Module:Data/Season/Rainy Season 2015
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/Rainy Season 2015/doc
--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]
return {
index = {
["Destroyers"] = { "Mutsuki", "Kisaragi", "Yayoi", "Uzuki", "Satsuki", "Mochizuki", "Fubuki", "Shirayuki", "Hatsuyuki", "Miyuki", "Murakumo", "Isonami", "Ayanami", "Shikinami", "Верный", "Shigure", "Murasame", "Yuudachi", "Samidare", "Suzukaze", "Kuroshio", "Yukikaze", "Tokitsukaze", "Takanami", "Shimakaze" },
["Light Cruisers"] = { "Tenryuu", "Tatsuta", "Kuma", "Tama", "Kiso", "Kinu", "Abukuma", "Sendai", "Jintsuu", "Naka" },
["Heavy Cruisers"] = { "Myoukou", "Choukai", "Mogami", "Tone", "Chikuma" },
["Battleships"] = { "Kongou", "Fusou", "Yamashiro", "Hyuuga", "Nagato", "Mutsu", "Littorio", "Roma" },
["Light Carriers"] = { "Shouhou" },
["Standard Carriers"] = { "Akagi", "Kaga", "Shoukaku", "Zuikaku" },
["Auxiliaries"] = { "Akashi", "Akitsushima" },
ships = {
["Mutsuki"] = {
ja = "如月ちゃん、最近雨が多いね。そうだ、てるてる坊主作ろう、如月ちゃんと睦月の!",
en = "It's been raining a lot recently, Kisaragi-chan. Ah, let's make some teru teru bozus! One for Kisaragi-chan & one for me!",
["Kisaragi"] = {
ja = "あら~、睦月ちゃんのてるてる坊主可愛いわね。如月のもあるの?ありがとう!",
en = "My, Mutsuki-chan's teru teru bozu is cute. There is one for Kisaragi, too? Thanks!",
["Yayoi"] = {
ja = "梅雨…あ…このてるてる坊主…可愛い…あ、気にしないで…ください…",
en = "Rainy season.... Ah, this teru teru cute.... Ah, please....don't mind me....",
["Uzuki"] = {
ja = "雨の日は苦手だぴょん。ぷっぷくぷ…",
en = "I don't like rainy days. Puppukupu....",
["Satsuki"] = {
ja = "皐月の…季節…えへ、僕の季節だね!うふふふ!",
en = "The season of May.... Eheh, it's my season, isn't it? Ufufufu!",
note = "''Satsuki'' is the lunar calendar's fifth month.",
["Mochizuki"] = {
ja = "眠い…梅雨か…雨音って眠気を誘うよね…指令官も一緒に寝よう…",
en = "I'm sleepy.... Rainy season, huh... The sound of rain is really lulling.... Commander, let's sleep....",
["Fubuki"] = {
ja = "今日も雨ですね…えー、梅雨ですから、仕方ないですね、雨。あ、そうだ!訓練しましょう!ん!あれ?白露型が元気ですね…",
en = "It's also raining today.... Well, it's the rainy season, so I guess the rain can't be helped with. Ah, that's it! Let's do some training! Yes! Huh? The Shiratsuyu-class looks lively, don't they....",
["Shirayuki"] = {
ja = "雨には雨の戦い方がある、そう教えてくれたのは司令官です。大丈夫、雨の日もご一緒に参りましょう!",
en = "'We have a way to battle even on rainy days!'. It is you who taught me that, Commander. Don't worry, let's do our best on a rainy day!",
["Hatsuyuki"] = {
ja = "梅雨の雨。雨は嫌い。引きこもる。",
en = "Rain in the rainy season. I hate rain. I will stay inside.",
["Miyuki"] = {
ja = "梅雨はうっとうしいよなあ。なー、磯波よ。おい、聞いてる?",
en = "The rainy season's quite annoying, don't you think, Isonami? Hey, are you listening?",
["Murakumo"] = {
ja = "梅雨か…ま、嫌いじゃないわ。少しゆっくりできるじゃない。アンタは嫌いなの?",
en = "The rainy season, huh.... Well, it isn't so bad. It allows us to take it easy for a while. You dislike it?",
["Isonami"] = {
ja = "梅雨ですね。なんか、落ち着いた気持ちになって、これはこれでいいですね。え、深雪ちゃん?違うの!?ええ!?",
en = "It's the rainy season. For some reason, it makes me really calm, so I like it as it is. Eh, Miyuki? That's not it? Ehhhhh!?",
["Ayanami"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節、雨の音も、気持ちを切り替えれば、心地良いですね。司令官も、そう思われます?",
