!?何てこったい!三周年だってよー!こいつは、めでたいな!お祝いだよ!あぁぁー",
en = "Wooh? What'cha say!? It's our third anniversary!? This is... such a fantastic event! Let's celebrate! Aaah!",
["Hamakaze"] = {
ja = "提督。三周年、おめでとうございます。今年も提督と一緒に...あっ、いえ。何でも。",
en = "Admiral. Congratulations to the third anniversary. For this year too, I would like to stay by yo-... Ah, no. Nothing.",
["Tokitsukaze"] = {
ja = "司令、今日は特別な記念日じゃん?おめでとう司令!司令!!司令!!!",
en = "Commander, it's a special anniversary, isn't it? Congrats, Commander! Commander!! Commander!!!",
["Akizuki"] = {
ja = "アーケード?司令、「アーケード」って何ですか?ふむふむ...秋月勉強になります!",
en = "Arcade? Commander, what's an \"Arcade\"? Mhm-mhmm... I'll learn from what you've told me!",
note = "Refering to KanColle Arcade which was official openned in arcades across Japan around the time of the Anniversary (4/26).",
["Teruzuki"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年です!照月も嬉しい!お祝いしましょう!お祝い!",
en = "Admiral, it's the third anniversary! Teruzuki is also delighted! Let's celebrate now! Let's celebrate!",
["Hatsuzuki"] = {
ja = "この艦隊も三周年!というわけか。大したものだ。僕も、祝おう。おめでとう提督。",
en = "So this fleet is now three years old. That's impressive. I'll also celebrate in joy of this event. Congrats, Admiral.",
["Takanami"] = {
ja = "司令官、三周年かも、です。おめでとうございます!高波もお祝いするかも、です!",
en = "Commander, it's maybe the third anniversary. Congratulations! Takanami will celebrate, maybe so!",
["Asashimo"] = {
ja = "よ!三周年だってよ!まじかよすげーな!司令何か記念に奢ってよ!な!",
en = "Yo! I heard it's the third anniversary! Dang, that's the bee's knees! Commander, treat me something as a celebration! Come on!",
note = "Secretary 2",
["Libeccio"] = {
ja = "リベ、三周年お祝いしてあげる!提督さん、おめでとう!うふふ〜",
en = "Libe is going to celebrate our third anniversary! Congratulations, admiral-san! Ufufu~",
["Okinami"] = {
ja = "司令官、三周年、おめでとうございます!沖波、お祝い申し上げます!はい!",
en = "Commander, congratulations to a third anniversary! Okinami will celebrate it! Here!",
["Kazagumo"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年ですって!?言ってよ、先にぃ!私、お祝いとか用意してないし、もぉ~!",
en = "Admiral, it's the third anniversary!? Please tell me beforehand! I haven't prepare anything to celebrate it! Geez~!",
["Arashi"] = {
ja = "嵐を巻き起こして、俺たちついに三周年かよ。まじか...司令、みんな、サンキューな。",
en = "After a storm, we have finally reached the third anniversary. Can't believe it... Commander, everyone, thanks.",
["Hagikaze"] = {
ja = "司令、私たち、達三周年何だそうです。素敵ですね!おめでとうございます!私、お祝いで健康ケーキ、一杯作りますね!",
en = "Commander, it seems like we've reached our third annviersary! Congratulations! I'll bake a healthy cake in celebration!",
["Umikaze"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年ですね!おめでとうございます!海風もお祝い申し上げます!",
en = "Admiral, it's the third year! Congratulations! Umikaze will celebrate too!",
["Kawakaze"] = {
ja = "ん?三周年じゃんか、三周年!やったな!何かびっくりだよ!Yay~!",
en = "Hm? It's the third anniversary, isn't it? The third anniversary! Way to go! That's quite a shocker! Yay~!",
["Tenryuu"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年おめでとうだぜ!まぁ、よく三年も俺の強さに耐えてたな!やるな!",
en = "Admiral, Grats on the third anniversary! Well, you've done good enduring my strength for the past 3 years. Well done!",
["Tatsuta"] = {
ja = "三周年、おめでとうございます。もちろん、おめでたくてもおさわりは禁止されています。あら、聞こえてないの?死にたい?",
