
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Quest/Marriage/2/doc

return {
		label = 'WF01',
		type = 'Factory',
		reqQuest = 'A16',
		title = '式の準備!(その壱)',
		title_en = [=[Prepare for the Ceremony! (Part 1)]=],
		detail_en = [=[''Prepare for the ceremony! Scrap equipment twice at the factory for the preparation!''
*Completion Condition: Scrap equipment 2 times.]=],
		reward_fuel = 88,
		reward_ammo = 88,
		reward_steel = 0,
		reward_bauxite = 0,
		reward_other = [=[{{QuestRewardItem|Development Material}}]=],
		note = [=[]=],
		label = 'WC01',
		type = 'PVP',
		reqQuest = 'WF01',
		title = '式の準備!(その弐)',
		title_en = [=[Prepare for the Ceremony! (Part 2)]=],
		detail_en = [=[''Obtain 2 victories in [[Exercises (PvP)]] in order to sort out feelings for the ceremony!''
*Completion Requirement: 2 [[Exercises (PvP)]] victories during the same day.]=],
		reward_fuel = 0,
		reward_ammo = 0,
		reward_steel = 88,
		reward_bauxite = 88,
		reward_other = [=[{{QuestRewardItem|Development Material}}]=],
		note = [=[]=],
		label = 'WA01',
		type = 'Composition',
		reqQuest = 'WC01',
		title = '式の準備!(その参)',
		title_en = [=[Prepare for the Ceremony! (Part 3)]=],
		detail_en = [=[''Set a highly experienced (Lv90~99) ship girl as the First Fleet flagship and sort out feelings!''
*Completion Requirement: Set a ship between Lv90 and 99 as the first fleet flagship (a.k.a. Secretary Ship).]=],
		reward_fuel = 88,
		reward_ammo = 88,
		reward_steel = 88,
		reward_bauxite = 88,
		reward_other = [=[{{QuestRewardItem|Furniture Box (Large)}}]=],
		note = [=[]=],
		label = 'WB01',
		type = 'Sortie',
		reqQuest = 'WA01',
		title = '式の準備!(最終)',
		title_en = [=[Prepare for the Ceremony! (Final)]=],
		detail_en = [=[''Sortie with a highly experienced First Fleet Flagship, and gain victory in the dawn horizon of the Orel Sea!''
*Completion Condition: Obtain S-rank victory at the boss node of [[World 2#2-3|World 2-3]] with a ship between Lv90 and 99 as the first fleet flagship.]=],
		reward_fuel = 0,
		reward_ammo = 0,
		reward_steel = 0,
		reward_bauxite = 0,
		reward_other = [=[{{QuestRewardItem|Marriage Ring and Documents}}]=],
		note = [=[]=],
		label = 'WA02',
		type = 'Composition',
		reqQuest = 'WB01',
		title = '新たなる旅立ち!',
		title_en = [=[Embark on New Travels!]=],
		detail_en = [=[''Set a ship girl that you've strengthened the bond with (Lv100+) as the First Fleet Flagship and compose a fleet of 6 ships!''
*Completion Condition: Compose a six-ship First Fleet with a Lv100+ flagship.]=],
		reward_fuel = 200,
		reward_ammo = 200,
		reward_steel = 200,
		reward_bauxite = 200,
		reward_other = [=[{{QuestRewardItem|Emergency Repair Personnel}}]=],
		note = [=[]=],
		label = 'WB02',
		type = 'Sortie',
		reqQuest = 'WA02',
		title = '二人でする初めての任務!',
		title_en = [=[First Mission We Do Together!]=],
		detail_en = [=[''Sortie with the First Fleet led by a ship girl that you've strengthened the bond with to Ri Lanka Island and eliminate the enemy core!''
*Completion Condition: Obtain S-rank victory at the boss node of [[World 4#4-3|World 4-3]] with the First Fleet with a level 100+ flagship.]=],
		reward_fuel = 300,
		reward_ammo = 300,
		reward_steel = 300,
		reward_bauxite = 300,
		reward_other = [=[Furniture: ''Futon'']=],
		note = [=[Required by [[#A40|A40]].]=],