Module:Data/Equipment/35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 2

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 2/doc

return {
  _name = "35.6cm Twin Gun Mount Kai 2",
  _id = 329,
  _japanese_name = "35.6cm連装砲改二",
  _reading = "35.6センチれんそうほうかいに",
  _type = 3,
  _icon = 3,
  _types = {1, 1, 3, 3, 0},
  _rarity = 4,
  _firepower = 17,
  _bombing = false,
  _torpedo = false,
  _aa = 5,
  _armor = 2,
  _asw = false,
  _shelling_accuracy = 5,
  _torpedo_accuracy = false,
  _evasion = 2,
  _los = false,
  _speed = false,
  _luck = false,
  _range = 3,
  _special = false,
  _scrap_fuel = false,
  _scrap_ammo = 11,
  _scrap_steel = 18,
  _scrap_bauxite = 5,
  _info = "「金剛」型建造時期に英国に発注され、「伊勢」型までの標準的な戦艦主砲兵装として運用された大口径主砲、そのさらなる改良砲if後期型です。<br>射撃速度向上に高精度の測距儀、さらに対空防備も充実。<br>各種戦訓を採り入れ、運用性は大きく向上、改「金剛」型高速戦艦による運用で、その真価を発揮します!",
  _info_en = "A what-if late-model upgrade of the large-caliber main gun that was ordered from the British for the construction of the \"Kongou-class\" and used up to the \"Ise-class\".<br>It has an increased firing rate, a high-precision rangefinder, and improved anti-air defenses.<br>Lessons learned in combat have been incorporated into this to greatly increase its operability.<br>Its true power will be realized by equipping it on the \"Kai Kongou-class\" fast battleships.",
  _wikipedia = "Vickers 14 inch/45 naval gun",
  _gun_fit_group = "35.6 cm",
  _buildable = false,
  _improvements = true,