en = "Congratulations for third anniversary. Of course, although it's a happy occassion, touching is prohibited. Oh, can't you hear me? Do you want to die?",
["Kuma"] = {
ja = "まさかの三周年だクマ。球磨も驚きだクマ。でもおめでたいクマ。クマァ~!",
en = "It's the unexpected third anniversary, kuma. I'm surprised too, kuma. Still congratulations, kuma! Ku↘ma↗!",
["Tama"] = {
ja = "にゃ!?三周年にゃ?多摩もお祝いするにゃ!すごいにゃ。おめでとうにゃ",
en = "Meow!? Third anniversary, meow? Tama celebrates it, too, meow! It's awesome, meow. Congratulations, meow.",
["Kiso"] = {
ja = "三周年、というわけか?お前と俺も長い付き合いになったな。いや、悪くわないさ",
en = "So it has been three years...? It looks like we've known each other for so long. No, It's not a bad thing.",
["Yura"] = {
ja = "提督さん、三周年、三周年です!本年も艦隊と由良をよろしくお願いしますね!ね?",
en = "Admiral, it's the third anniversary, the third! This year, Yura and also the rest of the fleet will be in your care! Okay?",
["Sendai"] = {
ja = "提督、今日は大事な日じゃん?ね?こんな日夜戦!そう、夜戦しよ!",
en = "Admiral, today's a special day isn't it? Right? On a day like this we should night battle! Yeah, let's night battle!",
["Jintsuu"] = {
ja = "提督、おめでとうございます!今日は大切な日、神通もお祝い申し上げます。",
en = "Admiral, congratulations. Today is an impotant day, I want to offer my congratulations too.",
["Naka"] = {
ja = "はぁぁい、那珂ちゃんだよ!提督今日はスペシャルな日!那珂ちゃんも嬉しい!",
en = "He~ey, it's Naka-chan! Admiral, today is a special day! Naka-chan is happy too!",
["Kinu"] = {
ja = "ふぅーいぃーやったは〜は!三周年!鬼怒はね鬼怒はねほんとに嬉しいよ!艦隊と提督に乾杯万歳!",
en = "III~YAA~HOO-HO-HOO~!! Third Anniversary! You know? You know!? I am so happy! Cheers to our fleet and admiral! Huzzah!",
["Abukuma"] = {
ja = "三周年!三周年ですよ三周年!あたし的にウルトラOKです!提督、おめでとうございます!",
en = "Third anniversary! Third anniversary, it's the third anniversary! It's ultra OK for me! Admiral, congratulations!",
["Agano"] = {
ja = "キラリ☆提督さん私達三周年です。提督さん!おめでとう!阿賀野嬉しい",
en = "Kirari☆ Admiral, it's our third anniversary. A~dmiral! Congrats! Agano is happy.",
["Noshiro"] = {
ja = "提督、おめでとうございます!この春三周年となります。能代、そして私達阿賀野型これからも頑張ります。",
en = "Congratulations, Admiral! It is the third anniversary as of this spring. Noshiro, along with everyone else of the Agano class, will do her best from here on.",
["Yahagi"] = {
ja = "提督、おめでとう。私達三周年ですって。提督もお疲れ様!これからも宜しくお願いね!",
en = "Admiral, congrats. It is our third anniversary. Thank you for your hard work, Admiral! I'll be in your care from here on too!",
["Sakawa"] = {
ja = "ぴょおん!三周年ですって!司令おめでとう、酒匂も嬉しい!ぴゃっとお祝いしたいね",
en = "Pyon! I heard it's our third anniversary! Congrats, Commander. Sakawa is happy! Let's celebrate with a Pya~",
["Ooyodo"] = {
ja = "提督、我が艦隊は三周年を迎える事できました、おめでとうございます。これからもどうぞよろしくお願いします。",
en = "Admiral, our fleet has now reached its third year of service. Congratulations. We'll be of service and in your care as well for the next year.",
["Mogami"] = {
ja = "提督、3周年だってさ! すごいね! さみしがり屋のボクと提督、だからかなぁ? ……なんてね! へへっ♪",
en = "Admiral, I heard it's our third anniversary! That's amazing! Could it be because we are such shy people, Admiral? ...Just kidding! Hehe♪",
["Aoba"] = {
ja = "どーも司令官! 恐縮です! 艦隊はついに3周年を迎え、4年目の戦いに突入するようです! 記念に1枚下さい! 恐縮です!",
en = "Good day, Commander! Excuse my intrusion! With it being the fleet's third anniversary, we are heading off into our fourth year of battle! For commemorations, one photo please! Once again, pardon my intrusion!",
["Myoukou"] = {
ja = "提督。今日のような大切な日に、この妙高を側に置いていただけて、感謝致します。",