en = "The rainy season & the sound of the rain. If you take it differently, it's quite comfortable. Don't you think so, Commander?",
["Shikinami"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節は、あんま外出る気がしなくて少しやだな。まあ、いいんだけどさ、ん。",
en = "The rainy season makes me not want to go out, so I am not too fond of it. Well, whatever. Yeah.",
["Верный"] = {
ja = "司令官の手は、温かいな。いや、その…ロシアでは、重宝される手だ。",
en = "Commander's hand... it's warm. No, that's... It's a gifted hand to have in Russia.",
note = "That is, holding hands to warm up. Literally: ''In Russia, it's a very convenient/useful hand.''",
["Shigure"] = {
ja = "提督。……止まない雨は無いさ。……そう、心配しなくていいんだ。……僕も、いつでも一緒にいる。そばにいて……いいんだよね。",
en = "Admiral. ....There's no rain that does not end. ....Yes, there's no need to worry. ....I, too, will always be with you. It's fine for be by your side, right?",
note = "Shigure's 80th anniversary ([[wikipedia:Japanese destroyer Shigure (1935)|launched May 18th, 1935]])",
["Murasame"] = {
ja = "あ、春雨?…じゃなかった、提督?どなたかお探し?あ、違うの。なぁに?村雨でよかったら、お話聞くよ?なになに?",
en = "Ah, Harusame...? No, Admiral? Are you looking for someone? Ah, that's not it? What's wrong? If you're okay, Murasame is here to listen. Now, what is it?",
["Yuudachi"] = {
ja = "うぅ、うぅ~んっ、気持ちいいっぽーい!",
en = "Mmmmh~, It feels good, poi!",
["Samidare"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節、五月雨、結構好きなんです。なんかこう…雨って良くないですか?ね♪",
en = "Samidare is quite fond of the rainy season. How should I put it.... Isn't the rain just so good? Ne♪",
note = "''Samidare'' means ''May rain''. Is used as another term for long rains of the rainy Season.",
["Suzukaze"] = {
ja = "うーん、梅雨だな。雨か。嫌いじゃねーけど…ま、いっか!な、五月雨。な!",
en = "Hmm, it's the rainy season. Rain, huh. I don't dislike it, but.... Well, whatever! Right, Samidare? Right?!",
["Kuroshio"] = {
ja = "雨やね。雨の季節は、それはそれでええもんやね。",
en = "The rain, huh. The season of rain - it is good in it's own way.",
["Yukikaze"] = {
ja = "しれぇ……最近雨の日がおおいです。制服や洗濯物が乾きにくくて困りますね。しれぇ♪",
en = "Commander! There are a lot of rainy days recently. It's quite annoying since our uniforms & laundry won't dry as well, right?",
["Tokitsukaze"] = {
ja = "雨の季節はやだね~、なんか嫌~。…そんな時はぁ、司令の頭にでも登るかぁ~っ!がーるる~っ♪",
en = "I hate the rainy season~ I just hate it~. ....At times like this, I'll just climb up the Commander's head! Garuru~",
note = "''Garuru'' is a little wolf's growling sound.",
["Takanami"] = {
ja = "雨の日が続く…かも…です。でも、雨の日は静かで良いですね。高波、好きかもです。",
en = "The rainy days will continue....maybe. Still, rainy days are quiet & nice, aren't they? Takanami, might like it.",
["Shimakaze"] = {
ja = "この季節は雨が多くて、連装砲ちゃんたちがかわいそう。早く夏になれ~、はやくはやく~!",
en = "It rains a lot during this season. I feel bad for the Rensouhous. Summer, come quickly! Hurry, hurry~!",
["Tenryuu"] = {
ja = "提督、出掛けるのか?今日は傘持って出た方がいいぜ。と、オレの電探が言ってるな。",
en = "Admiral, are you heading out? You should take an umbrella with you. Well, so my radar says.",
["Tatsuta"] = {
ja = "もう、いつまで降り続けるのかしら。湿度が高いと、傷が痛むのよね…うふふ。",
en = "I wonder when will it stop raining. As the humidity is high, wounds start to hurt.... Ufufu.",
["Kuma"] = {
ja = "梅雨は苦手だクマ。ク~マ~…ク~マ~…ああ!雨は苦手だクマ。ク~マ~…",
