Module:Data/Equipment/Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope
< Module:Data | Equipment
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope/doc
return {
_name = "Submarine Radar & Waterproof Telescope",
_id = 210,
_japanese_name = "潜水艦搭載電探&水防式望遠鏡",
_reading = "せんすいかんとうさいでんたん&すいぼうしきぼうえんきょう",
_type = 51,
_icon = 42,
_types = {24, 42, 51, 42, 0},
_rarity = 2,
_back = 3,
_firepower = 1,
_bombing = false,
_torpedo = false,
_aa = 1,
_armor = false,
_asw = false,
_shelling_accuracy = 2,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_evasion = 8,
_los = 4,
_speed = false,
_luck = false,
_range = false,
_special = false,
_scrap_fuel = false,
_scrap_ammo = false,
_scrap_steel = 12,
_scrap_bauxite = 13,
_version = 2,
_info = "潜水艦に搭載する、索敵及び水上偵察用装備です。<br>艦橋上部に集中装備する多数の優れた水防式望遠鏡と水上電探及び対空電探群によって、脅威の早期発見に努めます。",
_info_en = "Equipment that is mounted on submarines and used to search for enemies as well as to conduct surface reconnaissance.<br>Several excellent water-resistant telescopes that are primarily mounted on top of the bridge, surface radars and anti-air radars are used for attempts at early detection of threats or targets.",
_buildable = true,
_improvements = {
_ammo = 90,
_bauxite = 70,
_fuel = 80,
_products = {
[false] = {
["0"] = {
_development_material = 20,
_development_material_x = 24,
_equipment = {
["Type 22 Surface Radar"] = 2,
_improvement_material = 7,
_improvement_material_x = 9,
["6"] = {
_development_material = 30,
_development_material_x = 40,
_equipment = {
["Skilled Lookouts"] = 1,
_improvement_material = 8,
_improvement_material_x = 10,
_ships = {
["I-401/Kai"] = {
Friday = false,
Monday = true,
Saturday = false,
Sunday = false,
Thursday = true,
Tuesday = true,
Wednesday = true,
_steel = 100,