en = "Admiral, I would like to show my appreciation for you spending time with me, Myoukou, on this important occasion.",
["Nachi"] = {
ja = "ああそうだ、今日は特別な日だな。今夜ばかりは飲ませてもらおう。貴様と共にな。",
en = "Ah, that's right. Today is a special day. Then I shall drink the night away. Of course, with you.",
["Ashigara"] = {
ja = "あら、今日は私達の大切な記念日じゃない! こんな日は、カツを揚げなきゃ! ねえ!?",
en = "Oh my, today is an important occasion for us. It's a good day to deep fry some Katsu! Right!?",
["Haguro"] = {
ja = "し、司令官さん。今日は記念日ですね。羽黒も本当に嬉しい……嬉しいです。……はい!",
en = "C-Commander. Today is the fleet's anniversary day, right? I am so happy... Happy indeed... Yes!",
["Takao"] = {
ja = "なんということ?私達、三周年なんですって!おめでとうございます!私も嬉しいです!",
en = "What do we have here? It seems to be our third anniversary! Congratulations! I'm also happy about it!",
["Atago"] = {
ja = "ぱんぱかぱーん! 提督、 3周年、おめでとうございます。提督、みんな、おめでとう!",
en = "Pan-paka-pa~n! Admiral, congratulations, on our third anniversary. Admiral, everyone, congratulations!",
["Tone"] = {
ja = "三周年か!なんとあっぱれなことじゃ!うむ!な~っはっはっはっはっは、な~はっは…あひがっ!げ…ぐ…。",
en = "Third anniversary, isn't it! How splendid of an occassion it is, indeed! Aye! Wah-hahahahaha! Na-haha- Owch! Nn... gh...",
["Chikuma"] = {
ja = "提督。三周年、おめでとうございます。これまで以上に私達利根型も頑張りますね。ね、利根姉さん?…あら、利根姉さん?",
en = "Admiral. Congratulations on the third anniversary. We of the Tone-class will continue to do our best as we have done so. Right, Tone nee-san? ...oh my, Tone nee-san?",
note = "Responding to above.",
["Mikuma"] = {
ja = "クマリンコ!提督、三周年です!おめでとうございます!",
en = "Kumarinko! Admiral, it's our third anniversary! Congratulations!",
["Kinugasa"] = {
ja = "提督、おめでとうございます!艦隊はついに三周年を迎えました!六戦隊、そして衣笠さんをこれからも宜しくね!",
en = "Admiral, congratulations! Our fleet has finally reached its third anniversary! The sixth fleet, along with Kinugusa, will be in your care!",
["Zara"] = {
ja = "提督三周年だって!やったね!ザラからもお祝いさせて、おめでとう!",
en = "Admiral, it's the third anniversary! That's fantastic! Allow Zara to celebrate too. Congratulations!",
["Nagato"] = {
ja = "我々も三周年か。胸が熱いな。よし。今日は酒保を盛大に開けよう! そうか、三周年か…。早いものだな。",
en = "It has been three years for us. How thrilling... Alright. Today, let's open our naval shop magnificently! I see, it's our third year... Time sure flies...",
["Mutsu"] = {
ja = "あら、あらあら。三周年なの? すごいわね。続くものね! 少し驚きだわ。 ああ、そんな意味じゃないのよ。いい意味で、ね?",
en = "Oh! Oh my! It's the third anniversary! It amazes me that we still go on. I'm a bit surprised over it. Oh, I did not mean it in that way. I meant it well, okay?",
["Kongou"] = {
ja = "ヘーイ、提督ゥ! third anniversaryダヨー! Yay~! Congratulations and Burning Love~!!",
en = "Hey, admiral~! It's the third anniversary! Yay~! Congratulations and Burning Love~!!",
["Hiei"] = {
ja = "比叡、恋も、三周年も、気合!入れて!いきまぁす!! はぁい! はぁ、はぁ…",
en = "I, Hiei, in both love and this third anniversary, will keep on going! With my spirits! Held high!! Yeah! *pant pant*",
["Haruna"] = {
ja = "提督?今年も榛名と一緒に、三周年を迎えて頂いて本当にありがとうございます。 榛名、感激です。うふっ。提督…。",
en = "Admiral. Thank you so much for being with me, Haruna, as we arrive at this third anniversary. I feel inspired by it. Ehe... admiral...",
["Kirishima"] = {
ja = "マイク、音量大丈夫? チェック、ワン、ツー、よし…。 本日はお日柄もよく、三周年本当におめでとうございます。これからも、私たち… え?ん?長い?",