en = "I hate Tsuyu kuma. Kuuuumaaaa… kuuuumaaaa… Aah! I hate the rain kuma. Kuuumaaa..",
note = "[[wikipedia:East Asian rainy season|Tsuyu]] is the rainy season in East Asia. Typically between spring and summer.Kuma is not a bear.",
["Tama"] = {
ja = "雨の日は、お部屋の中で丸まっていたいにゃ。なんか眠いにゃ。おやすみにゃ。",
en = "On rainy days, it makes me want to curl up in the room, nya. Kind of sleepy, nya. Good night, nya.",
note = "Tama is not a cat.",
["Kiso"] = {
ja = "雨の季節は体の傷が疼く…「早く早く」と嗾けてくれる様だ…いや、気にするな。",
en = "The rainy season makes the wounds on my body ache... Telling me, \"Faster. Go faster.\"... Nah, don't mind me.",
["Kinu"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節、雨の日多いよね~。あっ、退屈だからしりとりしよっか!えっと、提督、く…駆逐艦!…あっ、終わりじゃん!",
en = "It's the rainy season. It seems like almost everyday is raining~. Ah, let's play shiritori to kill our time! Let's see, Teitoku, Ku....Kuchikukan.... Ah, It's over!",
note = "[[wikipedia:Shiritori|Shiritori]]<br>Admiral & destroyer, respectively<br>There is no official word in Japanese that starts with the character ん (n).",
["Abukuma"] = {
ja = "雨の日が多い、梅雨の季節かあ…心なしか、白露型がはしゃいでる。…駆逐艦、うざい。…やだ、誰かさんの口癖が移っちゃった!?",
en = "There's a lot of rainy days. It's the rainy season, huh.... The Shiratsuyu-class are frolicking around without a care in the world. ....Destroyers, annoying... Oh no, someone's habit is rubbing off on me!?",
note = "A reference to one of [[Kitakami#Hourly_Notifications|Kitakami]]'s lines.",
["Sendai"] = {
ja = "梅雨かぁ。艤装が傷むからやなんだよねー。でもいっか!夜戦には雨も何もないしね!",
en = "The rainy season, huh. It damages the equipment, so I don't really like it. But that's no matter! Rain or no rain doesn't mean much for night battles, anyway!",
["Jintsuu"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節… 雨の音… 落ち着いた気持ちになれますね。提督、今日は静かですね。",
en = "The rainy season.... The sound of rain.... It makes for a really calm feeling. Admiral, it's quiet today, isn't it?",
["Naka"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節も、那珂ちゃんはもちろんセンター!那珂ちゃんてるてる坊主も、もちろんセンターです!",
en = "Even during the rainy season, Naka-chan is the center! Of course, Naka-chan's teru teru bozu is also the center!",
["Myoukou"] = {
ja = "雨の季節、梅雨ですね。雨の音も、目を閉じて聞いていると…心が落ち着きますね。",
en = "The season of rain. It's the rainy season. Even the sound of rain, when you close your eyes & listen.... It calms your mind, doesn't it.",
["Choukai"] = {
ja = "司令官さん。梅雨の季節は、少し落ち着きますね…え、違いますか!?す、すみません…",
en = "Commander. The rainy season is quite calming isn't it.... Eh, am I wrong? I-I am sorry....",
["Mogami"] = {
ja = "提督、ちょっと動かないでね。ほら、帽子はこうした方がかっこいいよ!",
en = "Admiral, hold still for a bit. See, wearing your hat this way is cooler!",
["Tone"] = {
ja = "塀の上にカタツムリがおるぞ!風流じゃなぁ。ぅえ!?これは塀を食しておるのか!?なんと!",
en = "Look, there's a snail on top of the fence! That's quite a scene. Wha!? You say it is eating the fence!? Now really?!",
["Chikuma"] = {
ja = "姉さん、カタツムリをいじめてはダメですよ。あ、愛でている? そ、そうですか…",
en = "Dear sister, you should not be bullying that snail. Ah, you're admiring it? I-Is that so....",
["Kongou"] = {
ja = "Oh、Rainyな梅雨のSeason、私苦手です!うぅ~!",
en = "Oh, 梅 rainy season of 雨! I don't like it! Uu~!",
