< Module:Data | Equipment
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/F6F-3N/doc
return {
_name = "F6F-3N",
_localized_name = "Grumman F6F-3N Hellcat",
_id = 254,
_japanese_name = "F6F-3N",
_reading = "F6F-3N",
_type = 6,
_icon = 45,
_types = {3, 5, 6, 45, 21},
_rarity = 4,
_firepower = false,
_bombing = false,
_torpedo = false,
_aa = 8,
_armor = false,
_asw = 4,
_shelling_accuracy = 2,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_evasion = 3,
_los = 2,
_speed = false,
_luck = false,
_range = false,
_flight_cost = 9,
_flight_range = 5,
_special = false,
_scrap_fuel = 2,
_scrap_ammo = 3,
_scrap_steel = false,
_scrap_bauxite = 5,
_info = "大戦初期の太平洋上で零戦としのぎを削った艦上戦闘機F4Fシリーズの後継機、大出力エンジンを装備した強力な主力艦上戦闘機F6Fシリーズ初期型の夜戦タイプです。<br>主翼下に機上レーダーを装備し、夜間の作戦行動を可能とした夜間戦闘機型艦載機です。",
_info_en = "The successor of the carrier-based F4F fighter aircraft series that competed with the Zero Fighter at the start of the war. This is the night battle version of the initial model in the powerful carrier-based F6F fighter aircraft series that was equipped with a high-powered engine.<br>It is a fighter aircraft that was able to operate at night due to airborne radars installed under its main wings.",
_wikipedia = "Grumman F6F Hellcat",
_buildable = false,
_improvements = false,