en = "Is the mic volume ok? Check. One, two... Good. *breaths in* Today, I would like to show my gratitude for reaching our third anniversary. From here on, we will b-... eh? Hn? Too long?",
["Fusou"] = {
ja = "山城、今日は特別な日よ。ほら、提督にご挨拶を...山城? あら居ないの? 山城?",
en = "Yamashiro, today is a special day. Go on and greet the admiral... Yamashiro? Oh, is she not here? Yamashiro?",
["Yamashiro"] = {
ja = "姉さま、姉さま。今日は特別な大切な日です。 あれ 姉さま? 提督、姉さまはどこ?",
en = "Nee-sama, Nee-sama. Today is a very special and important day. Wait, Nee-sama? Admiral, where is Nee-sama?",
["Yamato"] = {
ja = "提督、艦隊は三周年を迎えました。おめでとうございます。大和も、大和も嬉しいです!ラムネで、乾杯しましょう!",
en = "Admiral, our fleet has reached its third year. Congratulations. I, Yamato... I am so happy for this occassion! Let's make a toast with some Ramune.",
["Musashi"] = {
ja = "提督よ、我等、三周年を迎えたぞ。うっふふ。いいものだなぁ、信頼できる仲間というものは。次の一年も、頼むぞ、相棒。",
en = "Admiral. We have finally reached our third year. Ufufu... It is such a great thing when you have friends that are so reliable. Here's to another year, partner.",
["Littorio"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年だそうですね。本当におめでとうございます。私たちも嬉しいですね。",
en = "Admiral, it seems to be our third anniversary. Truly, congratulations. We too are joyous of this event.",
["Roma"] = {
ja = "ふうん、三周年なんだ。そう、それはおめでとう。私も、祝福します。な、なによ。",
en = "Hmmm, so it's the third year. I see, well congrats to that. Maybe, I'll celebrate it too. Wha-what is it?",
["Houshou"] = {
ja = "提督、艦隊は三周年を迎えました。本当にお疲れ様です。これからも頑張りましょう!",
en = "Admiral, the fleet has arrived at its third anniversary. Truly, thank you for your hard work. Let's also do our best from here on!",
["Ryuujou"] = {
ja = "偉いこっちゃ!三周年やで!めでたいめでたい!偉いこっちゃで!",
en = "Holy cow! It's our third year! Ain't this a happy occasion! Holy hot dang!",
["Chitose"] = {
ja = "提督、私達三周年です。本当にお疲れ様でした!ご一緒できて光栄です。",
en = "Admiral, it's our third anniversary. Really, thank you so much for your hard work. It's an honor to be with you.",
["Chiyoda"] = {
ja = "へっ!?三周年何だ、私達?何かすごいけど...えっ?何だろ?あっと言う間...",
en = "Huh!? So, it is our third anniversary? I know that is amazing, but... Eh? How should I say it? It just so sudden that I...",
["Shouhou"] = {
ja = "提督、今日は記念日ですね?提督と一緒にこの日を迎えられて、私嬉しいです!",
en = "Admiral, today is a day to commemorate, isn't it? I'm really happy that I am able to approach this day together with you!",
["Zuihou"] = {
ja = "提督、三周年です三周年!記念の卵焼き張り切ってたくさん作りますね!えへへ!",
en = "Admiral, it's our third anniversary! Third, I say! I'll do my best in making the best tamagoyaki for this commemoration! Ehehe!",
["Akagi"] = {
ja = "提督、今日は私達一航戦にとっても大切な日。これからも宜しくお願いたします!",
en = "Admiral, today is an important day to us CarDiv 1. Here's to another year working together with you!",
["Kaga"] = {
ja = "三周年、やりました。これは流石に気分が高揚します。今日はお酒をいただきましょう。提督もご一緒にいかがですか?",
en = "The third anniversary is here. Truly, this gives me such an exhilarating feeling. Let's celebrate it with sake. Would you like to join me, admiral?",
["Shoukaku"] = {
ja = "三周年、私もとっても嬉しく思います。ん、瑞鶴?瑞鶴?瑞鶴!?もう、瑞鶴またいないの?",
en = "Third anniversary. I think that this is a wonderful event. Zuikaku? Zuikaku? Zuikaku!? Really, is Zuikaki not here again?",
["Zuikaku"] = {
ja = "提督さん、翔鶴姉、おめでと~う!三周年だね!ハハッ!なんか信じられないな!また来年も翔鶴姉達この日を迎えられるといいな!",
en = "Admiral-san, Shoukaku-nee, congratulations! It's our third anniversary! Ha ha! It's kind of unbelievable! It would be great if we, the Shoukaku-class, can see another anniversary together next year!",