note = "<small>The English's Japanese is an attempted complement to the Japanese's English to reflect how rainy season is mentioned once in each language due to Kongou being Kongou.</small>",
["Fusou"] = {
ja = "山城、梅雨の季節は、やっぱり雨が多いわね。時雨は元気にしているかしら…",
en = "Yamashiro, there is indeed a lot of rain in the rainy season.... I wonder if Shigure is well....",
["Yamashiro"] = {
ja = "姉様、梅雨の季節は艤装が傷みがちで困りますね。ほんと、もう…不幸だわ。",
en = "Dear sister, the rainy season is such a nuisance since it damages our equipment! Really, so....unfortunate.",
["Hyuuga"] = {
ja = "この季節はよく雨が降るな。瑞雲の運用に支障が出るのはあまり好ましくないが…",
en = "It rains often during this time of year. It's not very good if it affects the Zuiuns' operations....",
["Nagato"] = {
ja = "陸奥。…なんだ、傘か?…ああ、有り難い。梅雨の雨か…ま、たまにはこんな落ち着いた日も、悪くはないな…",
en = "Mutsu. ....What's this, an umbrella? ....Ah, much appreciated. Rain in the rainy season, huh...? Well, a calm day like this once in a while, isn't bad either....",
["Mutsu"] = {
ja = "あっ長門、出掛けるの?この傘を持っていって。今日は降り続けるわよ、雨。",
en = "Ah, Nagato, are you going out? Bring this umbrella along. It's going to continue all day today. The rain, that is.",
["Littorio"] = {
ja = "何か雨が多いですね最近…。これが日本の、梅雨というものなんですね。勉強になります。",
en = "It's been raining a lot recently.... So, this is what Japan's rainy season is. It's good to know.",
["Roma"] = {
ja = "梅雨…ふーん、これが梅雨か。雨が多いけど、空襲も少ないから、悪くは無いわね。",
en = "The rainy season.... Hmm. So, this is the rainy season. There's a lot of rain, but there's also less air raids, so I guess it's not that bad.",
note = "Roma sunk due to a German air raid.",
["Shouhou"] = {
ja = "梅雨かぁ…この季節は、私が進水した季節でもあり、私が…あっ、いいえ、なんでもないの。大丈夫です…",
en = "The rainy season, huh.... This is also the season in which I was launched, I.... Ah, no, it is nothing. I'm fine.",
note = "Shouhou was launched on June 1st, & was lost on May 7th. Both days are within the usual rainy season.",
["Akagi"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節ですね。また雨…こんな日は「間宮」で息抜きもいいですね、提督。提督?",
en = "It is the rainy season. It is rainy today as well.... On a day like this, taking a break at ‘Mamiya’ sounds nice, too. Right, Admiral. Admiral?",
["Kaga"] = {
ja = "雨?この季節は、なにかあまり好きではないわ。え、赤城さんも?そう…。いえ、なんでもないわ。",
en = "Does it rain? I don't like this season very much. Eh, Akagi-san, too? I see.... Nevermind, it's nothing.",
["Shoukaku"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節ですね。MO作戦の頃を思い出します。あのときもスコールが…ね、瑞鶴。",
en = "It is the rainy season. It reminds me the days of Operation MO. There was a squall then, too.... Right, Zuikaku?",
note = "[[wikipedia:Operation Mo|Operation Mo]] was in May.",
["Zuikaku"] = {
ja = "この季節は嫌だな…なんかーやだ、苦手。翔鶴姉、大丈夫かな。なんか、心配…",
en = "I don't like this season for some reason.... I just can't get along. I wonder if Shoukaku is alright? I'm kinda worried....",
["Akashi"] = {
ja = "梅雨の季節ですね。工廠施設が傷んじゃうなあ…よく整備して、油差しておかないと。",
en = "It is the rainy season. The Arsenal is going to rust.... I should perform a good maintenance on it & oil things.",
["Akitsushima"] = {
ja = "提督、梅雨はちょっと嫌ですね。大艇ちゃんも困ってるかも…てるてる坊主作ろうかな。",
en = "Admiral, the rainy season is a bit unpleasant, isn't it? Taitei-chan might be troubled, too.... I wonder if I should make a teru teru bozu.",