["Taihou"] = {
ja = "提督、艦隊三周年本当におめでとうございます。この大鳳もお祝い申し上げます。これからもご一緒に頑張って参りましょう。",
en = "Admiral, congratulation on our fleet's third anniversary. I, Taihou will celebrate this occasion. Let us do our best for the upcoming year.",
["Unryuu"] = {
ja = "提督、嬉しいわ。艦隊は三周年ですって。私達ずっと一緒に居られるのかしら?そう?そうなると、いいわね。",
en = "Admiral, this is pleasing. Our fleet is at its third anniversary. Do you think we will be able to stay together? You do? I hope that it will be the case.",
["Katsuragi"] = {
ja = "そっか、今日は私達にとって大切な日ね。あなたにとってもそうよね?ねぇ?",
en = "I see, today is an important day for us, huh? It is for you too, isn't it? Right?",
["Graf Zeppelin"] = {
ja = "Admiral、この艦隊は三周年を迎えるというのか?よろしい、今日はお祝いとしよう!祝賀というものはいいものだ。",
en = "Admiral, is it true that this fleet is at its third anniversary? Sehr gut, let's celebrate for this day! Celebrations are such good things.",
["I-19"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 提督イク達三周年なの!めでたいの!これからも宜しくなの!",
en = "",
["I-168"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 司令官!三周年です、三周年!すごいね!イムヤも少しびっくり。これからも、伊号のこと、宜しくね!",
en = "(Rough Translation) Commander! It's the third anniversary, the third anniversary! So cool! Imuya is a bit surprised too. Please take care of me from now on too!",
["I-8"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 三周年、すごいですね!三周年です!はっちゃんも、少し驚きです。お祝いですね。",
en = "(Rough Translation) Three years, amazing isn't it? It's the third anniversary! Hacchan is a little surprised too. It's a celebration.",
["Maruyu"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 隊長、三周年おめでとうございます!まるゆももぐもぐ嬉しいです。まるゆこれからも頑張ります。",
en = "Captain, congratulations on our third anniversary! I, Maruyu will dig out happily. I will do my best from now on.",
["U-511"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) ユーも今日は楽しい。ビスマルク姉様も楽しいそう。でも・・・食べ過ぎかも・・・",
en = "Yuu too, had fun today. It seems like Bismarck-neesan enjoyed herself too. But... I may have ate too much...",
["Kashima"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 提督さん、おめでとうございます!三周年ですって!私も嬉しいです!うふふ",
en = "(Rough Translation) Congratulation on the third anniversary admiral. It's your third anniversary, isn't it? This make me happy too. Heheh~",
["Akitsu Maru"] = {
ja = "将校殿…いや、提督殿。三周年、誠におめでたいのであります。自分も大変嬉しく思うのであります。",
en = "Officer, or rather, Admiral. Congratulations on our third anniversary, sir. I am humbly pleased for it, sir.",
["Akashi"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 提督、今日は記念日じゃないですか?いいですね!記念に何か作っちゃいます?",
en = "Admiral, isn't today our anniversary? It's great isn't it? Are you making anything to commemorate?",
["Akitsushima"] = {
ja = "提督!三周年かもです、三周年!嬉しいですね・・・お祝いに大きな大きなロールキャベツ作りますね!よーし!",
en = "Admiral! It's the third anniversary kamodesu, third anniversary. All-right, I will make a really really big cabbage roll to celebrate this happy occasion!",
["Mizuho"] = {
ja = "(Rough Transcription) 提督、三周年だそうです!ほんとにおめでとうございます!瑞穂も嬉しいです!",
en = "Admiral, It is the third anniversary. Congratulations. I too, am happy for it.",
["Hayasui"] = {
ja = "提督さん、三周年ですで!すごい!速吸も本当に嬉しいです。はい!",
en = "(Rough Translation) It's the third anniversary admiral! Amazing! Hayasui is very happy.",